Chapter 124 - Prologue

*Heart Beats Slowly*





*Solemn Silence*





*Loud Whispers Of Unknown Language*





*Continuous Thumping Heart Beat*





*Loud Scream*





*Loud Gunshot*

Straight to the head, as Liam's body dropped to the ground unconscious, all attention then drifts to a screaming Lorna, her scream seize as she drops to the ground also, eyes open.

Ghost growls turning to shadow retreating inside Liam's body.

"LORNA!" Chase shouts as he rushed to her side, holding her body steady, the corner of her eyes had black veins. Chase panics more.

"Lorna" he called her name hoping to get a response but nothing, her eyes shut close.

Chase faced the rest.

"Quick call the ambulance!"


Outskirts Of The City

The Silver-lining Manor

*Loud Alarm Siren*

"Shit! I lost contact with Boss" Race hissed as his hand went fast against the keyword.

"Well, what are you waiting for, put a call to him" Iris hissed worried as others panics.

"He's not answering" Kayla hissed.

"Liam," Iris said with shaky eyes.

Rory rushed in.

"Guys we have a problem, check this out," he said drawing an info from his transparent iPad to the screen, a live news played.

"Bringing you the latest news, after years of searching and constantly trying to apprehend the black ghoul, we are finally able to capture him, by the teamwork of a group of agents under the order of Barbra Jones, Captain of the G.I agency," the newscaster said.

They froze.

"Oh my God" Iris said stunned.

"Boss was captured?" Gray said unbelievably as the whole room fell silent from shock.

"He's immediately transferred to Steel, stay tuned for more updates".


Section Five

Ghoul Investigators Headquarters (GIH)

"DR. STEVE!!!" Chase shouts carrying Lorna in his arms as he busts into the hospital facility.

"What happened?" Steve asked puzzled while setting the bed she would lie on.

"I don't know what the black ghoul did to her" Chase began in a shaky breath, dropping her on the bed.

"She's not breathing... something".

"Did you say the black ghoul did this to her?"

"Yes! Now do something!" Chase hissed.

"She's in cardiac arrest" he began signaling a nurse to bring the defibrillator.

Chase froze at his words.

The nurse came setting the equipment.

"If I don't restart her heart now, she will die," Steve said sternly, as he rips her shirt open, cutting her bra in two, taking the power up defibrillator.

"Clear!" Steve said before administering a jolt of electricity to Lorna's lifeless body.

Her body shot up due to the power surge and went back down.

"Clear!" Steve said doing it once more but her heart rate didn't come up.

Chase ran his hands in his hair like he was losing it.

That moment Jesse rushed in.

"OH MY GOD, LORNA" she shouts in tears as Steve kept trying to relieve her, Peter rushed in also, he paled at the sight.

"Clear!" Steve said once again administering a jolt of electricity to her body but her heart rate was still a flat line.

"I'm gonna kill him," Chase said in fury turning to leave but was blocked by Barbra with an unreadable expression.

"You will do no such thing" she began sternly.

"We need him alive for now" she adds.

"I don't give a see that?" he said pointing to Lorna's body.

"She's not breathing or moving, she could be dead Barbra, and you say we should leave him alive?" Chase hissed.

"We need him to bring down the silver-lining organization, you think simply killing him right now will solve everything? We need to break him, destroy him until there's nothing left" she said darkly.

"And he will pay for what he did to Lorna"

"I'm getting a heartbeat" Steve hissed.

All attention drifts to him as hope-filled their eyes.

"Clear!" Steve hissed shocking her body once more, the flat line of her heart came up.

"Oh thank God," Peter said relief.

Jesse just broke into tears of joy.

The weight on Chase's shoulders lessen.


*Beeping Monitor Machine*

Lorna was on the bed unconscious.

"When will she wake up?" Chase asked worriedly.

"In due time," Steve said checking his transparent iPad.

Chase nods holding onto her hand tightly.

"That's great," he said assessing her calm features, he noticed the black vein that was once at the corner of her eyes, were gone.

"He did something to her, his Claw did something to her" He began with shaky eyes.

"What did Ghost do?" Steve asked as the curiosity overwhelmed him.

"He...", his eyes shaking.

"He took off the weird bandage around its eyes and then... she just screams like she saw something so horrible," Chase said puzzled.

"If only I knew what she saw" he adds giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

"I wish I would have stopped whatever he did to her".

The silence became evident like he was talking to himself, he turns to Steve in curiosity and then froze.

Steve had a twisted smirk plastered on his lips, visible humor that was terrifying and it made Chase sick.

"And why the fuck are you smiling?" Chase asked sternly.

Steve adjusted his glasses, clearing his throat but the humor was still evident.

"Nothing at all Chase, it's just...", he gave a thoughtful face.

"It's beginning to seem like it's time" he adds.

Chase blinks puzzled at his words, Ghost said the exact same words.

"I will be off, watch over her" Steve said in amusement before turning to leave. 

The door shut close.

"Who would have known," he said slowly walking along the halls.

"Seems like your memories are coming, Ghost," he said faintly as he halts staring at the wide windows.

"The trigger" he smirks taking off his glasses.

"Riley Leah"


*Liam's Consciousness*

Sounds of Water Dripping.

In a dark endless void, the ground like glass water, at the center an ash big tree lies there, containing black four-leaf clovers, some witters dropping to the ground in ash.

Ghost was seated at the center wearing a dark smirk, his long arms against his knees, his head bent downwards, his eyes covered.

Suddenly his elf eyes switched.

"We need to talk," he said with a growl, slowly raising his head staring at the person standing a few distances away from him.


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