Chapter 117 - Black Encounter

Lorna's eyes trembled at Jesse's words, she gulps hard.

"I didn't know you had a brother," Lorna said, guilt feeling her insides.

"Well, there's nothing much to talk about since he's... Dead" she said as her shoulders drop in a weak motion, her eyes wistful of memories.

Lorna placed a hand on her shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze in comfort.

"It's okay" 

She faced Lorna.

"That's why Lorna, no matter what he does, it doesn't change what he did, he's a monster" she spats. 

Lorna gulps hard at her words, looking away not wanting to meet her gaze.

"Sorry about that, now I spoiled the mood," Jesse said forcing a smile.

"Not at all... It's just" Lorna sighs.

"It's tough".

"The job is tough Lorna" Jesse finished for her, she smiled.

"And there goes our handsome boss," Jesse said amused watching Chase walk into the hall.

"Shit" Lorna cursed using a file to cover her face.

Chase's eyes caught her action, he smiled walking up to his office.

"Okay, what was that about?" Jesse asked deviously, knowing something was up.

"Um, nothing... Is he gone yet?" she asked biting her bottom lip.

"Yes, he is," Jesse said snatching the paper away from her, giving her a serious look but had a certain humor to it.

"Now talk"

Lorna sighs as her shoulders fell.

"Well remember the day of the train accident?"

"Yes, how could I forget, it's just three days ago" she shrugs.


"Come on Lorna quit stalling!"

"I'm not... Okay, he drove me home, and then he..."

"He what?"

"He kissed me okay"

Jesse's mouth dropped in awe.

"What the fuck, that scarecrow?"

"Yes, that was what I thought," Lorna said rolling her eyes.

Jesse smirked.

"So" she cleared her throat.

"Did you kiss him back?"


Her sudden outburst made everyone turn in their direction, Lorna mentally cursed herself for being loud.

"Whoa whoa... I get it okay, you didn't kiss him back" Jesse whispered to Lorna.

"Okay back to work, it's just gossip!" Jesse said to everyone in a high-pitched voice as they resumed their activities.

Lorna groaned rubbing her temples.

"Okay, I see you did not like the fact he kissed you," Jesse said certainly.

"Of course I don't, I mean he's my boss, it's kind of weird"

"Lorna, this is New York, literally anyone dates their boss" she shrugs.

"Of course I know that but I'm..." she sighs.

"I'm not into him, he went as far as saying he's gonna wait, I mean who say things like that".

"Wow, I did not expect those words from our scarecrow boss, but it's evident Lorna, he's really into you".

Lorna froze at her words, knowing everything she said was true.

"But you're not into him because there's someone else," Jesse said.

Lorna just gave a slight nod.

"It's that guy right? You one you aren't so sure of, the one with the commitment issues".

Lorna nods.

"Fucked him yet?"

"Jesus Jess, you're so straight forward," Lorna said as her cheeks taints red.

"So you have then, judging from your expression," she said smirking deviously.

Lorna just rolled her eyes.

"Hope you used protection, cause I don't wanna hear my partner is a single mom, that news is nerve-racking," she said sarcastically.

"Ugh yes Jess, yes I'm on birth control"

"Phew... Well, Lorna, you must be into this guy, that I don't even know his name, what's his name? cause I'm sure as hell wanna know who my partner is dating" she shrugs.

Lorna gulps hard.

"His name is Um... " she trailed off.

"Wait was it a one-night stand?"

"Yes, exactly that's what it was, didn't get the chance to get his name or anything," Lorna said nervously.

"Wow! No wonder you're so worked up" Jesse said with a thoughtful face.

Lorna just put on a fake smile nodding, secretly praying, and hoping she caught her white lie.


Section Six 

Lorna's Residence 

The elevator made a ding sound as the door slide open.

Lorna walks towards her door exhausted, a meow sound came in, it was Melly the cute white cat strolling the hallway.

"Hey Melly," Lorna said smiling sweetly, he just turned running to the door, using his small space to jump inside.

"Meanie," Lorna said with a pouting face, she was never that good with cats, using her wrist band to open her door, it shut behind making a clicking sound, the moment she steps in she felt cold, she was sure she locked the windows.

She froze as her eyes widen in realization, someone was in the house.

"Liam," she said as her heart flutter just by saying his name, she missed him, she was worried, she longed to see those piercing chocolate eyes of his again, his mood swings, his cold and warm glamour that always made her seem she was solving a puzzle to understand him better and more, his scent, a woody, and forest scent she found unique, she wanted to feel him, her mind racing just by the thought of it.

She rushed to her room and just like she thought, the glass doors were wide open, a smile found her lips as she rushed to the balcony.


Iris turns at the sound of her voice, wearing a stern look.

Lorna froze seeing someone else other than Liam, she blinks realizing she was the same woman she saw at the club, the ghoul. Her smile slowly fades as disappointment flushed through her. Why was this ghoul invading her home? She had to keep her guard up.

"So this is where he spends most of his time in," Iris said sternly, her eyes observing then lands on her.

Did she know Liam?

"Who are you and what do you want, I'm pretty sure you know you're in the home of an agent," Lorna said sternly.

A ghost smile found her lips.

"So now a ghoul is invading huh? But he's the one coming here to see you" she said taking steps closer to Lorna.

She instinctively drew back at her action.

"Every night, just the two of you alone," she said in distaste halting, as did Lorna.

She gulps.

"I believe I asked a question," Lorna said through gritted teeth.

"Trust me I wouldn't be here if it wants for Liam," she said with sad eyes.

Worried flushed Lorna's features.

"He needs you," she said with wistful eyes.

"Liam's dying".

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