Chapter 164 - Epilogue

Week 1

"Hundreds no less thousands of Civilians in New York are protesting against the agency, something that have never happened throughout history... countless voices are speaking up about the injustice of ghouls and demanding that ghouls should no longer be hunted anymore... rumours also have it that Barbra Jones Captain of the G.I agency is responsible for the drug capable of transforming humans into Claws, and also involved in illegal experiments not just discriminating human rights but ghouls too" The newscaster said, the news played across New York City, not just there but across the entire continent.


Week 2

"Protest still ungoing, citizens are not backing down, now majority of people around the world are deeply supporting ghouls, stating that the government should put an end to the hunt.... After over the pass weeks no ghoul attack have been called in, giving the citizens more morale to fight fight for the ghouls"


Week 3

"The government just recently called Barbra Jones to trial after gaining enough prove of the agency mismanagement and the illegal experiment done on ghouls... but she's yet to stand for trial... but recently the agents of the company have been disbanded, not just in New York but throughout the continent as their services are no longer needed by the humans they claimed to protect"


Week 4

"Protests on both sides are currently happening, both of the ghoul supporters and ghoul haters.. the government is recently trying to keep them at bay with all they can muster, as global protest keeps ungoing"


Week 5

"Global panic reduces as so suddenly ghouls reduces across the globe, where could they be going? Rumours have it that an organisation ruled by two ghouls rumoured to be known as ghoul gods from their ancient history are taking extreme measure to safe guard all ghouls taking them into hiding and protecting their kinds... seems like some kind of a constitutional monarchy have been created within the ghouls thereby killings and attacks by ghouls have been reduced so far.... this organisation is know as the Black Clover"


Section Five

Former Ghoul Investigators Headquaters

Inside the now abandoned skyscraper building, in Barbra Jones office, she was inside, smoking, blowing smoke steams from her lips as she watch the city of New York through the broken wide tall window.

*Footsteps Approaching*

She smiled knowing who was coming, it was only a matter of time.

"Come to pay me a visit now... dear niece" Barbra said drawing deeply on her cigar.

The Footsteps halts, Riley stood before her hands in her long coat jacket.

Barbra took her lips off the cigar blowing out a steam of smoke before facing her.

"What have i been hearing... a constitutional monarchy" she mocked huffing.

"Where are you hiding all the ghouls huh? It's a dead zone out here without them" she adds bringing the cigar to her lips once more.

"It's over Barbra, ghouls aren't hunted anymore" Riley said sternly.

Barbra laughed it was dark and twisted.

"But still the mark remains" she said in amusement trailing her left hand on her side face now having a claw mark on it.

"No matter what Riley Leah, as long as one offspring still lives... ghouls shall never know peace" she states sternly.

"We will be ready" Riley began.

"When your brother comes at us, we will be ready"

"Oh he will, most especially for you... he will complete the family code by destroying the remaining bad blood of the Jones family" she said through gritted teeth.

"That's one mistake Barbra" she said sternly.

"I was never a part of your family, I was never a Jones... I bear my father's name" she said her eyes changing to her ghoul ones, the right part of her eye creeping up in a four leaf Clover white tattoo around.

Barbra huffed sassy the half smoked cigar dropping to the floor.

"And I'm not here for chitchat" Riley states as a white aura forged around her.

"I'm here to seek justice for my mom and son".

"Did you really think..." Barbra began.

"I will let myself die at the hands of a ghoul" she adds.

"Think again child,"

Instantly she leaned backwards letting her body fall off the window.

Riley froze at her action rushing to the window, she was already on the ground in a distance, her blood around her in a circle, her brain scattered to bits, her eyes wide open, her head turned at the side.

The Demise Of Barbra Jones

"Farewell Aunt" Riley said turning on her heels walking away, too bad she didn't kill her herself, too bad.


Outskirts Of The City

Black Clover Hometown

The area of bushes now covered in houses, some still in development, ghouls, former Claw Walkers and few humans who turned to their sides roamed around in peace, some chatty, some engaging in various activities.

Human kids and ghoul kids playing while making jokes.

"Wow I really can't believe it... we have our own country... a still developing one" Iris said with a smile against her lips.

She strolled alongside Sean in the area of flowers, others walking by also.

"It's still a long way though, the global hiding still needs some work, hometown are built across the continent... still more work" Sean said with a heavy sigh.

"It's still better Sean, we get to live freely in these hometown no longer scared of being hunted or of who we are... I mean there are humans siding with us here... its one step closer to peace"

Sean smiles nodding, as he faces her.

"Yeah you're right" he states, giving her a charming smile.

Iris blushes slightly facing forward, was it just her or was everywhere suddenly hot. She quickly cleared her throat.

"How are Liam and Riley holding up, you know with the death of Genesis" she said sad.

"Moving on I guess but it's not gonna be easy not after what they have been through, all we can do is support them" he said.

Iris nods.


Black Clover Cemetery 

Heather drops a bunch of flowers on Genesis grave, the name on it 'Ryan O'brien'.

She sobs squatting.

"You said you would come back" she said crying.

"I'm gonna keep living Genesis, just like you told me to" she sobs while nodding her head.

A figure squats beside her, didn't even notice his presence until now.

"I'm sure Ryan would have want the same thing too" Liam said with sad eyes.

"For all of us".

She nods wiping her tears.

Riley approached them slowly, she watch as they slowly rise to their feets, Heather thanking Liam before walking away.

Liam's attention drift to her, he smiled walking towards her.

"So how did it go?" He asked curiously.

Riley sighed.

"Well thenbitch killed herself... I didn't expect that" she shrugged as they began strolling.

"The almighty Barbra Jones commits suicide... that will surely be the top of the headlines" Liam said.

"It was like she knew,", she faced Liam, halting, so did Liam.

"That her time was up... Liam she said something about Vincent coming for us"

"And we will take him down when the time comes" he assured her.

"For now we have to focus on saving our people, we have a bit of a migration problem in Tokyo".

"I will handle that country" she states.

He raised an eyebrow.

"I already called in my flight" he said in amusement.

"Well then change it" she shrugs.

Liam tilts his head to the side.

"Let's do this then... we flip a coin, if it says tails I go only and if it says heads, we go" he said.

Riley raised an eyebrow.

"Ready?" he said flipping a coin up to the air.

"Hey! I didn't agree yet" she hissed frowning.

"Oh you will" he states the coin lands to hand, he held it up with his fingers for her to see.

Riley instantly gasps covering her palm on her mouth in shock. It wasn't a coin he flipped but a diamond ring.

"Liam" she said amazed.

With a side smirk, he went down on one knee.

"Marry me, Riley Leah"

She gasped.

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