Chapter 144 - Black Past

Liam groaned, turning on the bed, he slowly opened his eyes, meeting Riley staring at him.

"Riley?" he said as his eyes adjusts.

She was just on his black shirt only, reaching her knees, she was seated on the bed watching him.

"Hey" she said softly with a smile against her lips.

"What time did you get up?" he asked seating up, he looks at the glass window, it was still early, the sun barely setting.

"Couldn't sleep" she admitted with sad eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked worried.

Her gaze drifts to him.

"I had a dream, I'm not so sure" she began.

"I saw Silver Clover, she said things, a lot of things that got me thinking..." she sighs rubbing her head.

"Hey, hey" he said softly, drawing close to her wrapping his arms around her, enclosing her in between, she placed her hands on his bare chest.

"Talk to me" he said softly.

"Liam, I think its possible for our Claws to stop craving human flesh".

Liam raised an eyebrow.

"You mean like a vegetarian?" he said in amusement.

"Liam" she said punching him lightly on the chest, he chuckles.

"I'm serious Liam, what if it's possible"

"I don't know babe, but if it is? It's not gonna be easy" he admitted.

She nods in understanding.

"We have to find a way, to get through to all of them... I mean you have people around the world, this is the next step after we bring down the agency and save our son" she said.

Liam blinks at her words, she was right, he had people around the world working for him, allies during his travel for the past three years.

"Are you saying we make ourselves known as their leader?" he said puzzled because that was the only way to draw the other ghouls to their side.

"That might work" she said.

"Babe, I'm not exactly sure Ghouls will agree to a constitutional monarchy" he reasons.

"Liam we have to try, you're the greater power after all, they will listen to you and see you as their leader, you're ghoul king, my king" she said softly, wrapping her arms around his neck.

A smile formed on his lips. 'And you're my queen'. He thought.

"You never told me about how you got this far in three years" Riley said titling her head to the side.

"Well you never asked" he said in amusement grabbing her by the butt straddling her on his waist, leaning his back on the bed wood.

"I'm curious now, I wanna know what you have been through this past years" she said leaning backwards setting herself comfortable on him.

Liam growled at her movement, if it wasn't for the sweat pants he was wearing all talk would fly out the window and it will just her screaming his name over and over again.

"I asked a question, you horny ghoul" Riley said teasing, noticing his length twitching beneath her.

He cleared his throat, she giggled.

"Well it wasn't easy" he began.

"It was just me alone, traveling, keeping my head down, but I was driven by the purpose of bringing down the agency, that rage and pain was what drove me. I single handlely took down the agency branch in Alaska, I found Kayla there, kept as their lab experiment".

"That's why she's always so clingy".

"Are you jealous?" Liam asked teasing.

Riley just rolled her eyes, she wasn't jealous or anything, she just understood why Kayla was always so respectful.

"And Sean? We lost contact with him".

"After a year I got some followers on my side, worked my way through, and then in San Francisco I met Sean, we then stumble upon some ghoul gang, a very powerful one, the elder there Maria Garcia, she knew my long line of ancestors, she practically knew me the moment she saw me, she called me Res tar gin".

"Res tar gin? " Riley said puzzled.

"What does that mean?".

"I don't know but Sean said it was our language, a lost ghoul language untranslated" he said.

"And?" Riley said urging him to go on.

"Turns out my ancestors had a locked save and she was the keeper" he said.

Riley's eyes widen at his words.

"Through generation, adding piling, my family riches, I had no idea we had that kind of wealth existed, my father didn't know too, I guess I was lucky to have found it".

"And she just gave it to you? Like that?", she raised an eyebrow.

"The vault requires DNA, my DNA, that was all the prove she needed an then she passed on, handling over to her daughter... Luna Garcia she's my fortune keeper presently".

"Wow, your ancestors really care deeply about their descendants," Riley said amazed.

"As will I for my descendants, it's a tradition of the black ghoul family" he said.

"So that's how you were so sudden a billionaire" she said in amusement.

He smirks.

"Baby I'm more than a billionaire".

Riley eyes widen.

"How rich are you really?" she asked stunned.

He leaned up, their face inches apart.

"Rich enough" he said before pressing his lips against her gently.

Riley moaned kissing him back, she always loved his lips on hers, it always sent a tingling feeling to her body. A smile pressed against her lips.

"What?" he asked in amusement.

"Nothing" she said pecking his lips briefly.

"Just love you damn too much" she adds huskily.

Liam's eyes darken with something she couldn't quite place.

"As much as I would love to stay in this bed and let you ravish me, I'm starving" she said with a groan getting off him.

Liam looked at the black spiral clock against the wall. 

"It's just 5am" he motioned but she was already out of the room.

"You never seize to amaze me" he smirks getting off bed.


"What's in here..." Riley said opening the cupboards, she gasps seeing the varieties of snacks.

"Figure" she said rolling her eyes knowing Liam wasn't that much of a eater, well that will change now she's here, she bents down to check the cupboards beneath.

A loud growl came behind, she almost jumped at the sound, turning.

"Jesus Liam, you sound like a wolf" she hissed halfway pissed.

"Bend like that again, then I will be more than a wolf" he said with a dark twisted smirk.

Riley raised an eyebrow, folding her arms, as a smirk found her lips.

"Is that a threat?"

He growled.

"Try me"

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