Chapter 14 - Black Unmask

Heart Beats Slowly

"Any last words" she adds.

Riley swallowed.

"I guess not". She pulled the trigger.

Riley's breath caught as the red bullet came for her, her Claw was in no position to fight, she was left defenseless, she would have to face her fate. Unaware of her senses a tear fell from her eye unexpectedly. 'Is this the end?'. She thought closing her eyes. 'Maybe it is'. She waited for the bullet.

Suddenly a harsh wind blew around her, like something very fast and deadly passed. She heard splashing sounds, a loud thud then nothing.

She felt a hand on her waist, she gasped opening her eyes, her head turning slightly, and found Liam beside her.

"Liam" Riley said unbelieving, he was in black hood his cold ghoul's eyes fixed on hers, she stared into them like what seemed like an eternity to her but, She was forced to turn back to the agents, she froze when she saw nothing but blood.

Nicole's gun was pointed at Ghost's chest, she was trembling, fear chilled her bones, Ghost smirked breathing out steam looking down at her. He leans to face her, Nicole was paralyzed as Ghost brought out its long tongue licking the bloodstain on her cheek. Nicole gasped moving back, she landed on the ground shaking. Ghost came for her.

"Ghost!" Liam's voice made it halt, its pointy ears twitching.

Nicole swallowed as her eyes drifted to Liam, he didn't make eye contact it was like she wasn't even there.

"Liam" her voice was trembling.

Riley felt gravity leave her body. Liam caught her before she reaches the ground, he carried her in his arms, her head rested on his chest, she weakly looks at him, her eyes closing.

Nicole just watches as Liam was gone, nowhere to be seen.

Chase ran towards her with other agents, he froze when he saw only the blood remains of other agents, only Nicole was left. He rushed to her side.

"Nicole, what happened?" Chase said worriedly. Nicole turned to Chase still in fear.

" ghoul" she said trembling, Chase's eyes widen. Seth stepped forward, he stood in front of the blood remains.

"We move now" he began darkly. Chase and Nicole's eyes drifted to him. Seth turned to them.

"We raid the ghoul underground".

Chase's eyes were fixed on Seth. He saw when the Claw threw him to the wall, he was certain he wasn't supposed to survive that but there he was standing without a scratch. Chase knew that the black ghoul wasn't the only mystery, the Ghoul killer was too and he was dying to find out.


Somewhere In Section Four

'Riley found herself inside the cafe once more, she was quietly reading her book when two young men walked into the cafe, they took their seat rolls away from hers, her eyes drifted for a moment to them, one was more of a talkative but the other had a silent nature, he looked bored, pissed and tired. Riley blinked there was a vibe coming from him she couldn't place something strange, she just move her eyes away, she notices the other stare at her like they were talking about her but then she felt another stare, it made her shiver, she was forced to look and then their eyes meet. Her dark green eyes met with light brown ones, her breath caught at his unexpected stare, she was lucky her book covered most of her face to hide her emotion, their eyes lingered for moments. Riley must have not known it then but that moment was the first, the first time she met Liam O'Brien'.

Riley slowly opened her eyes, she groaned feeling her body on a make-shift bed. 'Where am I?'. She thought puzzled, her head was a bit hazy, she took her time to look around, the room was lightened with candles, her eyes drifted to Liam standing near the window. She sat up as he turned facing her with his dark brown eyes, it was like the first time they met but this was different, his eyes weren't filled with light but darkness.

"It's been a while" Liam began, hands in his pocket.

"Riley" he adds, she shivered slightly at the sound of her name, she faced him.

"A while? Liam, we have been looking for you for a month now and now you suddenly show up" Riley hissed.

He walked towards her sitting in front, Riley stared at him curiously, his look changed, his dark brown hair was neck length now outgrown and messy, but still, it looked hot on him. Riley mentally slapped herself for thinking that way, why would she think that? It's not like Liam had a thing for her, why else did he kill the other agents and let Nicole go.

"Give me your arm," he said firmly, she looked away not wanting to do it.


"AM ANGRY WITH YOU!" she shouted at him, he looked away.

"I don't get any of this" she began.

"Why didn't you come back? why did you devour Jen--".

"Don't say her name" he snapped, his expression darken.

"Why? Are you afraid of the truth?" she said. Liam smiled but it didn't reach his eyes.

"I don't know what is true anymore," he said sternly.

"Did my dad really destroy the ghoul genes? Why did Jen have to die, why am I a ghoul?. Yes am afraid if I know the truth I won't be able to handle it" he said.

Riley swallowed, she didn't know how she can bring herself to tell him it was her who caused the chopper to fall, she didn't know how he would take it. Riley jolted a bit feeling a sharp pain in her arm.

"I told you to give me your arm," he said, she turned to him. he took her arm rolling up her sleeve, Riley gasped seeing a deep cut.

"I don't understand it's supposed to heal by now," she said confused.

"This wound was caused by the bullet, it's different, it will take time to heal," he said reaching for a white bandage, he slowly wrapped her arm, despite her hissing in pain, her eyes drifted to his face almost close to hers.

She swallowed as her heart slammed loudly in her chest, she needed something to ease this awkward moment.

"What is your Claw like?" she began, Liam didn't say anything, he just bandaged her arm.

Riley slowly placed her hand on his on impulse. His eyes drifted to hers, they stared into each other eyes for a moment.

"It's not your fault," she said softly.

"Jen was right," he said sternly.

"Running won't fix anything, it never has," he said rising to his feet, their hands separating in the process, he walked towards the other side.

