Chapter 175 - Black Contract

The Cody's Residences 

"Hey there my little firecracker" Renee said giggling as Rex rushed to hug his mom tightly, he wrapped his arms around her waist, making her giggle more.

She look up to a smiling Chase.

"So how did the outing go" she asked.

"Good, exactly what he needed" he shrugged.

Renee nods,

"Now off you go, go meet grandma for the rest of the packing" Renee said sweetly to her son.

He nods rushing upstairs.

Renee sighs facing him..

"You heard the news didn't you" she began in a heavy breath.


"Not yeah Chase... you were a former agent... don't you think they are gonna recruit you or something? The contract you signed was for life" she ranted.

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down okay" he said softly.

She sighs once more.

"What happens when you say no" she demands.

"I can say no Renee... If i don't wanna go back, its all written there, so don't worry, I have served my term enough" he states.

"But do you?" She asked.

"Do you wanna go back to that place?!"

"Of course not Renee I'm done, we are leaving this hellhole tomorrow" he assured her.

She sighed once more.

"You know... I had a feeling you didn't really wanna leave, that you were just doing it for us" she began, her voice a bit shaky.

"Renee" he said walking close to her placing a hand on her shoulder, her teary eyes met his.

"If i don't make it to the plane you have to promise me one thing".

"No, No, No" she cried.

"Don't say that because we are leaving this fucking city".

"And we will, and you didn't let me finish" he said amused.

She sobbed.

"I don't wanna hold you guys back, so do me a favour and get on that plane and don't look back No matter what, don't come back to this city no matter what, I will board the next flight if I'm delayed, I promise" he said.

Renee nods as the tears kept falling, she quickly hug him tightly. He did too.

"I will meet you guys at the airport okay?".

She nods as she cried silently.


Few minute's later, Chase was off in his car, Renee stood at the door as she watch him drove away.

Chase sighs as he turned to the next block, driving into the lonely road surrounded by bushes. His eyes found the skies it was pitch black, his eyes still on the road, he reach for a small space bringing out a gun, it wasn't the agency type but it was something he could use to defend himself, incase they came for him, he knew they would come back, he had a feeling they would, he had a feeling Vincent Jones wasn't the type to honor contracts especially if it was made by Barbra and he knew her own brother hated her.

His heart slammed loudly in his chest as he studied the dark road being enlighten by the street lights.

But suddenly the lights went off like the power died, but Chase knew that wasn't the case. Everywhere around him was now pitch black.

He quickly turned on his car light and then he saw Jade standing in front smirking, her ghoul eyes present.

Pissed he got out of the car pointing his gun at Jade.

She huffs at his futile actions.

"Do you really think that will work on me?" She said in a mocking tone.

"I'm counting on it" Chase states shooting at her countless times, she stumbled backwards with each shots, blood splashing. But then he was out of bullets.

Jade growled facing Chase as green tentacles came out of her back, he froze with widen eyes, seeing this.

"Remember the old saying, Chase", a voice came behind him, it was Seth.

Chase sighs in defeat, his hands fell at his side.

"Ride or die" Seth said darkly.

"Vincent doesn't take no for an answer " Jade said smirking.

"You know you were the only one he asked to be recuited" she adds in amusement.

Chase scoffs.


"Aww, seems like Seth didn't tell you... you were the best candidate, if you know what I mean" she said.

"Don't fight us Chase or Renee and her son won't step a foot out of this city" Seth threatened.

Chase finally turned to Seth, facing him with sad eyes.

"Even after being used by her... you still wanna be used again" Chase said in pity, he drops his gun.

"I pity you Seth, you know why?!" Chase said taking a step closer.

Seth eyes changed to his ghoul ones beaming dangerously.

"Because once a puppet, always a puppet"

Seth roared loudly as bones budge out of his back coming at Chase, blood splashed everywhere.



"Passengers for flight 728, please board your plane immediately" the computer woman said repeatedly, above.

Renee's teary eyes at the entrance, her eyes searching for even a glimpse of him.

"Mummy where is uncle Chase?!" Rex asked pouting.

Renee sobbed deeply, as she wipes her tears away. She took her son hand along with their bags.

"Let's go Rex" she said in a strong tone as they walked away.

"But mummy uncle Chase, he's not here yet, uncle is not here yet, he promised, he promised mummy" Rex cried his heart out but there was nothing he could do but only let his mom lead the way.

Renee broke in tears but she didn't turn back, she had to keep her promise, even though it killed her to.



The plane got ready to board, everyone settling in, from constant crying Rex was fast asleep, his head rested on his mums arm to keep him steady. Renee smooched her son, she then adjusts his jacket so that it would cover him properly, but then she found something in his jacket, like a paper.

She sighed knowing it was her son being naughty again, it was the same jacket he wore yesterday for his outing.

Without much thought she pulled it out only to find out it was a letter, stunned she quickly opened it and found out it was from Chase. Her heart ached when she read the contents, the tears falling uncontrollably.

Renee I can't tell you how sorry I'm for saying this... but I might not make it to the airport with you guys, I had an encounter today, and I have a feeling i still have some unsettled business, but I will try to board the next plane and meet up with you guys, I won't ask you to wait for me, but I will try my best so that I can make it you guys.

She broke in silence tears covering her mouth to keep her from screaming in pain, she took deep breath calming herself down as she sobbed, she felt empty like she knew he wasn't gonna make it back to them but she had to stay strong.

"We will wait" she nods sobbing.

"So come back to us".

The plane left the city.

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