Chapter 176 - Black Return


"Passengers for flight 728, please board your plane immediately" the computer woman said repeatedly, above.

Renee's teary eyes at the entrance, her eyes searching for even a glimpse of him.

"Mummy where is uncle Chase?!" Rex asked pouting.

Renee sobbed deeply, as she wipes her tears away. She took her son hand along with their bags.

"Let's go Rex" she said in a strong tone as they walked away.

"But mummy uncle Chase, he's not here yet, uncle is not here yet, he promised, he promised mummy" Rex cried his heart out but there was nothing he could do but only let his mom lead the way.

Renee broke in tears but she didn't turn back, she had to keep her promise, even though it killed her to..



The plane got ready to board, everyone settling in, from constant crying Rex was fast asleep, his head rested on his mum arm to keep him steady. Renee smooched her son, she then adjusts his jacket so that it would cover him properly, but then she found something in his jacket, like a paper.

She sighed knowing it was her son being naughty again, it was the same jacket he wore yesterday for his outing.

Without much thought she pulled it out only to find out it was a letter, stunned she quickly opened it and found out it was from Chase. Her heart ached when she read the contents, the tears falling uncontrollably.

Renee I can't tell you how sorry I'm for saying this... but I might not make it to the airport with you guys, I had an encounter today, and I have a feeling i still have some unsettled business, but I will try to board the next plane and meet up with you guys, I won't ask you to wait for me, but I will try my best so that I can make it you guys.

She broke in silence tears covering her mouth to keep her from screaming in pain, she took deep breath calming herself down as she sobbed, she felt empty like she knew he wasn't gonna make it back to them but she had to stay strong.

"We will wait" she nods sobbing.

"So come back to us".

The plane left the city.


A week Later

Portland, Oregon 

Outskirts Of The City 

Black Clover Hometown (Branch)

"I can't believe you guys are leaving soon" Miles said with sad eyes, he was expecting they would stay longer because of the crisis going on.

"We have to, the world is unstable for ghouls as it is, I can't just sit still" Liam said.

"The best place to operate from is our headquarters" he adds.

Miles nods in understanding.

"Don't worry everything is gonna be okay" Liam assured him with a hand on his shoulder, he knew Miles was scared of the hunt, but he was safe here, every ghoul was safe in their Hometown, he just had to end the hunt sooner.

"Are you really gonna fight him back, what if it's what he wants" Miles said.

"I'm done running Miles, sooner or later we are gonna have to fight back, the last hunt we didn't, we barely finished what we started, but this time it gonna be different" Liam said certainly, he was damn serious about what he said, enough was enough, this man killed their son in cold blood and now he was coming after them, this craziness has to stop.

Miles watch as Liam got into the SUV, it drove off.


New York 

Outskirts Of The City

Black Clover Hometown

"Kayla, I want our eyes in every City, search for any ghouls that haven't migrated yet, the city isn't safe for them" Sean said.

"You got it" Kayla said as her fingers went fast against the keyboard.

Iris rushed into the operating room.

"Liam and Riley are arriving soon, I just got their text" Iris said.

"And" she adds.

Sean faced her.

"All registered plane landing are off by the government because of the hunt, Liam and Riley private plane can't land anywhere but the airport" Iris said.

"Shit" Sean cursed.

"This is bad" Gray said.

"They must have got the airport surrounded with agents, this is their plan, I think they know they aren't back... of course this was a perfect timing for the hunt" Rory said rubbing his chin in thought.

"This is Vincent doing, he wants to kill them at the airport" Sean said sternly.

"Why do i have the feeling that Liam and Riley knows that" Iris said folding her arms.



About twenty agents pointed their guns at the plane that landed not too long ago.

"Hold fire" one of them said as they walked to the hatch, their guns points at high alert.

"Steady" the agent said once more.

The plane hatch made a sound as the door slide open, they waited in high alert, anticipation kicking in, all waiting until they sight any threat.

The hatch fully open but no one came out.

"Five of you with me" The agent said as they approached the stairs, going inside the plane.

They pointed their guns in every area but inside was empty.

"Check the cockpit, and check the other sides" the agent ordered as the rest Investigated the entire plane, but no one, not a single soul was in here.

"Sir do you hear that?" One said.

"Hear what?" He puts his ear down for any sound and then he heard it... Beeping sound.

He froze as his eyes widen in realization.

"GET OUT OF THE PLANE NOW!!! MOVE AWAY" he shouts alerting everyone as they rushed out in a hurry.

But then the plane exploded, flames consuming everything in an instance going up into the skies.


A Few Distance Away

"That should keep them off our tails for now" Riley said sighing, arms folded, watching the explosion.

Liam typed a message on his transparent iPhone.

"Let's hope so" he said shoving his phone inside his pocket.

"He wants war" Liam said sternly a they turned to walk away.

"Well he's gonna get just that".

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