Chapter 119 - Black Healer

"Babe it's really you," he said in joy as the tears fell.

Lorna's lips went apart not knowing what to say, what struck her the most was the tears, he was crying, he seemed lost, but Iris said he has been calling her name but the realization struck her, he has been calling for Riley, not her.

She placed a hand on his against her cheeks, doing the only thing she thought was right at this moment, for his sake.

"Yes, it's Riley" Lorna mouths those words that made her heart sink, but made a smile forms on Liam lips, she was doing it for him, she had no choice.

"It's Riley" she adds forcing a smile.

"My Riley" Liam said placing his forehead on hers, stroking her cheeks lovingly, with his thumb.

Tears filled Lorna's eyes as they wet her cheeks instantly.

"I have missed you so much" he said as a tear fell from one of his eye.

Lorna just nods sobbing, unable to contain the pain in her chest. She placed a hand on his chest.

"You have to get better" she said inbetween sobs.

"You can't die like this, I can't lose you" she cried.

"Liam" she cried hugging him tightly, wrapping her arms around his tightly not ready to let go as she cried her heart out, never in her life have she ever felt this way before, ever since her parents and now right now, she was on the verge of losing someone she loved and cared about beyond anything, she can't lose him too.

"Please" she sobs.


At the sound of the name that wasn't hers, she broke the hug, staring into his dull chocolate ones that got her lost each time.

"I love you" he said.

Lorna felt like her heart stopped that moment as her breath caught.

"I love you so much, than anything in this world, Riley".

Lorna's eyes shakes at his words, her body trembles out of control.

"More than anything" he adds pressing his lips against hers softly, it was warm and tender filled with so much love, that Lorna couldn't even begin to comprehend.

Lorna's eyes sadden like a wave of cold water drops on her body, her eyes still gushing tears as she close it, but she spare no effort to kiss him back because she knew this confession wasn't for her, this tenderness and kiss wasn't for her, it was all for Riley and it will forever be her, she will always remain his backbone forever, she knew that now, and it made her heart sink more.

Liam ran his fingers in her dark hair as he deepens the kiss, wanting so badly to feel every flavour of her mouth, the intimacy and closeness brough ease to his body, he felt no pain anymore, he felt light, he felt healed, was he? 

The black veins around his body retreats inside in less than a second, the void on his chest disappears.

Lorna quickly pulls away, her eyes travelling through his body.

"Liam" she said bewildered.

"The veins are gone" she adds with shaky eyes running her fingers on his bare chest unable to process what just happened, a moment ago it was there and now it wasn't but how? 

"Because of you" Liam said with a genuine smile claiming her lips once more, wanting so badly to taste more and feel her more, she completed him and he never wanted to feel incomplete again.

The kiss got heated and passionate between them as his mouth roamed her.

He grabs her by the waist straddling her on his lap, his hands running through her back, Lorna moaned pulling away.

"I have to go" she said in a shaky breath.

Liam stares at her puzzled, she could tell he wasn't in his right senses yet to tell it was her.

"I'm sorry but I can't" she said wiping her tears moving away, rising to her feet and walking towards the door.

"Riley" Liam called rising to his feet, he felt dizzy but he stood his ground.

"I'M NOT RILEY!" she shouts facing him, he froze at her outburst.

She sighs as the tears fell uncontrollably.

"I get it you're not in your right senses right now, please" she closed her eyes.

"Don't do this to me, don't see me as someone I can never be" she sobs.

"I should have known where this was going, I should have" she gulps, shaking her head negatively.

"You will always love her, I know that now, no matter how you don't say it... No matter how you say it doesn't matter, it still doesn't change the fact that I look like her and here I thought" she took a deep breath calming herself down. 

"God I'm such a fool" she sobbed hating herself for being so vulnerable right now. 

"Goodbye Liam" she said final, turning on her heels leaving.

*Loud Thud Sound*

She froze at the sound turning, she gasps.

"LIAM!" she shouts in panic rushing to his unconscious body.


The door automatically open as Iris walks into the dark apartment, she walks straight to the bedroom, not bothering about the darkness. She halts seeing Liam on the bed asleep, Lorna sitting next to him holding his hand tightly.

"The veins are gone" Iris said stunned, she didn't believe it would actually work, but how was it possible that simply seeing her could stop the process?

"You said he was calling for me" Lorna said not sparing her a glance.

Iris broke out of her thoughts.

"He was calling for Riley" she faced her with sad eyes.

Iris smirks sitting on the bed of her.

"You know what he calls you?" she began. 

"He calls you his trump card" she said amused.

"A prize to win and use, you were the very person we could use to destroy the agency from the inside out".

Lorna's eyes shakes at her words.

"He put too much effort you know, now you think you're in love" she said with a raise of her shoulder, like it wasn't his fault she was love sick.

"You know Liam and I are together, it was hard really really hard to watch him be with another woman, it was hard claiming his heart after Riley, but I just had to understand it was for the mission, it's hard Lorna, to see the man you love share a bed with someone else".

A tear fell from Lorna's eye, her lips went apart.

She placed her hand on Lorna's, slowly removing it from Liam's, in a gentle manner.

"He said I shouldn't say anything but I can't bear it anymore, he's constantly forcing himself to love an agent, from the agency he swore to destroy after everything they did to his family and lover, did you really think Lorna, that Liam would love you?".

Lorna looks away wiping her tears.

"Don't dream anymore Lorna, it's time to wake up".

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