Chapter 143 - Black Promise

"Liam," Riley said with tears, she slowly opened her eyes. She placed her fingers in his thick hair. She sobs.

"What are me gonna with him," she said.

They were bound to talk about it no matter how they tried to hide from the truth, their son was on the loose manipulated by their greatest enemy, having no idea who they really were to him, and worse they were his targets. 

Liam rose to his feet.

"If he comes at us, with the intent to kill, I'm not sure I can..." she sobs.

"Hey, hey," He said wiping her tears with his thumb, her gaze lands on his.

"We don't have to make that tough choice, if he goes berserk we put him down, not kill him" he states, she nods.

"I promise, we will do what we can to save him, and that starts by putting Barbra down, she's the one pulling the strings".

She nods.

"I promise" he adds slowly.

"We will save him", before claiming her lips with his, it was soft, gentle, reading all his emotions at once, Riley kissed him back with all she had, their heads moving sideways as the kiss deepens.

Riley gasped as Liam raised her upwards, leveling her down to his length. She gasps loudly as her back came in contact with the glass pressing against it tightly, he moved slowly and lovingly, pace by pace.

He moaned deeply burying his face in her neck. The glass vibrating at his hard slow thrusts.

Her moans echos throughout the house, her fingers digging in his back, her head tilting backward, her lips going apart, the pleasure Illuminating her insides, the ecstasy, the movement, the connection, it made her lose her mind.

Liam redrew from her neck, their gaze meeting.

"I love you" he grunts on edge.

"I love you" she gasps as the release washed upon her like a wave, that subtle moment of peace blow her mind, but Liam didn't stop, he gave her the pleasure of her mind over and over again until only his name lasted on her lips.


Riley gasps flashing her eyes open, she looks around in her newfound environment, it was white, Illuminating, both the floor everything was bright white, she was in a white dress also.

"Where am I?" she said looking around in panic.

She felt a presence behind her, she quickly turned, seeing Silver, the divine being that lived inside her.

"Silver," Riley said with shaky eyes.

Silver tilts her head to the side.

"Where is this? Is it real?" she asked desperately.

"It depends on you" her voice echoed, sounding like a vibrator and almost angelic also.

"Silver never thought...she could finally possess a vessel after all these centuries," she said.

Riley blinks.

"Silver is reunited with Ghost, and we're grateful".

"Why us? I get your supreme beings from our ancient history but why now? Why choose to awaken now?" Riley asked.

"The balance has shifted, Silver knows you feel it too".

"The balance?"

"The balance of all supernatural power, Genesis is a product of that shift".

"My son," Riley said with shaky eyes.

"There shall be more to come, Riley, as of now our awaken has been lifted, it calls like a beacon" she states.

"A beacon to what?".

"A beacon to all supernatural beings".


"Not ordinary Ghouls Riley, beings possing rare powers, they will come as allies or foe to either take the throne, it has always been like that since ancient times... Ghouls aren't the only threats, we shouldn't be a threat".

"But the beings inside us crave human flesh? There is no peace Silver" Riley said sternly.

"There is a way, a way to quench the thirst,"

"Is that even possible?"

"We are supreme beings Riley, we sire all ghouls, they all fall under our command, the thirst was created by Omari because of his hatred for humans, thus it became our nature".

"So we can stop it then but how?" Riley demands.

"Silver does not know, but I believe a curse can be lifted and you and Liam have the power to do so".


Riley gasps awake, she took sharp breaths looking around, she was back in Liam's room, enclosed in his arms.

'Was that a dream?' Riley thought seating up, it didn't feel like it, it was so real. She turns to Liam who was fast asleep peacefully. She got off the bed, the cover falling off her body as she walked to the glass view, naked, she stares at the skies lost in thought.

"Ghoul's with rare powers," she said gulping at the thought, how different could they be?


China, Beijing

The street light illuminated the city down to the busy streets of China.

The chatter going around, of sales and bikes, moving. Down to a dark lonely alley, a man whimpered in the dark, the lights present shaking vigorously, beams of sweat hung his features.

"Please" he spoke in Chinese.

"I begging you don't," he said in tears.

A figure steps out, it was a young woman, she had short straight hair, fringe at the front, kept in a perfect matter. She wore all black, her ghoul eyes present.

"You have been terminated," she said back in the language, tilting her head to the side as a scorpion leg came out at the back of her, about four others came out, circling at her behind her like a tail.

"NO PLEASE I'M NOT DISPERSABLE JUST YET" he shouts with wide eyes but it was too late as the scorpion legs came for him, he shouts in horror as blood splashed everywhere on both the walls.

"Ha, Li Fen, still taking missions that are not even worth your time" an elderly voice came behind her, in English.

Fen didn't bother to turn, she watch the piece of art in front of her, squatting, placing her palms against her cheeks.

"A really beautiful sight isn't it, Hunter," she said in amusement and awe.

Hunter steps out of the darkness, he was around his late 70s but still looked strong, his white hair hide beneath a dark red hat, he wore a matching suit and a red coat jacket also along with red shoes, his eyes covered with round frame black glasses.

He set his golden walking stick with several markings on it, in his front setting his hand on it standing upright.

"Brea gesh resh mesh sa Silver and Ghost Clover" (The gods have awakened, Silver and Ghost Clover), he said in an ancient language.

She faced him.

"Yesh tesh yerba nos res" (You felt the connection didn't you) he said smirking, showing his up teeth replaced with gold.

"Res Tina, fros ta" (I felt it), she said back.

"But the aura cannot be trace," she said in English. 

"We must gather the others"

"Right after I finish my prey, I'm starving," she said in a bored tone, before turning to face the body in pieces. 

"Help yourself Fen, I'm a very patient man," he said in amusement.

Sounds of flesh and chewing sound could be heard as well as hmm sounds of pleasure.

Hunter watches with a sadistic smirk at the pleasant sight.

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