Chapter 166 - Riley O'Brien

Reliving all their life history together in less than a second, made her heart ache. Unexpected to Riley, a tear fell from one of her eyes, she was now at the altar standing in front of him, the priest saying some words.

With worried eyes, Liam gently wipes the tear from her cheek.

"What's wrong?" he whispered worriedly.

She smiled shaking her head negatively, unable to find the right words to say at this moment, she was both overjoy and slightly sad, they have been through a lot together, forces trying to separate them all the time, she was always scared of losing him, that was her greatest fear, he was her anchor, her light in her darkest times, the comfort when she was lost and sad, he was always there for her no matter what and she couldn't be more grateful... he was her soul mate, her destined.

"I don't wanna lose you," she said softly.

"You won't," he said, his eyes laced with seriousness..

She gave a slight nod, believing his words.

After the priest finish saying some words, rings exchanged, he then blesses the couple, joins their hands together, and asks.

"Do you take, Riley Leah as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish?".

"I do" Liam answers never talking his eyes off hers.

A sweet smile found her lips.

"And do you take, Liam O'Brien as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish?" he asked once more.

"Of course" she answers making the crowd giggled at her antics.

Liam chuckles deeply.

"You never seem to amaze me" he said in amusement.

"So do you" she said winking.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife" the priest announced.

"You may kiss the bride"

Liam smirks, exactly what he wanted to hear, he wrapped an arm around her waist drawing her body close to his, she gasped at his sudden action, placing her hands on either side of his shoulder blades.

"You always like dominating" she said amused their faces inches apart.

"It's in my nature" he murmurs before claiming her lips hard, the crowd went loud in a applause and cheer.

Liam smiled between kisses, his lips roaming hers nonstop. Before they pulled away so that they can both catch their breath, the crowd still cheering and whistling, along with claps.

They were both in each other arms as they faced the cheering crowd, both happy, satisfied.


The nite skies illuminated with stars, the soft music played in a gentle rhythm.

"Alright everyone get seated" Sean said using a spoon to tap his wine glass gently, gaining their attention, everyone seated.

Liam and Riley were seated at their table, up front, flowers decorated on the top.

"It's toast time" he said raising the wine glass, earning a giggle from the crowd.

"To Liam, my best buddy and also to the ghoul king" he motioned.

"To the ghoul king" they cheered, raising their wine glasses.

Making a smile curl up Liam's lips, he raised his glass in acknowledgement.

"And also to our queen, Riley O'Brien"

They cheered.

She giggled, raising her glass in acknowledgement.

"Liam, you're an amazing man" Sean began.

"A leader, a friend, and a brother" he said as his eyes grew wistful with memories of the past.

"You liberated us, built an entire civilisation around the world just for us, for that I'm grateful... we are grateful"

The crowd cheered.


"To my so loving boss, I'm so so happy for you, for both of you" Kayla said.


Rory cleared his throat

"Okay um, where do I start" Rory said scratching the back of his head, earning a giggle from the crowd.

"Wish you both a happy married life and yeah sure, welcome to the family Riley O'Brien" he said, with his wine glass raised.


"Kids yes lots of kid, maybe I might fall for the little Liam O'Brien running around" Iris said with a wink.

The crowd laughed.


"To boss and his wife" Gray said raising his glass.


"I can't tell how happy I'm for this moment" Heather began.

"But I'm sure if Ryan was here, he will be so happy" she said with a smile against her lips.

Liam and Riley eyes grew wistful at her words.

"Where ever he is I'm sure he's proud to call you both, mom and dad"


"Liam and I had a rocky start" Riley said tilting her head to the side.

"For what it's worth, it was fun always arguing with him" she adds.

The crowd laughed. Liam chuckles deeply, running his chin, not taking his gaze off her for a second.

"We have been through so much, hearts broken, betrayal, death," she said with wistful eyes.

"But in all this we overcame, because Liam O'Brien you're my soul mate, I couldn't ask more than that... let's start with forever" she said softly.

Liam murmured the word forever, with a smile against his lips.


"Riley, you're amazing, fearless, with the most beautiful heart I have ever seen, you carry the heart of many as well as mine" Liam said, his eyes glued on her.

"Never in my entire life did I ever thought I would find someone like you, someone who you could bear your soul with, your entire being with" he states.

"You gave me a son, an amazing boy who i will love for the rest of my life, even though he isn't here right now, I'm sure he will be glad you're his mom"

A tear slide down her eye, she sobbed slightly, her lips pressed in a smile.

"All our loved ones who aren't here to celebrate this joyous moment with us, I'm sure they will be watching wherever they are and proud that I married my destined soul mate. Nothing can ever separate us Riley, not even a thousand years... forget the bond or the connection... I love you Riley O'Brien and nothing will ever change that" he states.

"Always and forever" he adds with his glass raised.

"Always and forever" Riley said raising her glass.

The crowd went in an uproar of cheers and claps.


Everyone on the dance floor with their partners.

Riley in Liam's arms, their body glued together as they moved to the slow beat, his left arm straddled on her waist, the other enclosed with her right hand, her left hand against his chest, her face buried in his neck, inhaling his wonderful scent, the heels made her reach his neck level, she leaned in his touch more.

Liam buried his face in her hair inhaling her scent.

"God... you smell wonderful" he murmured.

She giggled shifting her head backwards to meet his heated gaze.

"I love you" she said softly.

"I love you" he said before claiming her lips gently, their lips roaming each other in ecstacy.

"Should we take this somewhere else" he whispers in her ear getting a bit impatient and couldn't keep himself in check.

A smile pressed against her lips.

"No" she whispers back in his ear.

His chest vibrates in a deep growl, but didn't gain any attention from the others as they were too engrossed in what they were doing.

"We can't leave our guests" she reasons.

"Fuck the guests"

She ticks her tongue.

"That's not something for a king to say" she said in amusement.

"And besides" she adds wrapping her arms around his neck.

"We have a whole month of honeymoon... but isn't that too long Liam, I mean there's still some matters to attend to" she said tilting her head to the side.

"Matters I can attend to any where I want, I need time with my wife" he shrugs.

Riley made a hmm sound in suspicion.

"You still haven't told me where we're going"

Liam smirks.

"Why should I" he said raising an eyebrow.

Riley growled in frustration.

"You're so cute when you growl" he pouted.

"Liam!" She hissed.

Earning a peal of laughter from Liam, she smiled seeing him laugh, it has been a while she heard it, the past month he has always been crowded with work and always looked serious, his new position wasn't really easy... realization struck her... so that's why he wanted a month with her, he was trying to make it up to her.

"You never seize to amaze" she said softly.

His amused look lands on her, she was lost in those brown eyes of his.

"Why should I stop," he states in amusement.

"I never plan on stopping" he adds leaning in for another kiss.


The crowd cheered as they watch the O'Brien's walk to their private plane, Riley was changed to a short dark blue gown that hung her body perfectly.

Liam had on a black long sleeve shirt rolled up at the arms, black pants and shoes. Their hands locked together as they approached the plane.

"I trust you will over see matters here" Liam said.

"Of course, enjoy your honeymoon" Sean said giving way.

"Call me if anything goes wrong, we will come back right then, no offense" he adds the last part facing his wife.

"None taken" she shrugged, it was no big deal to her, she was even still complaining about the length of the honeymoon... but still this was a getaway for them, after months of stress, what's the worse that could happen.

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