Chapter 171 - Black Sidetrack

Outskirts Of The City

Black Clover Hometown (Portland Branch)

The three SUV drove into the town, it was lively and well hidden.

"Wow this place is good" Riley comments facing Liam.

"You really did a great job out" she adds.

He smiled.

"It isn't much, the migration process is still ungoing" he said with a small smile.

"It was really hard here.... the place went on a hunger strike for months, it took some time before the money I wired got here...and then the supplies delayed, it really was a tough couple of months, I'm glad they are back in shape" Liam said as his eyes grew wistful.

"That's why you travelled" Riley said faintly, he was gone for months before coming back in preparation for their wedding.

Liam just gave a slight nod. Riley gulps hard facing the window, staring at the civilisation that Liam worked so hard to build. She only just supported him with his idea and carry out some duties back at New York but she knew now that she was married to him, she had to step up in her game even if no one told her, she had to do more, but what more can she do to support her husband, when he has already got everything under control?


After the small drive around, Liam and Riley were both in the Mayor's Office.


"You were attacked by the ghoul killer?" Miles said stunned, not believing his ears.

"I thought he was dead?!"

"That's what we thought too, until he showed up on our plane like nothing happened" Riley said crossing her leg, leaning back on her seat, still pissed their honeymoon was ruined.

"We have a reason to believe Vincent Jones is behind this" Liam said sternly.

"Vincent Jones, Barbra Jones brother?... but I thought the hunt was over, the government made that very clear, what we are dealing with is the opposing party who still don't accept our kind" he states.

"That's what we thought too, but it seems like Vincent has something up his sleeves, I'm sure Seth does too" Liam said certainly, that sadistic Seth always outsmarted them, but definitely not this time he hoped.

"The ghoul killer believes we killed Barbra, surely its Vincent doing, manipulating runs in the family" Riley said sarcastically.

"This is too much, if he decides to start up the hunt..."Miles said as his eyes widen in horror, he was in fear, he knew how much loved ones he had lost when the hunt was still on, it was one of his darkest days.

"Relax Miles, this Hometown is off the radar, I made sure of it, its off the grib, even if they come here by chance as long as they don't have the passage they will meet nothing here, this place is well hidden" Liam assured him, he made sure all the Hometowns were lying off the grib, his experience with the former ghoul underground taught him that, thank God technology was rapid these days or he wouldn't have pulled it off.

Miles sighed nodding, but fear was still evident in his eyes.

"My wife and I have to go back New York, but we can't do that when we know they are still out there tracking us, we have to be on the low for now, until we're sure it's safe" Liam states.

"Sure, tell me how many days are you staying, i will ensure we prepare a building to your taste" Miles said more than happy to have them, it was an honor to have them both.

"A week or so" Liam shrugged.

"It's no problem I will have the others get your place ready"

Liam gave a slight nod with a smile against his lips as the man rushed out, Miles was always loyal as ever, even though he was twice Liam's age.

His gaze drift to his wife.

"What's wrong you seem quiet than ever" Liam said puzzled.

Riley gave a heavy sigh before facing him.

"I'm fine just wanna get off this clothes as soon as possible"she said.

She was right, they had to get off these clothes, it was still wet from when Liam land in the water after flight.

But for some reason Liam felt there was something more bothering her.


"I hope its to your taste" Miles said as he lead the couple to a modern bungalow, it was a bit far ahead in the woods.

"Of course it's okay" Liam said as they stood at the entrance.

The skies getting dark.

Miles gave a slight bow before walking away, leaving Liam and Riley alone, until he was out of sight.

They faced each other, a moment of silence between them, then like a clash of thunder they came at each other with mouth watering kiss, Riley moaned loudly as Liam ravished her lips like a mad man, her arms wrapped around his neck tightly so eager to feel his lips more, but she couldn't have enough, she wanted him so badly that it made her heart ache.

Like Liam could read her thought, she swamp her off her feet, straddling her on his waist, her legs wraps tightly on his waist tightly.

Liam turned using his back to open the door, the door shutting close behind them.

The light went on automatically, unaware of where they were going as they both consumed each other in their hot kiss.

Riley moaned as her butt found the table, her legs still wraps around his waist tightly.

Liam's hand slide under her shirt lifting it above her head, flinging it at a corner.

"Wish our honeymoon wasn't ruined" Riley said as Liam trailed hot kisses on her neck, she moaned loudly, loving the feel of his lips against her skin.

"It doesn't have to be ruin" Liam said trailing kisses all the way down to her chest and then her breasts.

Riley moaned in ecstacy as her head drew backwards her lips went apart, as her fingers duck in his hair.

"Liam!" She gasps.

Lima pulled away, his gaze meeting hers.

"Will you tell me what's going on in your head?" He asked curiously.

"It's nothing" Riley said looking away.

"Babe" he began.

"I have to take a shower" she said haste.

"Then we will"

"Alone" she said clearly, making Liam blinks puzzled by her words.

In silence he moved away so that she can climb down from the table.

Liam watches as a half naked Riley walks to the lobby, leaving him puzzled.


Riley took a deep breath sighing, she loved the feel of the warm water pouring down her head. Her eyes grew wistful, she didn't know why she acted that way, she have been a bit off ever since she had those thoughts today, about being in the side lines and the desire to support her husband more, and she stepping up her game now she was officially an O'Brien.

Riley groaned in frustration, placing her head on the tile wall.

"Stupid" she cursed herself for acting that way towards Liam.

She took a deep breath once more as she got out the showers, wrapping a white towel around her frame stepping into the room.

She froze when she saw Liam on the couch beside the bed, his gaze on hers. She noticed his clothes changed, for some reason the air around them was hot and tensed, she wondered why... oh right it was her fault.

Riley cleared her throat hoping to ease the hot air around them, but it didn't seem to help.

"Where did you shower?" She asked a bit shaky.

Damn his gaze was intense and his silence was even more deadly than normal.

"The visitors" he answered in a firm tone.

"Oh" she just made a sound with shrug before walking to the wardrobe.

The room was wide and well furnished, but it wasn't compared to their's back in New York.

Riley opened the wardrobe still feeling his intense gaze on her back, it burned!.

"Okay... is everything okay?" She hissed facing him.

"Why are you staring?" she asked.

"I should be the one to ask if everything is okay with you" he said raising an eyebrow.

Riley just looks away.

"Come here" he ordered, sending a shiver down Riley's spine, she always loved it when he uses his authority tone on her, it turns her on.

"In the towel or off the towel?" She said huskily as a smirk spread her lips.

Liam smiled but it didn't reach his eyes and then Riley knew she hurt him with her actions, he was probably just trying to get it out of her.

With a heavy sigh, she walks towards him, she sat on his laps, leaning down, the towel almost sliding off. But none of them cared.

"I'm sorry" Riley said faintly.

"You know you can tell me anything" Liam said softly as he gently stroke her cheek with his thumb, Riley leaned in his touch.

"Is it about the honeymoon?!"

"Fuck no" Riley said haste.

Liam chuckles slightly at her outburst.

"Then what's wrong?!" He asked once more in a serious tone.

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