Chapter 13 - Black Chase

Section Twelve

New York General Hospital

Renee was on the hospital bed when she saw the news, she reaches for the remote increasing the volume.

"The new Captain of the agency has declared an order to hunt ghouls in the city, although protest of citizens has been made concerning their safety. Barbra Jones as captain has ensured us it will go swiftly, all for a better safe city. We will like to urge the citizens of New York to stay safe while the hunt goes on". The newscaster said.

Renee swallowed, the city will most likely be in chaos if ghouls were hunted like this and she was worried.



Section One

Ghoul Underground

In slow motion, Riley walked the wide veranda now filled with countless ghouls, injured, homeless children. She could only hear her heartbeat as she watches this painful scene, ghouls were being hunted and they were helping the ones they could but for how long, what if the hunt never ends. Riley looked around, they were at full capacity here, so many injured, so many hungry. Her eyes landed on Sean who treated the injured the best he could. Paige walking about handling blankets but some didn't get them. Riley halted as her heartfelt heavy with pain, to what end will this continue, her eyes met with her father who walked towards her, with a sad expression.

"Dad," Riley said.

"What will we do?" she adds shakily.

"I don't know Riley," he said sternly, he took a deep breath.

"We will do the best we can" he adds.


They both turned at the sound of her name, Evan rushed in.

"There's something you need to see".

"I caught on something, I believe two ghouls are being hunted right now. A mother and her child" Evan said, his fingers went on the keyboard, he brought out their picture.

"Sage Tarek and her daughter Ella. In the footage last I saw they were headed towards section three and the mother is injured, I believe she's one of the weak ghouls who have slow regeneration" Evan said turning to face Riley and Allen.

"We have to help them" he adds.

"The agents are swamping everywhere right now and we need to be in the underground to care for the ghouls" Allen reasoned.

"Sean and Paige will take care of that" Riley said sternly.

"I will find the two ghouls," she said walking out but Allen held her arm.

"It's too dangerous Riley, you will be caught in a second or worst killed," Allen said worriedly.

"Well, I can't just stand by and do nothing, that little girl and her mother must be scared right now" Riley hissed.

"There's something else," Evan said swallowing hard, they turned to him.

"There are rumors that the Ghoul killer is involved in this hunt," he said. Their eyes widen. Riley turned to leave.

"Riley" Allen called.

"Am going alone" she said deadly as she turned.

"I will find the two ghouls, the underground need you right now dad and you know that," she said leaving.


Section Three

Sage took harsh breaths, blood gushing from her side, she held the wall for balance.

"Mommy why isn't your wound healing," Ella said in tears, Sage turned to her daughter forcing a smile.

"Because mommy's Claw is very weak, since a young age," she said, Ella, hugged her mother wrapping her arms around her waist.

"What of daddy, isn't he coming?" Ella asked.

Sage sighed, she hasn't heard from her husband since, she just hopes he was okay.

"Everything will be alright okay, am right here" she assured her.

"Let's go". Ella nodded.

They got out of the alley, they hid behind a wall as they watch the streets, Sage held her side, her wound healing slowly but not enough. She knew she was in no position to walk the road with her bloody clothes, she groaned leaning on the wall, Ella held her mother's hand tightly.

"You will have to go without me Ella" Sage suggested, Ella shake her head negatively.

"No am not leaving you," she said wearily. Sage carefully squat in front of her.

"At least one of us have a better chance of surviving" she reasoned.

"Remember your daddy's workplace, you go there and find him you will be safe" she adds.

"What about you?" Ella said. Sage forced a smile.

"I will be fine, just find your dad okay?" she said. Ella nodded, hugging her mother before she ran to the streets. As long as she stayed hidden she knew her daughter will be safe, with her next to her daughter, they will be caught definitely, she had to loosen the load. Sage groaned forcing her body up as she walked back to the alley. She leaned on the wall forcing her body to move.

"Hello, Mrs. Tarek".

She froze when she heard a voice, she raised her head, she saw a boy on a red hood smiling at her.

"I hope I got the name right" he adds.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Sage demanded.

"It was too risky to let your daughter off," Seth said.


