Chapter 9 - Black Ghoul

Section Thirteen

Steel Prison

Barbra was lead along the halls by a soldier, her heels echoed in the wide long lobby they got to a wall and it opened showing highly classified security.

"Kill the soldiers that were with you on the roof," Barbra said a stern, the man's eyes widen.

"I hope you do that Colonel Jackson," she said. He swallowed.

"Yes, ma'am".

Barbra typed a password, did an eye scan, and then a hand scan until the wall went up showing more steel doors that opened repeatedly into a further distance. She smirked walking inside, another sliding door open, it showed a wide room with only one light on the ceiling, a chair at the center in front of a wide glass holding something in, she took her seat swiftly crossing her leg.

The light came in and a shadow of a being was revealed at the other end where the glass was separating them.

"Hello Dr. O'Brien," Barbra said amused, inside seated he slowly raised his head, steel around it tightly, his black eyes met with her blue ones.

"It's been a while" she adds smirking.

"Barbra Jones. To what do I own this generous visit" Steve said amused.

She smirked.

"Answers Steve. Answers" she said clearly, Steve leaned on his chair.

"Am afraid there is nothing I can do for you" he shrugged. She ticks her tongue.

"I knew you would say that," she said. His smile faded as she raised a picture of Jenna and her Claw at the other side.

"Your daughter will be captured at this rate or worse killed" she noted. Steve shook his head negatively.

"I wouldn't do that" he pointed out.

"You have no idea what you're about to unleash to the world" he adds.

Barbra blinked.

"What do you... mean?" she said slowly.

Steve sighed, his hands feasted on his face.

"You better start talking" she warned.

"You have it all wrong Barbra," he said raising his head.

"Jenna isn't the black ghoul, Liam is" he adds, Barbra, froze.

"What are you talking about Steve, Liam is human," she said certain, Steve leaned on his chair.

"You succeed didn't you" she began.

"In destroying the ghoul genes" she adds.

"The black ghoul is beyond anything we have ever since" he began.

"I knew that the moment Liam was born".


Nineteen Years Ago

The Year 2001

"Honey, I have to rush to the store, watch Liam okay?" Chloe said pecking Steve on the cheek, he nodded, he was buried in his research.

'I had to find a way to destroy the genes, so I searched'

"Alright," Steve said as he watches Chloe exit the house. His eyes drifted to his laptop as he texted Allen on the daily progress. He resumed back to his research, he was focused on the history of Lucas Carter O'Brien.

'I knew the black ghoul was powerful and wielding such power was a risk. But Liam. Liam was different'

*Sounds Of Childlike Laughter*

Steve's head automatically turned when he heard the laugh, he blinked, he was sure Liam was alone playing in his room.

"Liam?" he called but no answer as the laughter continued. Steve removed his glasses and walked towards Liam's room slowly.

"Liam?" he called again as he slowly opened his room door, his eyes landed on Liam, he was on the floor playing with a toy.

"Here," he said raising it.

"Like this one?" he laughed showing it to someone. Steve shaky eyes watch his son talking to who knows who, haste he barged in. Liam turned.

"Daddy" he smiled, Steve's eyes slowly followed where he was pointing at. Steve gasped leaning on the wall in fear when he saw a shadow figure of something hunching in the wall, a wide smirk was present on its lips.

'It was impossible, ghouls manifest their powers at age 5 except Liam. Ghost has been with Liam since the very day he was born. I had to find answers, so I searched until'

Steve's hands were frozen when he saw something in Liam's blood cell, his eyes shaking.

'Ghost was consuming Liam's body gradually and the only way to stop it was--'


Present Day

Steve was lost for words as the tears fell slightly.

"Was what?" Barbra demanded.

"Steve what did you do" she hissed. His eyes met hers.

"The only way for Liam to survive was to improve his ghoul genes," Steve said. Her eyes widen.

"No no, do you have any idea what you have done" she hissed.

