Chapter 149 - Black Sorrow

Rose slowly brought Riley's forehead to her lips, she obeyed not fighting, as she let her mom press her lips against her forehead as a sign of 'I Love You'

Then her hand slides off her cheek, her head turning the other way.

'My Riley, I will always love you my child' she thought as death took her.

Riley watch as her mom's head turned to the side, her eyes closing, her body instantly running cold, the hand against her cheeks dropping.

It was like her whole world seized to exists.

"MOM!!!" Riley cried painfully, holding unto her lifeless body, she cried and sobbed like a child, why was death so cruel, after all these years she finally got to see her mom and now when she had the chance, she was gone, taken away from her. Her heart ached, a pain so hurtful, like she couldn't breathe, like all the air dried from her lungs.

She wraps her arms around her cold body, tightly, not wanting to let go, she can't possibly do that not after she found her after years of thinking she was dead.

"WHY?!" she cried so painfully.

An arm came around her from behind enclosing her, a warmth came from it and she eased into it, it was Liam.

Rose body slowly drops to the ground, she enclosed herself in Liam's arms as she cried.

Liam wraps his arms around her tightly, not saying a word, he held an unreadable expression against his features.

"Ha so noisy..." a dark sinister voice in.

June quivered at the sound, rushing out of the hall in fear, knowing if she stayed it would be the death of her. But suddenly a sharp object looking like a shadow penetrated deeply in her chest, her mouth gushed blood as she dropped to the floor, dead.

The shadow slowly retreats inside Genesis back who was seated on the stairs in front.

Liam's cold eyes lands on him, Genesis extended nails had blood and then the realization struck him.

Liam slowly rise to his feet.

"You did this" he began, his tone cold and distant. 

Genesis shrug.

"I was ordered to" Genesis said, rising to his feet.

"How long will you keep getting used by that bitch".

"Language" he said in a sing tone.

"DON'T MESS WITH ME!" Liam shouts in rage.

"The only reason I'm alive is because of Barbra," he said firmly. 

"And I shall fulfil her wishes" he said slowly transforming into his beast.

"By destroying all those who stands in her way, and that includes both of you" he said in a double demonic voice, roaring.

"If this is how you want it, then you shall have it, I will make you pay for hurting your mom".

"I HAVE NO MOTHER!!!" he roars coming at Liam in anger.

Liam merges with Ghost as he snarled coming at Genesis, as they both enagaged in a heated battle, clawing at one another.

Riley stood still on her knees, lost. She watch as both Liam and Genesis clawed at one another, she was there stiff, her mind and body unable to function, the tears dried from her cheeks as she no longer cried.

All these was Barbra's way of getting back at them by killing, by killing her own mother and using their son to do it, what a twist of fate, how cruel and inhuman, they weren't against an ordinary woman, she was pulling dangerous strings while setting comfortably in her office, her eyes drift to her mom's cold body on the floor, on the pool of her own blood, her eyes grew cold.

Liam roared insanely loud grabbing Genesis on the neck and then slamming him hard against the wall causing a huge crack.

"Get a hold of yourself" Liam growled.

"Can't you see, she's using you to get to us".

Genesis growled kicking Liam off him, the force pushed Liam across the hall, he made impact with the pillars, breaking them instantly and crashing into it.

Genesis roared still inching for a fight as he charged towards Liam aggressively with an intent to kill.

But suddenly a lightening white rod penetrated deeply in his chest, blood splashing as it drew him back to the wall pinning him down. Blood gushed out of his lips as his eyes lands on Riley standing, the rod from one of her hand. 

"Riley what are you doing, you will kill him!" Liam hissed, he was back to human form, his body held wounds as they healed, but the impact really got to him.

"He crossed a line" she said sternly.

Genesis slowly transformed back to human, the rod still buried in his chest, he held unto it with both hands but the rod wouldn't budge.

His blood everywhere.

"Riley" Liam said walking up to her but slowly due to his wounds.

The rod moved deeper, Genesis gasps vomiting a ton of blood.

"THAT BOY CAN'T BE MY SON" she shouts as the tears fell.

Genesis body tensed at her words for a reason he couldn't understand, ever since he met these two strange people, they were always insisting, he was their son, but somehow hearing that words from her, it made him feel strange.

"It's not possible, I wouldn't have birth such a monster" she cried.

"How could he do this to me".

Liam stood beside Riley his wounds fully healed be placed his blood stained hand on her hers, holding the rod, with sad eyes.

"He's not my son" she said with hate, the rod going deeper.

Genesis shouts in pain, it was crushing his heart, if it goes any deeper, it would kill him.

"Riley!" Liam hissed clenching her hand tightly.

"You kill him now, you will regret it" Liam began sternly.

'What's with this people?' Genesis thought with shaky eyes, if they want to kill they should just do it already, why were they holding back?

"Let. Go" Liam said.

Riley's body trembles, she sobbed, obeying his words as the white rod slowly retreats back inside her hand.

"Next time I see him, I won't hesitant" Riley said dead serious before turning to walk away.

She carried Rose's body in her arms before walking away.

Liam stood for a moment, his eyes on Genesis, seated on the floor, holding his bleeding chest.

Then he turned about walking away.

"Are you gonna kill me too?"

Liam halts his steps instantly.

Genesis was surprised by his own words, mentally cursing himself for asking such a question, why did he? 

Without any words Liam continued his work.

"Answer me!" Genesis hissed but Liam didn't stop, he didn't turn until he walks away, leaving a pissed Genesis.

Genesis held his chest in pain, why was he angry and worse why did he feel hurt, this was unlike him, or did Riley Leah words get to him so deeply?

"Liam O'Brien and Riley Leah, they are your parents"

Or was it Steve words, that was imprinted in his brain, something he couldn't stop thinking of, a burning memory that can never be quenched.


Section Five 

Ghoul Investigator's Headquarter (GIH) 

Beneath The Agency

"Once again you failed" Barbra said sternly.

Genesis was on his bed, several equipment connected to his body, it was pipes, containing black fluid, flowing into him.

"They are hard targets" he said faintly.

"You have a job, a purpose, I don't care if they are hard targets" she hissed.

"I killed Rose Jones didn't I? It was part of the mission" he snapts.

"An incomplete mission, Rose was bait to lure both of them, the main targets were Liam and Riley" she states.

Genesis gulps.

"Don't forget, If it weren't for me you would be a dead fetus, I gave you life... Hell I extended it," she hissed.

"You will fulfil my wishes or you're considered a failure, an error... And do you know what I do to failures" she said darkly.

Genesis eyes shake.

"I erase them from existence" she adds with a cold stern look.

"Take some rest, I expect good results".

"Yes ma'am" he said sternly.

"Good" she said walking away.

Leaving Genesis in the wide room.

"Liam O'Brien and Riley Leah, they are your parents"

He growled holding his head in pain, that particular word won't get off his head, it was like a lingering memory that never seized to exist.

His teeth clenched, 'Why am I feeling this way?' he thought with shaky eyes. What was this lingering feeling he couldn't explain, why was he now thinking about those two and their words.


"It's not possible, I wouldn't have birth such a monster"

"How could he do this to me".

"He's not my son" 

"Next time I won't hesitate"

The words rang in his head, he held his chest, the lingering pain still evident even now he was all healed. His fist clenched against his chest, he couldn't explain this odd feeling he felt, what was it?... This deep gloomy feeling, was this...


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