Chapter 154 - The Director

"YOU'RE ALL USELESS!" Barbra shouts scattering the table in front of her.

Malia squeaks at the action. It was unlike Barbra Jones to lose her cool like this.


"What?!" she hissed snaping at the agent who jumped a little at her voice.

"It's the Director Ma'am" he said holding a transperant iPad 

Barbra froze as her one good eye widen in shock, pure fear griping her insides, she shivered turning to face the agent slowly.

"What did you say?!" she asked in a shaky voice, hoping and praying she heard wrong. 

"It's the Director ma'am" the agent repeats, turning the iPad to face her.

Barbra gasp in panic but it was too late as the video call went through, it came up, revealing a handsome young man, around his late 40s but still looked like he was in his 30s, breathtaking with his looks. His skin paled almost like the moonlight, his lips a lighter shade of pink, his eyes a icy green colour that held danger and wildness, his hair blond and silky, gelled backwards. He was seated in an office just by the first look of it, it looked expensive. He was on a white long sleeve shirt well ironed not s single wrinkle, the buttons undone revealing his paled hard ton chest. 

"V-Vincent" Barbra said in a shaky breath. 

Dr. Malia beside her practically just drooled at the man that looked like a goddess, she quickly put on her glasses hanging around her neck just to make sure she wasn't seeing things.

His moist lip pressed in a small smile making him more dashing.

"Barbra" he said in a soft tone that held coldness.

Barbra gulps hard, why now? After years of staying in the shadows.

"My gosh Barbra what happened to your face?" he asked in a tone of worry but everyone across the room could read it was fake.

"Nothing" Barbra said with clenched teeth.

"Obviously it can't be nothing... A ghoul maybe?" he said in amusement leading back against his white leather chair.

"Or one of your failed experiments" he add.

Barbra flinched at his words.

He ticks his tongue.

"My sweet Barbie, I've told you many times, if you want resources of dissecting ghouls, I'm the perfect man to ask" he said huskily.

Barbra growled at the nickname, it has been years and she still hated the name, it was like ants crawling up her skin whenever she heard it. 

"What do you want Vincent?!" she snaps not ready to put up with his sick dilemma.

"Now now Barbie is that anyway to speak to your elder brother" he said as his lips pressed in a thin line, resembling a frown but didn't taint his handsome features.

Malia mouth dropped at his words, Barbra Jones has an elder brother?

"I apologize brother", the word brother sounding with disgust and resentment.

This made Vincent smirk broaden instantly like he acknowledge her attitude.

"I heard a rumour, that things aren't going well for you in New York, or our branches no less" he began.

"Rumors like you said" Barbra said sternly.

"Haa... Barbie, you know I have eyes and ears everywhere, even that agent over there, the one with the pointed chin" he said with a smirk.

Barbra lools darken, in a flash she took her gun off the table, shooting the agent in the head, blood splashed to the other holding the iPad, fear grips his body as his partner drops to the floor, dead.

Malia squeak at the sight.

"Barbie" Vincent said, disappointment in his tone.

"If you go on like this you might end up killing all your agents" he adds smirking.

"We agreed I handle the agency, don't go planting moles in my agency" she hissed.

"No Barbra" he said in a serious tone, leaning off the chair, his arms pressing against the glass table.

"Under my orders you're captain of the agency, don't forget that".

Barbra gulps at his deadly words.

"Your mismanagement, your style of handling my agency, is not appropriate" he states in a simple tome.

"I heard you're facing series of events that calls to my attention" he began.

"Brea gesh resh mesh sa Silver and Ghost Clover" (The gods have awakened, Silver and Ghost Clover), he said in an ancient language, ghoul language.

Barbra's eyes widen in realization, over the years, generations of hunting ghouls, they have grown accustomed to the language, it was no longer foreign to them. 

"You seem surprised, the entire country or more the colony of ghouls are in uproar, they are saying their god's has awaken, a connection they all felt... I'm curious barbie, I'm curious to know this folktale, if it's true" he said.

"I might have a hunch... No I have the answer" Barbra said with shaky eyes, how could she not have seen it, they were right in front of her from the very start.

Vincent raised an eyebrow.

"Tell me... Their identity" Vincent demands.

"Atleast now I have something you don't, relax brother, just as you have entrusted me with the agency, I shall bring honor to the family name" she said in amusement before shooting the agent holding the iPad, a bullet to the head as he drops dead in an instant. The video going off line. 



Pent House 

Vincent in silence, his eyes fixed on his apple laptop, the video connection off.

"You never seize to amaze me Barbra" Vincent said, his tone laced with seriousness.

"She has the answer" a young woman said, seated on the desk in Front of of him, shutting the laptop close.

Vincent icy green eyes lands on her, she was a beauty, wearing a purple slender short gown that hung her body perfectly, short straight white hair, kept perfectly, her ghoul eyes evident, the white part of her eyes black, but instead of the center gold like a normal ghouls, hers were purple, a bright shade. A smirk pressed against her red lip. 

"But she won't tell us" she adds in a huskily manner, tilting her head to the side.

Vincent leans back to his chair.

"What do you say about a mission, Six?" he asked.

"Anything for you Milord" Six said smirking.

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