"Liam was dying, at a young as he became close to Ghost, Their bond was strong, I had to do it," he said.

"I had to make Liam stronger to keep him from dying without knowing I was making Ghost even more powerful than all the previous black ghouls," he said shakily.

Barbra was frozen as she heard the shocking story.

"Ghost became more aggressive and Liam was too young to control it, so I created Jenna". Barbra's head shot up at the sound of that.


"Jenna was conceived normally but she was meant to be born to wield half of Liam's genes, making Liam temporary human but it became permanent," he said.


"Jenna dies," Barbra said in realization rising to her feet, she brought out her phone quickly dialing a number.

"Pick up" she hissed dialing Xavier's line once more but no luck.

"What happens when Jenna dies" she demanded.

"If Jenna dies, Ghost will resurface. It's at a slim possibility Liam can control it, it's like Ghost has a mind of his own" Steve said trembling, Barbra turned to Steve.

"You have no idea what you're about to unleash to the world," he said those words again, this time it was Barbra who was left paralyzed.


Section Five


Liam watched as his sister slowly fell to the ground, she bleeds out none stop. Liam was left paralyzed at the sight.

"Jen," he said shakily as the tears fell out of his eye nonstop, he slowly moved one leg but found himself on the ground. The tears fell as Liam dragged his body to crawl to her, he needed to reach her, to talk with her, tell her everything will be alright, tell her he would protect her no matter what.

Xavier who shot the arrow watched along with Chase and Max and the other agents, all watching the scene.

Riley ran out of the forest and stood beside her Claw that reversed inside her, she froze when she saw the scene, she slowly walks close but halted in shock when she saw the state Jenna was in, Liam trying to reach her, her eyes drifted to the chopper on fire, she remembered when she ordered her Claw to take it down, she weakens.

"Claw, what have you done," she said shakily.

Liam growled in pain as kept trying to reach her, he got closer, his hands slippery from her endless flow of blood on the ground, he forced his body up and held her, his body trembled as he stared at her calm face, her eyes shut.

"No Jen no, please... please don't do this to me" Liam cried holding her close, begging, hoping she would wake up but she didn't budge. Her body felt cold, she was gone, Liam felt his heart tearing apart.

"Jen" he kept calling her name.

"JEN" he cried holding her lifeless body.

Xavier placed his crossbow down, he turned to an agent.

"Get her," he said sternly.

"The body might serve for something later," he said, the agent nodded. He felt his pocket vibrate he brought out his phone and saw thirteen mixed calls from Barbra, he blinked as another call entered. He picked it.

"Xavier does not kill Jenna you hear me!" she shouted from the phone, Xavier smiled.

"Why? she's already dead" he said amused.

"Hello?" he said but it was like the call ended, he stared at his phone puzzled, he shrugged.

"Get the body" Xavier motioned to two agents, they nodded walking towards Liam.

Liam cried closing his eyes. Like a sound of a heartbeat he saw a shadow smirking at him in his consciousness. Liam shakes hugging her face to his chest in a tight embrace. The image kept coming and coming, his head kept cracking like he was losing it, he definitely was. His teeth clenched his fist tighten around her in pain.

"Liam" Riley finally found the words, watching his pain, something was off and she knew it.

The agents came close but froze when they saw something like black veins creeping up Liam's hands up to his whole body. One turned to Xavier.

"Sir I think--".

They froze when Liam shouted in pain. They moved back in fear. Liam didn't know where the pain was coming from, it was like something was about to come out of him like a bomb.

The pain was agonizing like hell, Liam let go of Jenna's body holding his head like he was going crazy, the black vein creped to his face where his burnt mark was, it steamed and burnt off regenerating like it wasn't even there to begin with. Liam shouted as his body vibrated, phasing his body and a black shadow like he was being shocked, his shouts vibrated and cracked also, he raised his head holding it in pain, his eyes flashed open as they shook, the black vein creped into his eyes, the white socket of his eyes went all black with black veins at the edge of each eye. His main eyes turned shiny gold like it was moving with a hint of black doth in them. 'Jen'. Liam thought, he growled placing his hand on the cold floor as something surge out of his back, it caused him unbearable pain.

