Chapter 165 - Prologue (THE FIFTH CHAPTER)

This world is black and white... but there's also the beauty of it

The calm wind swirl around Black Clover Town, the area fully developed and more still on construction, the trees made the place more enchanting, the past four months have made the area more lively and well endowed in resources. 

But funny enough the area was cleared of people, they were gathered in a particular area for an event.


The O'Brien Mansion

Through the large gate entrance to the extra-large compound, embodied with evergreen grasses in some areas and the other areas embodied in a concrete tiled floor, in a large space fully decorated for an event, the chairs white and black, along with the decorations, the area mostly decorated with white flowers and designs.

Everyone dressed in uniform, men in black tailored suits, the ladies in white different styled of dresses.

"Will you stop shaking Liam O'Brien, you're about to get married not fight another humanoid ghoul" Sean hissed for the fourth time today, fixing Liam's tie with so much concentration..

"You can't blame me, I'm nervous" Liam admitted wiping the sweat against his features with his handkerchief.

Sean chuckles deeply.

"Our almighty sire is nervous... when he's finally marrying the girl of his dreams," he said with a smirk.

Liam just rolled his eyes, Sean was done with his tie.

"All set"

"What if she isn't ready yet?" Liam said nervously.

"Liam" he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Riley loves you more than anything... she said yes didn't she?"

Liam nods.

"Well Liam O'Brien... you are marrying your soul mate, there's no greater match than that... I mean your Claws are literally soul mates from thousands of years ago, dude that's a sure thing"

Liam smiled warmly.

"Speaking of a sure thing," he said as his eyes lands on the crowd taking their seats, and then it lands on Iris setting the decorative bouquet with Rory.

"When are you gonna tell her how you feel" he adds with a nudge of his head.

"I don't know what you are talking about," he said innocently.

"Don't give me that fucking attitude... I have seen the way you look at her this past few months" Liam said in amusement.

"Well..." he sighs in defeat knowing he was caught.

"Come on Sean tell her how you feel" Liam urged.

"I don't think that's a good idea I mean look" he points out.

That moment she was laughing with Gray at a joke.

"They have been awfully close... I mean look at them they almost seem perfect, I wonder if they are dating" he said sternly not liking that idea.

Liam sighs.

"Dude after my wedding and honeymoon I'm seriously gonna give you counseling, I mean you like her, go make her yours" Liam states.

Sean gave him a look.

"Yeah sure, great advice, remember I'm not as dominating as you're... I'm a cool guy"

"Well so am I, but you gotta let that wild nature spin-off, who knows you might turn her on with your attitude" Liam shrugs.

Sean growled rolling her eyes, Liam was the worst person to seek advice from.


Inside the mansion is a wide room, Riley was seated all dressed in her white slender wedding gown. Sid doing her hair, she was done before setting her long veil in place.

"And done," she said giggly.

"You look so beautiful Riley, all thanks to me" 

"Thanks," Riley said amused, today was the happiest day of her life and she couldn't stop smiling.

"Soon to be Riley O'Brien," Sid said amused.

Making Riley blush slightly, but then she frowned.

"I wish my mom and dad were here..." Her eyes grew wistful.

Sid's eyes saddened at her words.

"And Rylan" she adds faintly but she heard her.

"They are Riley, they will always be watching and I'm sure they are happy wherever they are," Sid said gently.

A smile found Riley's lips.

"Ugh where is the bride, she's taking so much time" Kayla pouts walking in along with Iris behind.

"Here's your little monster he can't just stop crying," Kayla said handling a crying Oliver to Sid who stops crying now finally in his mom's arms.

"Traitor" Kayla hissed at the poor kid who just suck his thumb.

Sid just giggled at their antics.

"The finishing touches," Iris said walking towards the table to grab a black box, she opened it revealing a shiny diamond necklace.

"Oooh... seems like boss is already spoiling our soon-to-be Mrs. O'Brien," Kayla said in amusement while wagging her eyebrow up and down.

Riley just rolled her eyes as Iris set the necklace around her neck, pinning it. It was a perfect fit.

"You look astonishing," Iris said with a warm smile.

"Thank you, Iris," Riley said sweetly, staring at her through the wide mirror, over the past months they have grown pretty close.

"Let's get this wedding started" Kayla growled dramatically.


Everything was in place, everyone seated waiting for the bride to walk in. Liam and Sean are present at the altar with the priest.

"You know ghouls have their own wedding tradition" Sean whispers to Liam.

"What? Really? I thought it was the same as humans" Liam said puzzled.

"It's an old tradition, it's okay... besides it wasn't celebrating like this... it just requires a ring and an elder blessings and then during consummation, the husband shares part of his Claw with his wife so that they will be one, that's why ghoul couples are very intimate" he explained.

"Wow," Liam said stunned, he had no idea.

"Relax Liam, no one will complain about the wedding" he shrugs like it was no big deal but to Liam it was... Riley grew up as a ghoul not human like he did... he was practically doing the wedding in his tradition and his own way, without considering their ways, he frowned, he would have to make it up to her somehow.

Getting distracted from his thoughts the sound came up welcoming the bride, the moment he raised his head it was like everything fades around him, just the two of them as he stared at the most beautiful creature he has ever seen, that took his breath away... God, she was perfect. Perfect just for him and the way her hips moved as she walks turned him on more than he can bear, the slender white gown hung her body perfectly, showing all her enticing curves, she looked simply ravishing all for him to devour as he like and she was all his forever starting today and yet it felt like he was falling in love once again.

Riley's eyes never left Liam's, the hungry look he gave her made her cheeks taint pink a little, he was simply ravishing as always, she couldn't believe she was getting married to this godlike man that took her breath away every second, sparing no room for her to breath, he was dashing and sexy as always especially in that tux. In response she bit her lip slightly, Liam's eyes darken in desire, smirking she knew what that does to him.

As she got closer by the second, between the two they reminisced all their life history together, the first time they met at Drinks & Dine... their eyes locking that one moment.

When she recused Liam and his sister, Jenna, from the agents, taking them into the ghoul underground, their rocky start... always disagreeing with things.

Then when he was abducted by the agents and tortured... then the death of Jenna, Ghost awakening for the first time after the massacre, when their eyes locked that moment.

Liam coming to her recuse when she was surrounded by agents... then he left her all alone after the ghoul underground was attacked, the tears, the pain, the longing... and then one year later after she was captured by the agents and taken to Steel... Liam coming to her rescue saving her from death.

Their feelings confessed... their initiate relationship and then after the attack on the agency, her death, as he cried while holding her in his arms, thinking he had lost her forever.

Three years later, they were reunited by unexplained circumstances, her forced identity as Lorna Hart keeping them apart... then she unintentionally betraying him as he gets captured and Ghost giving her back her memories... Liam, taken to Steel and she coming to his rescue as they both unlocked their hidden power together and then the meeting with their son, the painful moments with him and then the good ones.

Unexpected to Riley, a tear fell from one of her eyes, she was now at the altar standing in front of him, the priest saying some words.

With worried eyes, Liam gently wipes the tear from her cheek.

"What's wrong?" he whispered worriedly.

She smiled shaking her head negatively, unable to find the right words to say at this moment, she was both overjoy and slightly sad, they have been through a lot together, forces trying to separate them all the time, she was always scared of losing him.

"I don't wanna lose you," she said softly.

"You won't," he said his eyes laced with seriousness.

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