Chapter 118 - Black Tears

Lorna's heart beats rapidly, she could only feel the movement of the car her vision all blank.

"Where are you taking me?" Lorna demands trying to free her hands-free from the restraints, her hands were tired to her back, a black veil covered her eyes.

"You know where I'm taking you, you're an agent I can't risk letting you know our location" Iris's voice came in.

"The Silver-lining" Lorna said in realization.

"Yes," Iris said pulling her foot down on the gear, increasing the speed of the car.

Lorna could only seat quietly, as fear, worry, and confusion flushed her features.

"What if you're leading me to my death, you obviously don't like me," Lorna said gulping hard.

Iris huffed.

"I don't have time to get rid of an insignificant being" she states making a harsh turn, due to it Lorna slammed her head on the window glass.

Lorna growled.

"Well drive responsibly" she snaps.

Iris just rolled her eyes as she stops abruptly making Lorna slam her head at the front.

"Seriously?" she hissed getting real pissed.

"We're here" Iris shrugs stepping out.

"Well you should have just said so" Lorna murmured under her breath.

She heard the door to her side open as Iris dragged her out.

"What's your deal, were you trained by animals?"

"Jesus you have a mouth, shut up or I will reconsider, my claw is fucking hungry" she snaps. 

Lorna shut her mouth giving in to her warning, she didn't wanna be Claw food yet.

She lead her inside the Silver-lining manor, even though she wasn't seeing, she was sure as hell this place was big, it felt spontaneous.

"Iris" she heard a voice.

"You brought her?" Rory said sternly.

"I had no choice".

"I thought we agreed he was gonna go peacefully if Sean doesn't find a cure!"

Lorna froze at his words, then it was true then, Liam was dying, her body shakes, her palms sweaty, she found it hard to breathe, what happened? Why was he in such a state? Was it because of the Train incident? Did he push his body that far?

"I had to do something, Rory, I can't watch him suffer, we don't know what's happening to him, it's something he can't figure out," Iris said in tears.

This lady must really care for him, what was she to Liam, but Lorna turned a blind eye to it, she was more worried about the state Liam was in.

"He keeps calling her name Rory, I have a feeling she has to be there, I tried to be there for him but it only seems like he's in more pain," she said in a shaky voice.

"Hey hey Iris," Rory said placing both hands on her shoulder.

Lorna hadn't realized he was close until now. 

"It's okay, alright, I will talk to the others, just.." he sighs.

"Don't let the rest of the ghouls find out she's here" he adds in a serious tone.

Iris nods sobbing.

"I will take her to Liam, just go and take some rest, you haven't slept for days".

"No Rory I can't"

"Iris, go to your room" he orders.

She nods cleaning her tears as she let go of Lorna walking away, the tears falling.


"Is he really dying?" Lorna said on the verge of tears, her heart felt like it was breaking into a million pieces.

"Yes," his voice was short and simple.

The tears rolled down her cheeks, wetting the veil covering her eyes.

"You really look like her" he adds.

Lorna gulps knowing who he was talking about.

"What was she like?" Lorna began, wanting so badly to distract herself because she felt like her body would give out or her heart might stop beating.

"She was so many things, kinda like a leader like Liam, strong, bold, daring, she was a very wonderful lady"

That sounds nothing like her, she wasn't a leader, she was always chickened out or nervous about things, Riley must have really been an amazing woman, to get him talking about her like he adored her.

"She was a lot of things"

They came to a halt.

"I don't know what you did to him," he said like he was amazed.

"Iris might just be right" he states as the door opened, he removed her restraint.

"Take off the veil after going in" he orders stepping away.

Lorna just nods doing as she was told, stepping in, she heard the door shut behind her, locking.

She slowly removed her veil, meeting with a dark environment, her eyes adjusting to the darkness.

"Liam?" she said in a shaky breath as she slowly descend the stairs, the only source of light was the moon, everything was pitch black but she knew the house was well furnished.

*Loud Crash Sound*

She jumps gasping at the loud sound, her head turning towards the direction.


Then an inhuman loud growl sound came in, that was him alright. She rushed in panic to the sound direction, her heart slamming rapidly in her chest.

She rushed to a wide room the size of her apartment, the front made of glass showing the woods, the moon reflecting but that wasn't her concern but the broken hospital equipment on the floor, the monitor machine, the drip, the mouth breather. And then Liam on the floor, struggling to breathe, shirtless just on loose sweat pants, his body embodied in black veins, his skin pale like a blank paper.

"LIAM" Lorna shouts in horror rushing to his side, grabbing him, God, he was so heavy, she could only turn him and place his head on her lap.

"Liam," she said in tears, beams of sweat against his features but he was cold like ice, his eyes shut close in pain.

Her eyes drift to his chest, a black vein collided there like a black hole.

"What happened to you," she said in tears.


She froze at the name he called.

"No, it's me, Lorna"

He opened his eyes forcing his body to seat up, he leans close cupping her cheeks with his cold palms. His eyes had black bags under them.

"Riley," he said once more with sad eyes.

"Babe it's really you," he said in joy as the tears fell.

Lorna's lips went apart not knowing what to say, what struck her the most was the tears, he was crying, he seemed lost, but Iris said he has been calling her name but the realization struck her, he has been calling for Riley, not her.

She placed a hand on his against her cheeks, doing the only thing she thought was right at this moment, for his sake.

"Yes, it's Riley".

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