Riley swallowed.

"What are you gonna do?" Riley asked standing up, Liam didn't say anything, he turned to her walking towards her.

"I will set things right," he said.

"The agency must be up to something" he adds certain.

"As the black ghoul my picture wasn't on the wanted list, none of my pictures is put up, am sure only a few in the agency knows my existence," he said, Riley blinked.

"That's odd," she said puzzled.

"Yes, and it has everything to do with their new Captain". He turned to Riley.

"What do you know about this Order organization," he said. Riley sighed.

"They are the first hunters of ghouls, they have more resources and their leader is a direct line of Jonathan Jones," she said.

"The man who discovered ghouls," he said.

She nodded. Liam turned to the window.

"There's something else, in the Order, there is an agent known as the Ghoul killer," she said, he turned to her.

"And I met him, he's just a boy but-" Riley swallowed when she remembered what frightens her, his eyes.

"But what" Liam demanded.

"He's not human".


Section Twelve

New York General Hospital

Chase rushed through the doors, with harsh breaths, he ran upstairs looking around, they were preparing for their raid when he got a call that Renee was in delivery. He saw a nurse coming.

"Um excuse me I got a call about Renee Cody," he said.

"Oh right she's in the delivery room over there but you have to wait," she said leaving. Chase nodded but his whole body was trembling, he took his seat in the waiting room. He just hopes she was alright.


A few Hours Later

"Chase Wyatt," a doctor said approaching him, Chase jolted standing up.

"Yes!" he said haste.

The doctor sighed, Chase feared for the worst.

"Doc did something happen, please I hope nothing went wrong, is she okay? Is the baby okay?" Chase said in fear. The doctor just smiled.

"No nothing went wrong at all, she had a safe delivery and it's a boy".

The moment Chase heard those words, a weight in his chest was lifted. He was beyond happy.

"Thank you, thank you so much" he held the doctor's hands. He just nodded showing him the room she was in.


Chase slowly walked towards the room but he didn't walk in, the doors were glass so he got a sight of her, he smiled when he saw her holding her baby in her arms, she smiled brightly for the first time ever since Max's death. Renee placed a kiss on her baby's forehead, her eyes drifted to Chase, she smiled muttering a 'thank you'. Chase smiled, her eyes drifting back to her baby, Chase wished with all his heart Max's was here to see the wonderful family he has, he could imagine Max was there beside Renee and his son, not a worry in the world, he looked away when his eyes got all teary.

"Come in, come in, agent Chase report back to the agency" his comm sounded. Chase turned to look at both of them once more. He had to make the world right for Max's son, he wants the city to be safe for him and he was gonna do just that. He turned leaving, they will raid the ghoul underground, he didn't mind if he had to kill women and children, they were all just ghouls, as long as the city was safe in the future.


Section Three

Ghoul Investigator Headquarters (GIH)

The agents prepared, loading their weapons and other resources, this was a war they were unlikely to win, they were about to raid hundreds of ghouls, it was a starting point of their fight towards peace in the city and they wouldn't mind giving up their life because it was worth it.

Nicole loaded her weapons when she caught Chase doing the same thing, she walked towards him.

"Congratulations I heard the news" she smiled. Chase nodded.

"Just don't die" she adds, he turned to her and she was dead serious.

"The hell is planning to, not until my bullet goes through the heart of the black ghoul," he said darkly.

"Well that makes two of us" she shrugged, he faced her.

"I hope you're one hundred percent sure about that" he noted, she blinked.

"What do you mean?" she asked swallowing hard.

"I mean you need to seek out your feelings, any emotions you had for a guy named Liam O'Brien are gone, he's not that person anymore he's the black ghoul and he's the enemy of the agency," Chase said sternly. Nicole looked away.

"I understand".

Seth studied his gun in his hand but then he dropped it on the table, Barbra walked in.

"I hope you're ready, it was your plan after all and it's going smoothly," she said placing a briefcase on the table, Seth turned to her.

"It's time for your medication," she said opening the box that had a syringe with red liquid inside. Seth smiled closing the box.

"How about I skip medication today," he said amused. She folded her arms.

"Are you sure?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Only a monster can fight a monster" he smirked.

All agents were summoned in the conference hall, Barbra walked in gaining their attention, Seth behind her.

"As we all know today we will be invading the ghoul underground" she began her eyes searching everyone.

"What we will do today will mark a big step of keeping the city safe and sound. Yes, it's suicide going after hundreds of ghouls but it is worth it. We have a dream to wipe the ghouls from the face of this earth and we are gonna do just that" she said sternly.

"We are gonna destroy every last one of them because they have taken so much away from us, today we fight for a just cause to protect our people. Humans will be the only known species, not flesh-eating monsters, this step will bring a great change to our future".

"For New York City" she adds.

"For New York City," Chase said.

"For New York City," Nicole said.

Everyone said the same thing in unison.

Barbra smiled at their response.

Seth slowly removed his hand from his sweater pocket, red veins creep in his skin, he smiled. 'Black ghoul'. He thought darkly putting his hand back. 'May the best player win'.


Somewhere In Section Eleven

The Black Lotus

A blue-eyed man's hand tapped on his chair, his head lost in thought. A young woman and man walked in.

"Uncle the agents are making their move right now," the young man said.

"We have to act before it's too late," the young woman said.

"The underground is already doomed for," the blue-eyed man said turning in his wheelchair to the two.

"Rory, Iris," he said referring to them both. Rory and Iris looked at each other before turning to face their uncle.

"It's time to bring in the black ghoul".

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