Chapter 151 - Black Genesis (Part 2)

*Heart Beats Slowly*





*Sharp Uneven Breath*





*Continuous Throbbing Heat Beat*

Genesis took uneven breath, his knees to his chest, his face buried in his hands, his harsh breath's increased, like he was having a panic attack, it was loud and harsh, his body trembling excessively... But the sharp breath then stop abruptly, his trembling body still.

His hands fell from his face, his brown eyes filled with sadness, he sat there still staring at his hand, that showed blood in his vision.

The blood of Rose Jones, he gulps hard as his trembling hands tighten in a hard fist, the blood on his hands made his heart ached... He now knew exactly who he killed... What he did.


"It's not possible, I wouldn't have birth such a monster"

"How could he do this to me".

"He's not my son" 

"Next time I won't hesitate"

Riley's words rang in his head once more, as well as Liam's cold glance and silence, they rang in his head like a beating drum slamming hardly in his brain, his trembling body stops as his eyes sadden more, a tear fell from one of his eye, with his thumb, he brushed it off his cheek, assessing it.

"A tear..." he said, he has never shed a tear before, this was new to him and it sent a tingling feeling to his body, he felt sadness and sorrow, this tear was as a result of the pain he caused, the inhuman thing he did.

The door slide open as Dr. Malia walks in along with two agents behind.

Genesis turns to them, then his eyes widen in realization.

But it was too late, there was no turning back, maybe this way, there will be peace.


Genesis was tired to the bed, a leather wrap around his chest, legs and hands pinning him down, he didn't fight, he didn't have the will to.

Pointy needle's around thousands were beside him at both sides, containing a black fluid liquid.

From the other end of hall, Barbra stood beside Dr. Malia.

"Begin!" she said sternly.

Malia gulps hard before pushing the button, knowing there was no way she could disagree, it would be the death of her.

The machines began moving coming for his body slowly. Genesis closed his eyes awaiting his fate, after this all memory will be gone and he will start anew, but was it really what he wants? What does it matter? He has never wanted anything in his life to begin with, he was a pawn, a pawn to be used and discarded when done with, he didn't have a say, that has always been his life ever since, why would it change now?


A faint voice called for him, it sounded familiar.


Instantly his mind travelled to his subconsciousness.


Genesis slowly opened his eyes, he found himself, in the most beautiful place he has ever seen, it was a beach, the sun at it's brightest, the sands against his feet felt so real. The ocean blue like the skies, the wind carrying it in waves, the birds gracing the skies with their presence, it smelt refreshing and peaceful, he wished he would just stay here forever, away from all the dark memories.

"Genesis", the familiar voice called to him again, he turned, Steve stood beside him wearing a warm smile, staring at him lovingly, wearing his usual lab cloths, but not burnt like he saw him last, he looked okay almost glowing from the sun brightness.

"How?" he began in confusion.

"This is your subconsciousness as well as mine" Steve said.

"But you're dead"

"Yes I'm, but I did something before I dead, I kept some part of me with you" he said.

"Why?" Genesis demands.

"Beacuse of this moment" he began, with a deep sigh.

"What they are about to do to you won't work, it will destroy, it will kill you" he said sternly.

"You have to break free".

"I can't" he said shaking his head negatively as the tears fell.

"I remember everything... I have parents... I hurt them so bad, they are never gonna forgive me, it's better if I just die" he said while sobbing and hicupping.

"Your parents will always love you Genesis, they are good people unlike me" Steve said with sad eyes.

"I did so many things to them that I regret, but it was for a purpose I was destined to achieve... I did everything I could to protect you, Genesis... But Barbra... That woman left no stones unturned... I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you my boy, I have failed both a son and a grandson" he said as a tear fell from one of his eye.

"With this I can make everything right... You have to reunite with your parents, which is why I'm here to guide you through this, I promise" he said, his eyes laced with seriousness.

Genesis stared at him with teary eyes. Steve placed a hand on Genesis shoulder.

"You won't leave pass 13 years, this age is your end cycle, I don't want you to leave it out alone... I want you to spend it with your parents... If you can grant this old man his wishes, I will be at rest then" he said with a smile against his lips. 

"But how? How can I? I'm not so sure I can" Genesis said in tears.

"Fight Genesis, fight for your will and dignity" Steve said sternly.



*Loud sound Of Heart Beat*


Genesis flashed his eyes opens, his right eye turning to his ghoul ones, he growled aggressively as he broke free of the leathers surprising everyone, they watch stunned at his action.

He roars using the bed to crash the machines with his inhuman strength. He wasn't fully transformed, just his sharp claws and nails along with deadly canines present, his ears pointy, his hair wild, his one ghoul eye lands on Barbra who watch with widen eyes.

"BARBRAAAAAAA!" he roared.

In a flash of speed, he charged towards her, alerted, Barbra brough out a device, it shifted to a long white whip, but before she could use it, Genesis was already close, his sharp claws made contact with her face, connecting with her skin, it moved as it slashed her side face from the the neck up, blood splashing.

Barbra shouts in horror as the excruciating pain shock her body, but she didn't back down, she rotated her whip at Genesis, the force slamming his body against the wall along with other things in the way.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!" Barbra screams in pain, going on her knees, blood gushing from her side way, her palm placed on it but it didn't stop the bleeding.

Dr. Malia quickly rushed to her side, thinking of what to do. 

A group of agents rushed in, seeing the scene.

"GET HIM!" she shouts in rage as the agents panicked, rushing to where Genesis was but on getting there he was no where to be seen.


Above The Agency 

The elevator made a ding sound revealing Genesis as he steps out, the door shutting behind, he ventured into the lonely hall having no idea where the exit was, his heart slamming soundly in his chest, his breath sharp and uneven.

His heard footsteps, his head shot up but it at the sound, some chatting agents came forth, but they were too engross in their conversation to even notice him, so he used the opportunity to hide behind a wall, waiting as his heart slammed loudly in his chest.

They passed unaware he was even there, seeing they were gone he continued to walk in the halls, his bare feets making tap sounds against the floor as he walks, he looked side ways, staying alert for any threats, he turned to the next hall, locating an elevator, he pressed the button rushing inside. The doors shut close.

He looked at the number of keys but couldn't figure it out, he didn't know how to read, he never thought he had to, pressing anything he thought was right, the elevator moved.

He waited with anticipation as it did, to get to wherever it has to go, but then it stops abruptly, the door sliding open, revealing a teenage boy, he held a smoov as he drawed the drink through the pipe, he wore blue jeans, dark blue inner long sleeve sweater and dark brown jacket, along with matching shoes, his eyes fixed on his phone as he pressed wirh one hand, smirking, he slowly raised his head meeting with brown ones.

The teenage boy blinks puzzled at Genesis on tattered clothes. A dark smirk spread across his lips seeing his clothes, before the boy could react, Genesis grabs him by the collar pulling him inside the elevator as he shrieks, the door sliding shut.

A few minutes later Genesis was out fully clothed in the boy's outfit, leaving the unconscious boy in the elevator in just his boxer's.

Flapping on the hood from the inner dark blue sweater he wore he ventured into the next floor.

"Stay together everyone at all times, this is a tour of the agency not a vacation" an agent said leading a group of kids around.

Genesis watch them from behind, if he could blend in with the crowd, then his escape would be evident, smirking he walks towards the group of kids already disappearing to the next hall, he tried to keep up.

"Hey kid!"

A voice halts him instantly, he turns meeting Chase approaching him slowly, an agent.

"What are you doing here?!" he demands.

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