The agents watch this in shock, Some of them were unable to move. Xavier's eyes shake. 'What is this?'. He thought frighten.

Riley stood frozen, watching Liam undergo such dreadful pain.


Liam shouted as something came out of his back, first, it was a long extended hand, Liam felt like his body was splitting into two. Then the head and then all parts came out. It was beyond anything they have ever seen, the loud thud sound came as two feet came with the ground, Ghost fully surges out roaring dangerously like a breath of freedom.

Ghost was tall, taller than the other Claws they have ever seen. It was hunching, it was tall and long, skinny, extended arms and leg, bald head, pointy ears, pointy jaw, the being were covered in bandages that were faded out but the eyes could not be seen because it was covered with a bandage-like material it was blind.

Series of long extended sharp pointy rod-like thorns were dangerously embodied at Ghost's back. Ghost smirked widely with a growl. His head slowly turned to Liam. With a loud thud sound he turned standing in front of Liam, his long extended hard reach for Liam's head, and grab it slowly using his long sharp nails to grab his hair careful not to hurt him, he rose Liam's head, Liam's now ghoul's eyes landed on him, Ghost moved his face closer, their face an inch apart. Ghost's faded tongue came out elongated, he made a face like 'long time no see', Ghost's head turned to Jenna's lifeless body, her body slowly cracked like she was breaking, Liam saw this. Ghost leaned as his mouth extended devouring Jenna much to everyone's surprise. Ghost leaned back up standing in front of Liam who was kneeling, Liam's eyes turned to the agent then at Xavier, Ghost smirked sinister waiting for the words it was like he saw through Liam's eyes and then.


Like hell was rising Ghost roared and jumped at them, the agents fired in panic but the bullets fell slat on the ground, none of it penetrated, with a loud thud sound it landed in front of Xavier as Ghost's tongue wave back and forth. Xavier gulped hard, He roared and devoured him whole until there was nothing left but blood. The agents fired at Ghost, it snaps and came at them, tearing them like they were animals.

Max rushed forward shooting at it.

"MAX NO!" Chase shouted as Ghost snap and turned, Max, froze, it smirked like an invitation, waving his extended hand, its nails slit Max's throat. Chase's eyes widen in shock. Max's throat gushed out blood as he fell to the ground lifeless.

"MAX!" he shouted in horror.

"Pull back! Pull back!" the comm sounded loud. Ghost heard that and charged at the reminding agent in a blood bath, only a few escaped with injuries, the rest was left for it to devour.

Ghost walked back to Liam who rose to his feet.

Riley watches all this in a distance unable to move from where she was.

Ghost stood in front of Liam breathing out steam and smirked like the deed was done.


Liam's head turned slightly at the sound of his name, their eyes met, a tear fell from Riley's eye.

"Liam," she said softly, Liam just stood watching her from the side, his eyes were cold no life in them, the life was gone only death, pain, and anguish was in them and it frightens her.

Sean came behind her and dragged her away, Sean said something to her but it was inaudible, her eyes fixed on Liam until she was finally dragged away from sight. It was all her fault if only she didn't bring down the chopper.


Section Thirteen

Steel Prison

Barbra stood immobile as the call she made to an agent cut, they gave her the full news and it weakens her. She turned to Steve who had his head down.

"Is there any stopping it?" she said, Steve was silent.

"Then I will have to take matters into my hand," she said turning to leave. Steve slowly raised his head. She turned to him.

"I will put an end to this," she said, the iron door shut close.


