Chapter 18 - Black Pain

Section Twelve

New York General Hospital

"This evening at a college party a ghoul attacked happened, only a few were injured but some killed, the agents are still trying to discover the cause of this attack and how the ghoul who attacked the party was killed, we will be back for more news about the ghoul attack". The newscaster said.

Edward's gaze was fixed on the screen, his body trembled slightly, the doctor walked in.

"How is she?" he asked haste.

"A few broken bones but with treatment, she will push through," the doctor said walking past him.

Edward just nodded, he turned but jolted when he saw a boy on a red hood.

The boy smiled.

"Who are you?" Edward demanded.

"Am Seth Judson from the G.I agency," Seth said flashing his badge.

"So what now the agency is hiring kids of 16 now," Edward said sternly.

"18 actually," Seth said amused.

"Am here consigning the ghoul attack at your party, care to elaborate?" he added.

"Well the ghoul was there, panic rising and then he dropped dead didn't know what took him out" Edward shrugged.

Seth's smile widens, his head tilting to the side as if studying Edward.

"Interesting," he said amused.

Edward blinked.

"I didn't picture you as a liar," Seth said.

"Why would I lie, my friends died too," Edward said sternly.

"So if that's all the question then you should leave, I have a friend to worry about" he adds turning, about leaving.

"Do you mind telling me who Riley Leah is then?".

The moment he heard those words he halts and turns gulping hard, knowing that the agency did their digging.

"A colleague of mine why?" Edward said.

"She was at the party wasn't she, but soon after the attack, she was nowhere to be seen" Seth stated.


"I will take my leave now" Seth cut in walking away leaving a terrified Edward.


Section Five

Riley's fingers felt the picture of she and Cindy, she sobbed drawing the tears back in, she didn't realize how this normal life meant to her until now, she didn't want to drown in sorrow.

Her eyes drifted to her packed bags, she sighed. There was no way a ghoul could have a normal life, Liam was wrong when he said those words and she blamed him for it, she blamed everything on him if he had just stayed none of this would have happened but then she pushed him away, she was always angry at him for no reason at all, back then he was human, she envied the normal life he had before being thrust into the dark world, and then he was a ghoul and she was afraid of him and yet cared for him for a reason she didn't understand, if she saw him right now she was sure she would thrust all her anger at him. She smiled at the thought. 'If I ever see him again. She thought but she knew that was a dream that was unlikely to happen, she knew that all too well.

*Loud Knock*

Riley's head jolted up at the sound of it, hope-filled her chest, maybe it was Liam, he must have seen the news and came to her.

"Liam!" Riley said his name for the first time in a year, cleaning her tears she rushed to the door opening it but her smile faded when she saw Chase and worst pointed his gun at her forehead before she could react.

"I should have known it was you," Chase said, he clicked his gun, her eyes widen.

*Loud Gunshot*


Section Three

Ghoul Investigators Headquarters (GIH)

Riley gasped out for breath like she was drowning, she took harsh breaths, her body trembling, she felt a sharp pain coming from her forehead where Chase shot her, she was sure he shot her but how come she was alive, she tried to reach for it but she felt her hand tired.

She groaned as her vision cleared she was in some sought of a white room, everything was spotless white, seated on a white chair also, her hands were tied to her back, she tried to move her neck but felt a metal collar around it in steel. She knew it kept her Claw at bay they must have improved it.

The door slide open and Barbra walked in a smile present on her lips.

"Hello Riley," she said amused, Riley watch as she took her seat in front of her.

"Barbra Jones, Captain of the G.I agency, a pleasure," Riley said sternly.

"You have done your homework" she smirked.

Riley's look darken.

"It was you who gave the order to destroy the ghoul underground how could I forget," Riley said darkly but then she groaned feeling the pain from her forehead.

"You may be wondering why you're not dead after that gunshot" she smirked.

Riley swallowed.

"Well it is a sedative just for ghouls, newly improved" she adds.

"More tools against us huh?" Riley raised an eyebrow.

Barbra smiled leaning on her chair, she crossed her leg.

"Let's talk Riley. About the black ghoul" she began, Riley looked away.

"We both know during the raid he was protecting you and I believe you know something. I mean his whereabouts right now. For a year we haven't caught sight of him" she said firmly.

"I don't know where he is either" Riley hissed facing her.

"He left, no turning back" she adds.

"You look hurt by that, perhaps he left you or something and you're angry at him," Barbra said amused.

"It's none of your business," Riley said with clenched teeth.

"Well for the warning I want you to know that your answer doesn't mean anything to me, I will use any means for information then I will decide what to do with you".

The moment she said that the doors slide open, a woman in white walked in drawing a table towards them, a syringe on it.

"What is that?" Riley demanded.

"A syringe to make you talk of course," Barbra said amused.

"No! No! Stop" Riley panicked, the woman in white took the syringe and brought it close to Riley.

"STOP!" Riley shouts but it was too late, the needle came for her neck, she felt extreme pain, she shouted as the liquid went through. The woman in white redrew.

Everything was fuzzy in Riley's vision like she was collapsing.

"Let's start again shall we".


A few Hours Later

Barbra walked out of the room frustrated, Seth seated in front noticed this.

"What's with the face Barbra," Seth said.

"She's useless," Barbra said sternly.

"She doesn't have information on the black ghoul at all" she adds.

"Well, that unfortunate. Should I kill her for you?" Seth said amused.

"It would be a waste, just put her in Steel and make sure she gets it tough," Barbra said walking away.


Section Thirteen

Riley's whole body ached, she slowly opened her eyes. She groaned sitting up, resting on something.

She looked at her surrounding, there were others in the small space, the steel thing around their neck and on white clothes, Riley wore the same thing also, it was a white short-sleeve shirt, white material trousers, and white sneakers. There was a number on her shirt in code.

She swallowed knowing they were being transported to Steel, she had no memory of the interrogation, it must be the syringe they gave her.

The ship stopped, Riley looked around as a soldier came in.

"Alright move!" he hissed as other soldiers came and dragged them out.

Riley closed her eyes groaning when the sunlight hit her face, she adjusted to it, her eyes widen at the view of Steel.

it was wide looking like they were on a boat but more like a building around water made of steel.

They assembled them as a soldier probably the commander stepped forward, Riley figured.

"Welcome to Steel ghouls," he said the ghoul word in disgust.

"My name is Sergeant Roman Clearwater, but you call me Sergeant" Roman said sternly.

He smirked as his eyes went through all of them.

"Welcome to hell".

Riley growled as they pushed her inside her cell shutting the door, everywhere was dark until a wall light came up, the cell had no window it was like a container but there was ventilation and probably a surveillance camera she couldn't see. A bed and toilet were present.

Riley slowly walked close to the wall, she sat on the floor leaning on it, she pulled her knees to her chest burying her face on her knees.

'How did I end up like this. She thought lost. Her fist tightens. 'I saved a friend and it cost me everything. Her body trembled. 'And then I ended up here, in this hell hole, with nobody to hear my screams or pain. They should have just killed me, it would be better than this. She slowly raised her head. 'I wish I died with the others'. She thought as a tear fell from her eye. 'Who was I thinking that Liam will come for me when I needed him.

She remembered when he turned his back and left, that was one memory she will never forget maybe she didn't realize it then but now she knew how much pain she felt and she was lost. 'He's never coming back. Her teeth clenched.


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