Chapter 10 - Black Agent

Section Three

Ghoul Investigators Headquarters (GIH)

Nicole's eyes were fixed on the target. She gave eager shooting to it, she always played target with her dad on several games, the real one wasn't any different to her. She reloaded her gun about the shooting.

"Miss Jose" an agent came towards her, she turned.

"The Captain will like to see you," she said.

Nicole turned back to the target giving it one shot to the head.


"Tell me Seth what do you think about the agency," Barbra said amused leaning on her chair. She watches the red hooded boy playing chess by himself, he was seated on the floor in a meditative position.

"I haven't met him," Seth said striking a pawn.

"Oh you will soon," she said certain, she was counting on it, what Steve told her kept chilling her bones but she had to compose herself to find him. Seth strikes another pawn raising his head to face her.

"What do you have in mind?" Seth asked smirking, Barbra smiled, that moment the door slide open as Chase walked in, Seth turned slightly as Chase walked towards them.

"Chase it's nice of you to be here," Barbra said amused.

"You called Captain" he shrugs, his eyes drifted to Seth, his eyes back to his chess. 'How is this kid possibly the Ghoul killer'. Chase thought. The doors slide open distracting him, Nicole walked in.

"Nicole you're here," Barbra said.

"Yes, you called" she shrugged.

"As a matter of fact I did," Barbra said her eyes drifting back and forth between the two.

"Chase am sure you know Nicole Jose" she adds.

"Yeah the last name sought of implies it," Chase said.

Nicole's eyes drifted to him.

"Yes, and she will be joining the agency. I want you to teach her everything you know" Barbra said.

"Think of her as your student" she adds.

"I thought we were meant to be on the trail with the black ghoul. But now you're making me a teacher?" Chase said not liking the idea. Nicole rolled her eyes at his reply.

"As we all know the black ghoul haven't been located for weeks now" Barbra noted. Chase sighed.

"Just do what I assigned you to do, I assure you Nicole is a fast learner" she adds.

"Well, I just hoped she knows how to kill ghoul since she's dating one. The black ghoul is her boyfriend" he noted.

"Ex-boyfriend" Nicole corrected sternly. He turned to her.

"I don't care, hope you can keep up," Chase said, Nicole sighed.

"Am tougher than I look" she said turning to leave, Chase was about to too.

Seth rotated his king, his finger pushing the pawn off the chessboard to the front of Chase one foot he brought out. Chase's eyes landed on the king piece near his shoe, he blinked turning to Seth.

"Could you get that for me, must have slipped" Seth said amused, Chase's eyes were fixed on him. 'What's he playing at?'. That was Chase thought as he reaches for the king pawn, he walked towards Seth and handed it to him, Seth smiled taking it swiftly. Chase walked out.

"What was that about?" Barbra asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing" he shrugged but Barbra knew he was up to something, she leaned on her chair and tapped on a file.

"When you're done I want you to cover this file, it contains information on Liam and Jenna O'Brien," Barbra said.

"After one game," Seth said tapping on his chessboard.


Nicole gasped as Chase rotated her and landed her on the foam ground. She groaned. They were both in the training room.

"You said you could keep up," Chase said giving her a hand.

Nicole didn't take it. She rose to her feet, getting in a fighting stance.

"I heard you lost a partner," Nicole said coming at Chase.

"It's none of your business," Chase said blocking her attacks swiftly.

"You're not the only one who has lost something," she said aiming a punch to his face but he caught it in mid-air.

"Concentrate," he said pushing her backward.

She took harsh breaths trying to regain her strength they had been training for hours.

"So why does a rich woman like you want to become an agent?" Chase asked.

"Because my ex-boyfriend killed my dad" she hissed coming at him fiercely.

Seth walked out of the agency, his eyes scanning the streets of New York, putting on his earplugs, loud music played it gave him the intense beat he needed, he placed his hands in his sweater pocket. He walked into the streets.

He walked on the pedestrian lane with another crowd, he went backward on his sneakers like he was dancing. He closed his eyes remembering the past footage he watch of Liam when he disappeared with no trace. He opened his eyes, sliding more backward, he spins around. Anyone who saw him would think he was nuts as he went back and forth the place countless. Seth smiled to himself, walking further.