One Week Later

Somewhere In Section Eleven

The Black Lotus

"A week ago, the G.I lost their Captain, Xavier Jose the owner of the agency, also half of the agency were killed in an unexplained event we are yet to uncover, but please stay tuned for more updates".

A man's sky blue eyes were fixed on the screen, he leaned on his chair rubbing his chin in thought. 'The black ghoul, you have finally shown yourself'. He thought a young man walked up behind him.

"What should we do, do you think it's time?" the young man asked.

"Soon," the man said.


The rain poured in all corners of New York City, the skies were dull and gloomy, it was a boring day in the city.

The flag came up and was folded in front of several graves, the agents were under the rain as they buried their colleagues, Chase held Renee close as she cried her heart out. Other agents present saluted as the long-short gun was shot. When everything ended everyone went their separate ways.

Only Nicole was remaining, she stood in the rain holding an umbrella, eyes fixed on her father's grave, tears fell, she had no control over it. A woman walked towards her and stood beside her. Nicole sobbed turning.

"Nicole Jose," the woman said. She nodded sobbing.

"And who are you?" Nicole demanded.

"Am Barbra Jones, the new Captain of the agency" Barbra said smirking, Nicole turned to face her.

"I know after this you would probably have nothing to do with your father's company," she said.

"What happened to my dad and the other agents that night is still classified, why is that?" Nicole demanded.

"I assure you it's best you don't know," Barbra said.

"Try me" Nicole surged on. Barbra smiled.

"Tell me Nicole" Barbra began.

"How much do you know about Liam O'Brien".


Section Four

"You okay?" Chase said turning on the wheel to another block, Renee sobbed shaking her head negatively. They stopped at her house, they got down, Chase help her in, he sat her down at the dining going to get water for her, he sat next to her, pouring the water in a cup. Renee sobbed as she broke into tears.

"If only he would have just waited after the baby none of this would have happened" she cried.

"Why, why did he just die like that, doesn't he know how I would feel after he's gone?" she broke, Chase leaned pulling her in a hug, she placed her head on his chest crying.

"He said everything will be alright, he joined the G.I to stop ghouls and he ended up dead" she cried.

"Why? Why? Why can't they just disappear and leave us alone, why?" she cried painfully, Chase wrapped his arms around her, his eyes drifting to Max's picture on the table, a flash of Liam's Ghost appeared in his head, his teeth clenched.


Section One

Ghoul Underground

Allen stood in front of Riley's room door, he knocked slightly but no answer, ever since that day, she was locked up in her room, Allen heard everything from the others, he couldn't believe what he heard, Liam was the black ghoul, confusion flood his face, he knew all too well that he and Steve walked so hard to suppress the ghoul genes but now he was beginning to doubt their work.

Allen click the door open, walking in, Riley was seated on her bed watching the window, he sighed walking towards her, he sat beside her, she didn't make any move.

"Hey," Allen said rubbing her shoulder, she turned slightly to him.

"Are you okay?" he said worriedly. Riley swallowed.

"I have never been so scared in my life," Riley said lost reliving the moment.

"When his Claw came out it was like death, it was so horrible" she shook slightly, she faced him.

"He devoured his own sister," she said with shaky eyes, Allen swallowed.

"If only I didn't bring down that chopper," she said sternly.

"Riley we have talked about this, it wasn't your fault, blaming yourself won't help," Allen said certainly. Her eyes drifted to him.

"What is he dad?".

"The black ghoul".

"How is that even possible, Jenna is the black ghoul, not Liam," Riley said still finding it hard to believe.

"I don't understand dad I thought you said his father destroyed the ghoul genes in him and we checked his blood, he was hundred percent human and now" she trailed off confused.

"Am also confused Riley, something must have gone off during the research am sure of it" Allen said certainly.

"Really dad?" Riley scoffed.

"What makes you so sure that the research was only about destroying ghoul genes," Riley said sternly.

"I don't know Riley, Steve succeeded, Jenna's death must have triggered something. Sean and I will look into his research once more and see what I can find" Allen said sternly.

