Chapter 172 - Black News

Riley took a deep breath sighing, she loved the feel of the warm water pouring down her head. Her eyes grew wistful, she didn't know why she acted that way, she have been a bit off ever since she had those thoughts today, about being in the side lines and the desire to support her husband more, and she stepping up her game now she was officially an O'Brien.

Riley groaned in frustration, placing her forehead on the tile wall.

"Stupid" she cursed herself for acting that way towards Liam.

She took a deep breath once more as she got out the showers, wrapping a white towel around her frame stepping into the room.

She froze when she saw Liam on the couch beside the bed, his gaze on hers. She noticed his clothes changed, for some reason the air around them was hot and tensed, she wondered why... oh right it was her fault.

Riley cleared her throat hoping to ease the hot air around them, but it didn't seem to help.

"Where did you shower?" She asked a bit shaky.

Damn his gaze was intense and his silence was even more deadly than normal.

"The visitors" he answered in a firm tone.

"Oh" she just made a sound with a shrug before walking to the wardrobe.

The room was wide and well furnished, but it wasn't compared to their's back in New York.

Riley opened the wardrobe still feeling his intense gaze on her back, it burned!.

"Okay... is everything okay?" She hissed facing him.

"Why are you staring?" she asked.

"I should be the one to ask if everything is okay with you" he said raising an eyebrow.

Riley just looks away.

"Come here" he ordered, sending a shiver down Riley's spine, she always loved it when he uses his authority tone on her, it turns her on.

"In the towel or off the towel?" She said huskily as a smirk spread across her lips.

Liam smiled but it didn't reach his eyes and then Riley knew she hurt him with her actions earlier, he was probably just trying to get it out of her.

With a heavy sigh, she walks towards him, she sat on his laps, leaning down, the towel almost sliding off. But none of them cared.

"I'm sorry" Riley said faintly.

"You know you can tell me anything" Liam said softly as he gently stroke her cheek with his thumb, Riley leaned in his touch.

"Is it about the honeymoon?!"

"Fuck no" Riley said haste.

Liam chuckles slightly at her outburst.

"Then what's wrong?!" He asked once more in a serious tone.

She sighed.

"It's just..." she began but couldn't find the right words to say.

"Talk to me babe" he said softly.

Her gaze met his.

"I'm just pissed off at myself that I can't do anything to support you... I mean Liam you literally carry all the load, and I'm not doing anything, it hurts to feel that way not being able to support the one person I care about" she said.

Liam's eyes soften at her words.

"Babe why do you think that way?!"

"Because Liam, I'm an O'Brien now, I have to do more as your wife".

"We only just got married yesterday" he states.

"It still doesn't matter, I wanna be more helpful" she urged.

"Babe you are helpful, you're my anchor, you fortify my ideas, think of ways to make me come out of a dire situation or when I can't think for myself" he explained.

Riley got off him in silence, her back faced him, Liam rose to his feet behind her, approaching her slowly, he rubbed her shoulders from behind.

"Then why do I still feel that it's not enough" she said faintly but Liam heard her. 

With a swift move he turned her to face him, he cupped her cheeks with both hands.

"You have no idea how much you mean to me Riley O'Brien" he began.

"You're far more than just my wife and you know that... you have no idea how much you support me... how much it feels to have you by my side every day and every night"

Riley smiled sweetly at his words.

"Never feel that you aren't enough for me, because you're more than that" he states.

"But I wanna do more" she pouts.

He chuckles slightly.

"And you will, for fuck sakes we just got married and you are already thinking about your responsibilities... fuck you're one hell of a woman" he said before pressing his lips against hers.

"We aren't done talking" Riley said between kiss as she moaned.

"Fuck the talk" Liam growled impatient going in for another kiss.


New York 

Outskirts Of The City 

Black Clover Hometown

"The ghoul killer is alive?" Iris said stunned.

"Boss honeymoon was ruined" Kayla pouts.

"Is that seriously what you're thinking right now?" Race said giving her a look.

Kayla just shrugged like it was nothing, Race sighs.

On the wide screen a video chat was going on, Liam present.

"I want everyone to handle all perimeters of the town, make sure no exit or entrance are detectable from the outsiders" Liam said sternly.

"You got it boss!" Race said as his fingers went fast against the keyboard.

"Aye sir" Kayla said joining Race.

"Sean" Liam said facing him.

"Are you guys okay?" Sean asked worried.

"We're fine, how are things over there?" Liam asked.

"We're good you have nothing to worry about, hope you guys are coming back soon, its not safe out there" he said.

"We're in the safest place we can be, a Hometown here in Portland, but we can't move now, we were tracked, so we have to be careful, a week from now, we will be back" Liam said.

Sean nods in understanding.

"I will leave everything to you" Liam said as the video went offline.

"This is terrifying if the ghoul killer is back" Rory said.

"We all know that, Liam said he could be working with the Vincent Jones and that doesn't sound too good on our end" Sean said in deep thought.

"You think they are plotting something?" Iris asked certainly.

Sean faced her.

"He's a Jones Iris, they are always plotting something" he said facing forward.

"We just have to find out what".


Portland, Oregon 

Outskirts Of The City 

Black Clover Hometown (Branch)

"Yes, I think the immigration should pause for now, there's an ungoing threat out there... we can't risk it... yes... thank you... of course... yes... speak to the others.... hmm... all perimeters must be secured" Liam said on the phone before ending the call, he took a heavy sigh before turning.

His gaze lands on his wife, seated on a wooden bench watching the kids a few distance away playing, a smile on her lips. Liam smiled too knowing exactly what she was thinking, she wanted a family as much as he did, in due time they will, they just had to sort out all this craziness first.

He was about going to her when Miles rushed to his side.

"You have to see this" he began in a serious tone.

Liam stared at him puzzled.


Operating Room

"From this very moment onward the government have agreed to restart the hunt on ghouls, after millions of protest around the world it have soon be understood that ghouls and humans can't coexist as long as the being inside them thirst for our flesh... the agency shall see to it but it shall be ruled and managed by the real successor" the newscaster said, it didn't just show in one country but across the globe, like a fire beacon rising with just their words.

"He's starting the hunt again" Liam said sternly.

"How did he even pull this off, I thought the government came to an understanding" Miles said in shaky, his eyes coated in fear, the hunt was restarting.

"Seems like no matter how we try, their hearts will always be sway, by fear... yes fear, he's making use of that to over power them, the very tool he needs to make the world sire to him, he will use it to get what he wants... what have always made humans been against us is fear... he's using it again just like his sister did" Liam said sternly.

Another news came up but this time it was Vincent Jones present with several reporters, it played across the globe.

"My sister Barbra Jones went against everything we have been taught by our ancestors, she did unspeakable things wheb I left the agency in her care" Vincent said with sad eyes.

But Liam knew damn well he was faking it, making Liam so badly wanting to punch that look off his face, he was using his sister demise to get what he wants, to sway the hearts of the humans in fear, to tell them that it was all her doings so that he can resume the hunt, he was manipulating everyone without lifting much of a finger.

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