Chapter 153 - Black Escape

"Being an agent sucks!" one of the teens spoke up, others made a woo sound.

"God! I hate Kids" Jesse murmured while keeping a smile present on her lips but fuming on the inside.

"Well, one day you will have one" Peter whispers to her.

Jesse just rolled her eyes.

"That's very motivating, but we keep the city safe" Jesse states.

"I'm not so sure about that" Heather spoke up.

All attention drifts to her.

"Dammit Heather don't cause attention!" Dale said through clenched teeth. 

"Why say so young lady?" Jesse asked with a forced smile, she was curious about her thoughts.

"My mom was a drug addict" Heather began stepping forward with a stern look.

The rest teens whispers at her words.

"You know what that means right?" she adds. 

"G-st" Peter said without a doubt.

"Exactly... G-st a drug made by the drug king, capable of turning humans into ghouls known as Claw Walkers" Heather said.

"She gets like this" Josh said sighing.

"Why?" Genesis asked puzzled.

"Her own mom tried to eat her and her little sister".

Genesis body tensed at his words, facing him.

"What happened then?" he asked curious.

"She survived but her sister didn't".

Genesis eyes shakes at his words as he turned, his gaze landing on her back. 

"The only thing the agency could do was hunt them rather than find a cure" Heather said sternly.

The other teens nods in agreement.

"And you call that saving?" she said with a huff.

"Well I guess not".

"Young lady" Jesse began.

"The black Ghoul and Riley Leah are our savior" she cuts her off.

Jesse froze at her words.

"They gave me my mom back... They gave her a chance along with the rest of other kids who would have been orphans or a scared teen or adult who would have to live as a drug addict forever...and what did you guys do?"

Peter gulps hard at her words, not knowing what to say.

Jesse with a stern look took a step closer to her.

"I admire your spirit" she began.

"You're still young... All these burning spirit will quench one day when you realize"

"Realize what?" Heather said with an attitude.

"That once a ghoul... always a ghoul" Jesse said smirking.

Heather gulps hard at her words.

*Loud Alarm Siren*

"There's been a breach" Peter hissed in realization.

"Ghoul, there's a ghoul inside the agency" he adds.

Jesse turned to the kids.

"Everyone to the entrance!" she hissed.

They all rushed to the entrance.

"This is bad for all of us" Heather said to Genesis, he knew the alert went off because of him, they must have finally caught up to him.

"Bad for him not us" Dale said with a shrug as they got to the entrance.

There were about five agents there scanning their ID before they walk pass the entrance.

"Really bad" Josh said without a doubt.

"There's too much agents, this damn alarm caused it" Heather said.

"The alarm, it's because of me" Genesis said with a stern look.

They faced him.

"I'm the ghoul they are looking for".

"Obviously" Dale said.

"Now because this fucking alarm he can't get through with that many agents" he adds. 

"I have an idea, but it's crazy" Genesis said.

"Anything crazier than getting caught by agents?" Josh said.

"I'm down with it then" he adds.

"How crazy?" Heather asked facing him.

"Very" Genesis said in an inhuman voice, his right eye changing to his ghoul ones.

Their eyes widen in realization, Genesis shifted to his beast form, as a dark aura surrounds him going up in height.

The people around screamed at the sudden action all dispersing, except the agents in front bringing their guns out really to fire.

"He's big so freaking big" Dale said in fear.

"Is this normal?" Josh said in shock.

Genesis roared deadly before grabbing the three as they squeals at the sudden move.

The agents shot at Genesis but that didn't stop him, as he covered the three against his chest, the bullet made impact with his black body but no effect made. Genesis roared increasing his speed.

"SHIT! MOVE OUT HE'S GONNA BREAK THROUGH!" Jesse shouts as they dispersed quickly.

Genesis with force and density burst through the door and wall causing an amount of destruction, the wave and force blocked every one from seeing, when it dead down Genesis and the other two kids were nowhere to be seen, leaving the rest agents in awe of what just unfold.


Beneath the agency

Barbra roared in extreme pain, holding her wounded side face while taking harsh uneven breath.

"Ma'am please stay still so that I can cover it up" Malia urgued.

But Barbra wouldn't seat still because of the intense pain.

"Please ma'am I have to wrap it up or it will get infected" she pleased.

Barbra took harsh breath, that came out like a growl.

"Check it!" she hissed taking her seat, her body trembling.

Malia gulps hard, fixing her gloves properly before assessing the wound, Barbra winces in pain as she did.

Malia went stiff seeing something, the four slash mark on left face, from her head down to her neck.

"What is it?!" Barbra demands impatient.

"Y-Y-Your right eye it's..." she gulps.

"It's what?!"

"I-It damaged".

Barbra's body tensed at her words, her fist clenched tightly as rage boiled inside her.

"Genesis" she said with gritted teeth.

Malia's body trembled where she was, never seeing her this angry.


Two agents steps in. 

"We were unable to apprehend the target" one said in guilt.

"Useless" Barbra spats.

"YOU'RE ALL USELESS!" Barbra shouts scattering the table in front of her.

Malia squeaks at the action. It was unlike Barbra Jones to lose her cool like this.


"What?!" she hissed snaping at the agent who jumped a little at her voice.

"It's the Director Ma'am" he said holding a transperant iPad 

Barbra froze as her one good eye widen in shock, pure fear griping her insides, she shivered turning to face the agent slowly.

"What did you say?!" she asked in a shaky voice, hoping and praying she heard wrong.

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