Chapter 170 - Black Mark

"Seth wait up..."


"Ugh... Will you slow the fuck down Seth Judson" Jade hissed on top of her lungs.

Seth growled facing her.

"What is it?!" He hissed.

"We are partners, we have to work together on this" she reasons..

"In case you haven't noticed, I don't do partners, I just stuck up with you because Vincent says so, and the only reason I'm listening to him, is because he's my one way ticket of killing the black ghoul" he said sternly as he turns to leave.

"He saved your life Seth" she said.

Making Seth halts his step.

"He saved both of us" she adds as her eyes grew wistful.

She sighed heavily.

"You don't remember me do you" she began with arms folded.

Gaining no response from him she continued.

"10 years ago, USA secret research facility".

Seth body tensed as his eyes widen at her words.

"Only it wasn't just a regular research facility," she said in a heavy breath.

Seth turned abruptly to face her, in a sharp breath.

"There were illegal experiment going in there, on kids with no parents, it was the perfect guinea pigs they could use, children without identity".

"You were part of the project" Seth said in realization, how could he has missed this, she was unique just like he was.

"Every day, every night, they would take one of us to that room and perform all series of things, males got lucky with just a few needle and dissection but the female didn't," she states as a tear slide down her cheek.

"The doctors always gets handsy" she adds on an amusement that didn't reach her eyes.

"As usual no one survived the fluids they inject inside us, but I did but my process didn't start on time, I was piled up with other dead bodies, kids my age no less than 12 or 9" she scoffs.

Seth expression darkens at her words.

"I managed to escape, and with anger in my heart, i came back to kill all those fucking doctors but when i got there, the place was burnt to the ground".

"Barbra Jones came, that's when she took me in and burnt everything to the ground, I was the only surviving project or I least I thought I was" Seth said not taking his eyes off her.

"I thought I was too... I was left to wander the streets begging for survival" she said sternly taking steps towards Seth.

"Slept in the slum, killed if i had to" she states standing front of him, even though he was a foot taller than her she didn't back down.

"Until Vincent found me almost freezing to death, he gave me a hand and took me in, he showed me the light and ways I could ever imagine" she said with a smile against her lips.

"Which is why" she adds in a serious tone.

"I won't let anyone hurt him or disobey his orders not even you... I don't care if you're the ghoul killer" she said darkly.

"Are you threatening me?" Seth said with a stern look not liking the idea of that, no one threatens Seth Judson.

But Jade didn't back down.

"No Seth, I'm simply not... I'm just making sure we understand each other and know what's at stake here" she said in amusement.

"We are partners after all".

Seth gave her a look, this girl was sick as he was but hers was on a different level, she was protective of Vincent, that he knew now, most likely obsessed, she was will go through all lengths to carry out his orders, and Seth was going through all lengths to kill the Black Ghoul, there seem to be a problem here and Seth wasn't exactly a play well person.


Portland, Oregon 

A set of three SUVs waited at the border, about five men was standing in waiting, one of them sights Liam and Riley walking towards them in a distance, the man smiled, approaching them.

"It's an honor to see our liberators" the man said with a smile against his lips, bowing slightly.

"Miles it's been years" Liam said as they both shock hands, Riley just stared at them puzzled.

Miles dark brown eyes lands on her.

"We heard the news on your wedding, congratulations sir" he said sweetly.

"Thank you Miles, Riley, this is Miles Smith, he's the Mayor incharge of Black Clover Hometown in portland" Liam introduced.

"Nice to meet you" Riley said with a smile against her lips as they both shock hands.

"So why did you call for me so sudden sir, you usually send a signal weeks before your arrival but this is so sudden" Miles said sounding worried.

"We will talk when we're in a much safer place, we have a reason to believe we're being tracked" Liam said in a serious tone.

"Of course sir, right this way" Miles said leading them inside the SUV.


Outskirts Of The City

Black Clover Hometown (Portland Branch)

The three SUV drove into the town, it was lively and well hidden.

"Wow this place is good" Riley comments facing Liam.

"You really did a great job out" she adds.

He smiled.

"It isn't much, the migration process is still ungoing" he said with a small smile.

"It was really hard here... the place went on a hunger strike for months, it took some time before the money I wired got here...and then the supplies delayed, it really was a tough couple of months, I'm glad they are back in shape" Liam said as his eyes grew wistful.

"That's why you travelled" Riley said faintly, he was gone for months before coming back in preparation for their wedding.

Liam just gave a slight nod. Riley gulps hard facing the window, staring at the civilisation that Liam worked so hard to build. She only just supported him with his idea and carry out some duties back at New York but she knew now that she was married to him, she had to step up in her game even if no one told her, she had to do more, but what more can she do to support her husband, when he has already got everything under control?

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