"Until then we have to find Liam". On hearing that Riley turned to her father with shaky eyes.

"Yes, Riley we have to find him".


Jose Estate

Nicole's body was practically shaking, when Barbra told her everything, she was left stun, she held out a picture of Liam and her smiling brightly.

'Liam is the black ghoul, he's the one who killed your father'.

Barbra's words rang in her head.

'Together we can bring him down before he hurts anyone else'.

Her look darken, she lit the lighter she was holding and set it on fire, she watches as the side Liam was in burnt off. 'Why did you do such a thing, Liam'. She thought. 'You will regret it, even if it's the last thing I do'.


Section Three

Ghoul Investigators Headquarters (GIH)

Chase with other agents walked into the wide hall they were all summoned and took their seats.

"I wonder why they called us after a whole week without service," a man sitting beside Chase said.

"I don't know maybe it's to announce the new Captain," another said, Chase's eyes drifted to them, His eyes caught someone in a distance seated in another congregation, he knew that was Nicole Jose the moment he saw her, daughter of their previous Captain. He wondered what she was doing here.

The lights in the high stance came up gaining their attention. Heels sounded as a woman stepped forward, Chase recognizes the woman, it was the same person that walked past him when he had that strange feeling.

Men dressed in white clothing with white cloth jackets walked forward and stood in front. Whispers filled the hall.

"Hello agents, my name is Barbra Jones head and owner of the Order, starting from today we will be taking over the G.I agency," she said, everyone looked at each other in whispers.

"The Order?".

"Who are they?".

"I have never heard of them".

"The Order is a secret agency, they have been the first hunters of ghouls before the G.I, it was none other than us who sponsored this agency" she noted, everywhere fell silent, she smirked.

"As your previous Captain is dead is only neutral I take over, starting from today the Order will join forces with the G.I agents. My agents will show you the real deal of hunting ghouls with our weapons, I suppose we will get along well" she said.

"And" she began.

"I will like to introduce our best agent in the Order".

"The Ghoul killer," she said. Whispers filled everywhere. Even if they haven't heard of the Order before they heard stories of the Ghoul killer, the person was an agent who worked underground hunting ghoul, he had the highest record of ghoul killings mostly imprisonment.

"As we all know the black ghoul is still on the loose she said. Their expressions darken.

"Yes, that is the biggest threat we have ever encounter. We will need the Ghoul killer present in capturing the black ghoul" she adds.

Everyone waited in anticipation, Chase wondered what kind of person the Ghoul killer was to get the crowd in a stir, and then he came forward. They froze, it was a boy at the age of 16. He had dark hair, dim green eyes that were dull, he was dressed casually, his red hooded sweater up, hands in his sweater pocket, he smirked when he saw their surprised stare.

"What is this?!".

"Is this a joke?!".

"He's just a kid for crying out loud"

"Is this really the ghoul killer?!"

Protest sounded in the hall, Chase eyes never left him, There was something odd about him he couldn't place. But he knew one thing, this agency called the Order was out of their mind to think a kid could kill ghouls, what they heard was definitely a rumor.

Barbra smirked.


Somewhere In Section Four

In an uncompleted building probably left abandoned, deep inside in a wide room, with a wide window that was close to a building that had the TV on it, it showed the news of the change of Captain in the agency.

Liam's dark brown eyes were fixed on it, he was seated on the floor, his back leaned on the wall, one of his knees up, one of his hand rested on it. Ghost stood near the window watching the news also, he smirked when they showed something on the black ghoul and their main objective was to capture it but they didn't show Liam's picture. Ghost turned to Liam his head tilting to the side, with a deep growl.

Liam closed his eyes holding his head. An image of Jenna's lifeless body appeared in his head. The anger boiled more. 'Let them come'. He thought darkly. 'I will be ready'.

He flashed his ghoul eyes open.

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