Chapter 150 - Black Genesis (Part 1)

Two Years Ago 

Beneath Steel

7 year old Genesis sat stiff as Steve walks up to him holding a syringe.

"Stay still" Steve said, but the boy was already still like a statue.

The syringe needle slowly penetrated his forehead, the black substance flowing inside him.

"How old will I be now?" he asked curiously.

A small smile found his lips, over the years after operating the Fetus out of Riley's womb, they genetically brought him up, stage by stage, enchancing his growth per Barbra's orders.

"It's depends how old you wanna grow up to... It's depends on you" Steve said smiling warmly at his grandson.

"I would like to be 13 years old, so that I can look more like my dad" he said with a glint of happiness in his eyes.

Steve gave a slight nod as he gave him back the photo he always held, it was a passport photo of Liam and Riley, his fingers ran through them with longing.

"You have your mother's hair but your father's eyes" Steve said in amusement.

"When will I get to see them?" he asked with eagerness in his eyes. But suddenly he felt weak, his head nods from dizziness.

Steve swiftly took the picture from him, it was starting.

"Soon Genesis, soon" Steve said, as darkness took him.


Beneath The Agency 

Genesis gasps awake with a start, he sat up on his bed, holding his head.

"That dream" he began with trembling eyes. It felt so real like he actually lived through it, was a memory? What could it be then?


He gasps as he raised his head, his eyes widen in total shock when he saw Dr. Steve standing before him all burnt, and covered in blood, fear grips Genesis body.

"Liam O'Brien and Riley Leah are your parents" he said.

Genesis trembles, another of Steve stood, they were now two, still in the same state.

"Liam O'Brien and Riley Leah are your parents" he chants along with the others.

"Stop!" Genesis said holding his head like he was losing it.

Another of Steve appeared.

"Liam O'Brien and Riley Leah are your parents" he chants.

Another appeared chanting the same thing, yet another and another... About twenty filled his room.

"Liam O'Brien and Riley Leah are your parents"

"Liam O'Brien and Riley Leah are your parents"

"Liam O'Brien and Riley Leah are your parents"

"Liam O'Brien and Riley Leah are your parents"

"Liam O'Brien and Riley Leah are your parents"

It went on and on, like a haunted voice, Genesis holding his head tightly, it was almost like his skull would crack from their voice, his breath becoming heavy like he was having a panic attack, and then he lost it.



Outskirts Of The City

The Silver-lining Manor 

Riley gasps awake with a start taking harsh uneven breaths, she felt pain, sadness and anger but from where? It was so terrifying.

Her breaths calmed down, running her fingers in her red hair. She looked at the side of the bed but was empty, the sheets undone.

"Liam" she said haste quickly getting up, grabbing a black robe from the hanger before rushing out of the room.


She looked around the environment outside, searching, clenching the robe close to her body, she felt like she could have a panic attack just by not seeing him.

'Calm down Riley' Silver angelic rasp voice sounds in her head.

'Just follow the connection'

Riley took a deep breath closing her eyes. She calmed down allowing her senses to take over.

She flashed open her ghoul eyes and then it went back to her green ones, she felt the connection just like Silver said... She automatically walks to the place like a pull.

She walked all the way to a secluded area of the mansion, there, there were graves, it was their cemetery, filled with grasses and trees, along with flowers.

Riley stared at the place in awe, she has never been here before, this must be their cemetery. And then she saw Liam, dropping a bunch of Lily's on a grave.

She slowly walks towards him, as she came close her eyes found the grave, it was her mother's, he got a grave specially made for her even though the body was cremeted by her request.

Her name written boldly. 'ROSE LEAH'

Tears almost threaten to fall from her eyes.

She stood beside Liam, he wore just a loose black pants and a robe he didn't wrap together, exposing his broad chest and his packs.

They both stood in silence, but acknowledging their presence. A small smile found her lips.

"You did this for her" Riley began finally breaking the silence.

"I'm really grateful" she adds as a tear run down her cheek, but she wipe it off with the black of her hand, sobbing.

"Anything for you" he said softly.

She turns to him, his gaze still fixed on the headstone, her eyes travelled to another beside, she gasps seeing the name. 'STEVE O'BRIEN' and then it dawn on her, 

he didn't just come to see her mom but his dad too.

She took his hand finally making Liam turn to her, she gently lead him so that they would stand in front of his, Liam eyes never left hers.

"Is there anything you wanna tell him?" she asked.

Liam's sad eyes lands on the headstone, he gulps.

"You know my dad use to say, whenever we come to visit the dead, we say what we wanna say to them, things we never get to say when they were alive" she states.

"So tell him Liam... The things you would say if he were alive".

A tear fell from Liam's eye sliding down his cheek.

"You were the worst dad I ever had" he began in a crack voice.

Riley's hand on his subconsciously tighten around his.

"The worst," the tears falling.

"You were never there, mom's funeral, Jenna's death, you weren't there... You betrayed me, you did things to me, no dad would ever do to their son" he sobs as he sighed, holding the tears back.

"The worst but the only reason I was reunited with Riley".

"If it weren't for you... I never would have" he sobs.

"But that doesn't change the fact you turned your own grandson to a monster... You took him away from us and turned him against us... Right now I don't know if I should hate or kill you all over again... myself" he said sternly.

"But it doesn't matter now, you got what you deserved" he said final, taking his eyes off the grave turning.

"Liam" Riley said softly. 

His gaze slowly drifts to her, she placed her hand on his cheek, he leaned into her touch closing his eyes sighing, he bent his head down rubbing his cheek against her palm, exactly what he needed right now, her comfort and presence.

"Our parents did things we didn't understand" she began.

"Good, bad, worse... Now they don't have to do what they think is right... They can rest on now, away from this twisted world".

"I don't wanna lose you" he admits.

"You won't ever again... never" she said slowly going on her tip toes, pressing her lips against his gently.

She ran her lips on his softly, Liam slowly closed his eyes kissing her back with all he had, he deepened the kiss devouring every inch of her mouth, his fingers dug in her hair turning her head to the side to gain more assess to her mouth, their kiss went on as they were lost in each other embrace, the moon at it's highest peak reflected on them, making it seem magical.


Section Five 

Ghoul Investigator Headquarters

Beneath The Agency 

"What the hell is going on with him?" Barbra hissed on top of her lungs, the doctor shaking at her voice.

"We don't know ma'am he has been like this for day's now" she as they both turned to Genesis besides his bed at a corner, his knees to his chest, trembling profusely from an unknown cold.

"He keeps saying things" she said.

"What?!" Barbra demands.

"Thing's like 'stop'... 'Why do you keep saying that... I have no parents" she explained.

Barbra froze as her eyes widen.

"A memory lock" she said in realization, this could ruin everything, all years of hard work and money spent to make Genesis the perfect killer, the perfect pawn, now it was gonna go down the drain by a memory lock? This was Steve doing no doubt, he did this, by inserting an impenetrable words in his head that can't be override, even if she wanted to erase it, there was only one thing she could do to erase him.

"Prepare for Zoom" she states.

The doctor froze at her words, her eyes widen. Zoom the technology they created to enhance Genesis age scientifically over the years the prize was each time his age was increased he would lose his memory and be like a shell void of all memories following only Barbra's orders once again... But the problem was only Steve could pull that off, and he was dead.

"Ma'am we can't control it, if we do this, he will die or worst, completely lose his mind, the age increase stops at 13, we haven't improved it yet" she said.

"Then improve it!" she snapts facing her.

"Improve it Dr.. Malia, or you're the one who ends up a failure!" she threatens.

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