Chapter 125 - Black Mirage

*Liam's Consciousness*

Sounds Of Water Dripping

Whiltsling Wind

In a dark endless void, the ground like glass water, in space, an ash big tree lies there, containing four-leaf clovers, some witters dropping to the ground in ash and as it did, another grew in replacement, emerging out of the branch.

Ghost was seated at the center wearing a dark smirk, his long arms rested against his knees, positioned up, his head bent downwards, his eyes covered.

Suddenly his elf ears switched.

"We need to talk," he said with a growl, noticing the familiar presence, slowly raising his head staring at the person standing a few distances away from him, his partner, and his wielder.

"Liam" he adds.

Liam gave him a pissed look as fury burned in his eyes.

"You look angry at Ghost" Ghost said in amusement.

Damn right he was, Liam came at him, each step making a loud radioactive sound to the ground. 

He punched Ghost on the face, hard. The impact-making everywhere vibrates like an electric power surge.

"Why the fuck did you do that to Lorna" he hissed, even if she betrayed him, still Ghost acted out and almost got him killed, if a Claw moved on his own accord it would have damaged his heart or worst.

Ghost gave a deadly growl, slowly rising to his feet, towering over Liam by four feet, but he didn't care, he wasn't bothered in the slightest because he was in control.

"You think I'm afraid of you just because you're a monster? Well think again Ghost cause you should be the one AFRAID OF ME!" his voice echoes making the environment vibrate more, almost like it was collapsing from an earthquake, but then it stops by a snap of Ghost's fingers.

"Which is why you're Ghost's perfect vessel" he smirks tilting his head to the side.

"My previous owners weren't exactly embracing of me, they were constantly scared of being devoured by the darkness," he said placing one claw finger against his chin like in thought.

"But you Liam, you're fearless, you're not afraid of the darkness, you embrace it, you chose it, which is why you're the plague" he adds chuckling deeply.

Liam just gave him a cold glance.

"Lucas Carter was somewhat like you, he's your ancestor after all, too bad he got us killed," he said as if reliving the memory of the good old days when he was mute.

"You remember your past lives?" Liam asked puzzled, was that even possible? Ghost was like a newborn baby when he came out of him, what changed?

"Not really it's all fuzzy, dying and reincarnation is not exactly fun, every 55 years Ghost just wakes up in another body, subjected and loyal," he said.

"Is it the same for other Claws?" Liam asked.

"Not really... Only the strong are given another chance at being reborn, it's rare for others but Ghost..." he turns to Liam.

"It's absolute", he smirks.

"Then what are you? What are ghouls? How did we come to be?" Liam demands, he wanted answers if he can get some, it would at least explain some mystery.

"That... Ghosts do not remember, it's all fuzzy" he said rubbing his bald head.

"It's as good as not remembering anything... That was the important details" Liam snaps.

Ghost shrugs.

"But I do remember one thing".


"Silver," he said with a smirk.

"Silver?" Liam said puzzled, but the name gave him a usual feeling like he had a connection to it.

"And her scent is the same, that's why we were pulled to one another".

"Lorna?" Liam said with wide eyes.

"No," Ghost said amused.


Liam froze at his words.

"What are you saying?" Liam said stunned.

"They hide her quite well that Ghost couldn't tell at the beginning like something was masking her scent and then at the very minute Ghost knew".

"That means what you did..." Liam trails off.

"Yes, Ghost gave her, her memory, sealed away"

Liam's fingers ran in his head.

"Riley is alive, she always has been, but under the false identity of Lorna Hart," he said unbelievably, this all made sense now, the weird connection from the very beginning, the need to be by her side, the pull like a thread following a needle it was all because of Riley.

"But everything was different, the birthmark, her life, everything was so convincing," Liam said in confusion, still finding it hard to believe that his Riley was actually the lookalike of Lorna.

"Who do you think can pulled that off?" Ghost said amused.

Liam frowned.

"Barbra Jones" Liam spats in distaste.

"Each lifetime, the Jones always hunts Ghost, it's like a cursed fate" Ghost said frowning also.


Liam raised his head to face him, Ghost points a clawed finger on his forehead.

"The key is Riley," he said.

Liam gave him a puzzled look, does it have to do with the name silver?

"She's our destined".

"Our destined? What do you mean?" he demands, it was all too confusing but deep down Liam always knew Riley played a big part in his life, he has always been drawn to her since the very beginning.

"That we will find out soon enough, now, you have to wake up, you can't stay here for long"


Everything suddenly starts fading away.

"Ghost we are not done yet" Liam hissed.

"Ghost doesn't have all the answer but believe it will come to light, for we are god's" Ghost said smirking broadly.

Liam gasps as his body was pulled away by an unknown force.


Liam gasps out-breath like he was drowning, he coughed while holding his neck but then the Steel around his neck caught his attention.

He observed his newfound surroundings.

"Ha fuck" he cursed getting off the bed, he was inside a medium seized cell like a container, his clothes changed also, he was on an ash shirt and pants.

The worst prison of all time.

"Steel," Liam said sternly.

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