Her eyes widen as she turned, Chase stepped forward with Ella, he held her arm keeping her from moving. Steel around her head. Sage turned to Seth.

"Please, please kill me not my daughter" Sage pleaded. Seth smiled.

"Am aware you sent your daughter to your husband not knowing he's not of this world anymore" Seth said walking towards her.

Tears filled her eyes as she heard those words, her body weaken as she went on her knees, Seth brought out his gun pointing it at her chest.

"MOMMY!" Ella shouted trying to move but it was futile, the steel around her head stopped her from calling her Claw.

"Just let my daughter go," Sage said as the tears fell.

"I will let you know in hell," Seth said amused. Chase swallowed as he looked away, for some reason he didn't want to see this, the little girl he held cried and kept trying to break free. 'They are just ghouls'. He thought repeatedly.

Seth was about to pull the trigger when a Claw from nowhere landed behind him, he turned but it was too late, the Claw roared swinging him to the wall causing it to break. Chase brought out his gun firing at the Claw, it penetrated but the Claw still stood as it bared its fangs at him.

"Shit!" he cursed moving backward reloading his gun, but a figure landed at his back, he turned seeing a face-covered person, only her green eyes showed. She rotated kicking him on the face, Chase landed on the ground hard


"Mommy!". Ella ran to her mother hugging her tightly. Chase groaned reaching for his gun but Riley placed her foot on his hand.

"Don't" she warned deadly. Chase stared at her furious. She walked past him, her Claw reversing back inside her, Chase used that opportunity to send a signal.

Riley walked toward Sage and Ella who hug each other. But she halted as her eyes widen. Seth was behind them, what she saw frightened her.

"LOOK OUT!" Riley shouted but it was too late, Seth fired the gun, it penetrated Sage's chest to her daughter's.

Blood splashed on Riley's face as she watches in horror, their bodies dropping to the ground lifeless. At that moment agent swamp the alley surrounding Riley.

"Chase" Nicole said helping him up.

Riley gasped seeing their lifeless bodies on the ground in the pool of their own blood. Her furious eyes landed on Seth who pointed his gun at her.

"That hit should have killed you," Riley said darkly, she was certain but no wounds on his body that could mean only one thing.

"You're the Ghoul killer aren't you," she said certainly. Seth raised an eyebrow.

"Well I must be popular," Seth said amused.

"You just killed a mother and child" Riley hissed.

"Ghouls you mean" Seth cut in.

"WE ARE NOT ANIMALS!" Riley shouted. Seth smirked.

"No need for long discussion". He fired the gun.

Like in slow motion the red bullet came for her, instantly her Claw raged out of her, taking the bullet, Riley used that opportunity to run as her Claw attacked the agents.

Nicole's look darkens, others were busy fighting the Claw, her gaze was fixed on the ghoul. 'I have seen that ghoul somewhere before'. She thought certain, she rushed towards Riley. Chase noticed this but he had his hands full.

"Both of you follow her," he said to two agents, they nodded heading their way. Riley's Claw reversed.

Riley took harsh breaths as she ran, she halted feeling her Claw inside her, she was weak as she leaned on the wall. She turned seeing the agents after her, she tried to move but her body felt paralyzed, her Claw was wounded so was she, she turned to the three agents that stop in front of her. Her eyes widen recognizing Nicole. Nicole pointed her gun.

"I remember you," Nicole said sternly.

"You're one of the ghouls that helped Liam when he was captured" she add.

Riley was silent as she forced her body to stand straight.

"I didn't know you were an agent," Riley said, her body trembled but she held her ground.

"Well people change, ghouls are nothing but monster's" Nicole hissed.

"I thought you loved him, finding out he's a ghoul was too much for you," Riley said amused.

"Why will I love a man who killed my father," she said darkly.

"Any last words" she adds.

Riley swallowed.

"I guess not". She pulled the trigger.

Riley's breath caught as the red bullet came for her, her Claw was in no position to fight, she was left defenseless, she would have to face her fate. Unaware of her senses a tear fell from her eye unexpectedly. 'Is this the end?'. She thought closing her eyes. 'Maybe it is'.. She waited for the bullet.

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