A few Hours Later

Section Two

He got to section two analyzing the place, he smiled his eyes scanning the whole area of the section.

"So that's the trick" he nodded to himself.


Section One

Ghoul Underground

Evan watched with shaky eyes the footage of Liam's Ghost attack from his laptop, it wasn't clear the image was all fuzzy but he could make out everything, he had never seen anything like this before, it was terrifying. He gasps when his laptop shut and met with Riley.

"What are you doing Evan? You should be monitoring the agents and looking for Liam" she said, he swallowed.

"I was but then I saw the footage," he said, Riley looked away.

"It's been weeks Riley, Liam is nowhere to be seen anywhere in the section he's like a freaking-"

"-ghost" Riley finished the words for him. He swallowed hard.

"He's the black ghoul right from the start, not Jenna, don't you think it's strange" Evan reasoned.

"Jenna didn't deserve to be killed or be devoured by her own brother" he noted.

Riley swallowed hard reliving the incident.

"The Order has taken over the agency Riley, the Order means Ghoul killer" the moment he said that her eyes drifted to him. They have only heard of the Ghoul killer, no one knew what he looks like but they knew his deadly record.

"Let's hope that will never happen," she said sternly.


Section Two

Seth walked into the cafè as the doorbell went off, he swiftly took his seat removing his hood. A waitress came to him.

"Hi welcome to our Drink's & Dine. What can I get you?" the girl asked smiling. Seth smirked placing his elbow on the table, his hand on his chin.

"Truth be told, am not here for the coffee," he said amused. She blinked puzzled.

"But I will have coffee, I just want some answers" he shrugged.

"Okay? What answers?" she asked puzzled.

"Any particular customer on the black hood" he raised an eyebrow. She chuckled.

"Well we do have a lot of costumer around here am no--"

"Particular customer" he cut her off slowly. She was about to protest but Seth slides the badge on the table only for her to see. She froze seeing he was a G.I agent. 'He's so young she thought looking sideways trying to remember.

"Well there is one, he actually sat the same place you are now, he has been here like twice or so," she said.


"Yeah some girl with blond hair if am right" she shrugged.

"Peach brown eyes maybe?".

"Yeah peach brown eyes". She nodded. Seth smiled.

"Thank you for your time, I will like that coffee now," he said amused. She nodded leaving.

"Nicole, Nicole," he said ticking his tongue.


Hours Later

Ghoul Investigator Headquarters (GIH)

Nicole got out of the agency exhausted from all the training, Chase was really a tough man to deal with and she hated his guts, she wouldn't blame him though, the same guy she dated was the same one that killed his partner in cold blood.

She searched her bag for her car keys and found it, she raised her head and gasp, Seth was seated on the roof of her car in a meditative position smiling.

"What the fuck are you doing on my car!" Nicole demanded pissed.

"Language," Seth said in a sing-tone voice, she walked closer.

"You didn't answer my question," she said sternly.

"Tell me, Nicole, you helped the black ghoul didn't you," he said. Nicole froze, he ticks his tongue.

"You should have shared all information before you turned against him, what else are you hiding".

"Yes I did help him but that was before I knew he was the black ghoul," Nicole said sternly.

Seth nodding getting her point.

"Understandable" Seth said rubbing his chin.

"So now please will you get off my car!" she hissed, Seth smiled sliding through the front and got down.

"Good talk, see you at work tomorrow," Seth said plugging in his earpiece, hands in his pocket walking away.

'Just in a day, he is able to gain this much information. Nicole thought with shaky eyes. 'Who is this kid?'.


Section One

Ghoul Underground

Evan's hands typed in speed, his computer displayed images of all the footage of today, he checks all sections hoping to see Liam, he groaned rubbing his eye but then he caught something. He blinked going back to the footage of the section two hours ago. He froze when he saw a boy about his age on a red hood staring at him smirking. Evan was left stiff on his seat, it was like the boy knew he was watching.

"Whoa!" Evan exclaimed shivered at the stare, he quickly removed the footage taking a deep breath of relief. 'That was definitely not normal'.. He thought shivering again.

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