Chapter 19 - Black Steel

Section Twelve

New York General Hospital

"Recently we discovered that the attack at the college was a ghoul from the same college Riley Leah, a shocking realization that keeps us in fear that ghouls are amongst us, they may be your friend or family". The newscaster said.

Cindy's eyes shake as she heard the news, she couldn't believe her ears. Edward walked into her room and found her watching the news, he took the remote offing the TV.

"You knew?" Cindy asked facing him.

"Not until the accident" Edward said taking his seat near her bed.

Tears filled Cindy's eyes, she sobbed.

"You can't trust anyone these days can you?" she said sternly.

"We thought we knew Riley but we didn't," Edward said sighing.

"Just concentrate on getting better, your parents will be here soon," Edward said.

She nodded cleaning her tears. She was still at a shocking realization her best friend is a ghoul, people can surprise you, even when you don't expect it.


Section Three

Ghoul Investigators Headquarters (GIH)

Nicole heels sounded in the hall, she walked hastily to Chase's office barging in. Chase blinked as his eyes landed on her.

"Nicole," he said confused.

"You caught the ghoul and I wasn't even informed," Nicole said placing her hands on his desk, Chase sighed leaning on his chair.

"You weren't part of the operation" he reasoned.

"Oh really? So what you and the Captain, along with the Ghoul killer are buddies now" she said with a stern look, Chase looked away.

"Is there something you're not telling me, cause I need to know why the ghoul was immediately transferred to Steel without proper interrogation about the black ghoul's whereabouts" she demands.

His eyes met hers.

"She was interrogated but it was classified, if you need more information, something I cannot give then you should meet the Captain," Chase said his hands typing on the keyboard, Nicole let out a gasp of frustration, she lean up, folding her arms.

"Fine then, since you decided in being a total jerk," Nicole said.

Chase's head shot up at the sound of that but she was already leaving.

Nicole made sure she slam the door hard, she sighed leaning on the wall. 'That ghoul was the one who helped Liam when he was tortured, the same one Liam saved'. Nicole thought without a doubt. 'Riley Leah'.


Barbra's hands went swiftly on her keyboard, a woman walked in placing a file on her desk.

"This is all the information on Riley Leah you requested," she said. Barbra just nodded signaling her to leave.

The agent did so.

Her eyes land on the file, she took it opening it, there was nothing much about her, she was a student and all, and most importantly she was part of the ghoul underground.

"A survivor" she commented turning to the next page that said relation, it showed just her father. Barbra froze the moment she saw Allen's picture, her hands trembling, she removed the picture from the file bringing it close to her face just to be sure and she wasn't imagining things.



Section Thirteen

Steel Prison

Riley's eyes landed on the blue light that shined in her cell, she blinked as her doors automatically open.

Other prisoners walked past by like they were headed somewhere. Riley slowly forced her body up, the collar around her neck gave her itches. She walked out of her cell following others to where ever they were headed. Riley silently fixed herself in the line as they walked along the halls.

"You must be new here," a young woman said beside her, Riley's eyes drifted to her.

"Am Sid, just Sid" she smiled.

"Riley" Riley said looking away.

"Do you have any idea where we are going?" Riley asked stern.

"Well it's lunchtime" she shrugged.

They walked into a wide hall with several tables and chairs other prisoners on it. Foods being served.

"Why aren't there any guards?" Riley asked looking around suspiciously.

"Well nowadays we don't need guards stationed everywhere, they have special hidden cameras everywhere, it's even harder to sneak or do anything suspicious, they watch our every move like a hawk," Sid said not liking the idea one bit.

They both walked to the server's taking a tray and walked by others to take their food.

"What? Trying to escape?" Riley said facing her, she smiled.

"Who doesn't have that thought around here," Sid said referring to the other gloomy faces that Riley saw, nothing like humor it was dead silent and slow-moving like a graveyard. Riley swallowed hard.

"Every single person around here wants out. Except you have someone in mind that will come for you" Sid raised an eyebrow.

A picture of Liam appeared in Riley's mind. Her look darken.

"There's no one," Riley said darkly walking to a table, Sid blinked knowing she wasn't being truthful, she grabbed her tray walking towards Riley.

Riley's eyes were fixed on her food that could make her throw up any second, it was like it has been out for days and cold like a goofy mess, she shifts the food from her side not wanting to look.

"You should eat, nothing like special treatment around here," Sid said digging in her food.

Riley swallowed, yeah she had to adjust that was the only way, she would have to get used to it, this was her life now, she brought her food back in front of her, shaky grabbing her spoon and dig in almost throwing up but she held herself back.

"You know when I asked you that question, about if someone was coming for you, I saw a light in your eyes a bit" Sid begin, Riley, halted her action facing her.

"You're right to doubt, no one is foolish or worst crazy enough to break in here, death of the highest order," Sid said.

"Yeah you're right" Riley nodded in agreement.

"So boy or girl?" Sid said raising her eyebrow.

"Excuse me? " Riley blinked.

"The person you are not hopefully and dreamily waiting on" she smiled.

"It doesn't matter, no one is coming," Riley said without a doubt. Sid just smiled.


A Loud siren blew loudly as everyone step outside. Riley's eyes gaze upon the wide veranda, her eyes caught the ocean in a distance.

"It's like we are on a boat but more like a building," Riley said puzzled. Sid just shrugged.

"Well you are right about that, technology is rapid these days. Things are not what they seem" Sid said walking ahead, leaving Riley behind.

Riley sighed as she watches the gloomy crowd patrol around. The cold breeze blow unexpectedly, she shivered rubbing her arms on both sides. This may be their free period but this was more like torture.

Her eyes scanned for where she could seat, she felt weak, her fingers constantly going to her neck where her steel device was, it gave her inches, she just wishes the damn thing would just come off. Riley groaned walking further but she halted when she heard sobbing, she slowly turns, as her eyes widen.

"Hey what are you doing?" Riley said in panic gaining the attention of everyone, a man was standing at the edge of the pillar not far from her, ready to end his life.

"Am sick of this place, constant torture, I can't bear it anymore" he sobbed turning to face her with his bloodshot eyes.

"I rather die than stay here any longer" he cried.

"No no you don't want that," Riley said shakily.

"You don't know that," he said.

Riley panic she could see it in his eyes that he was gonna do it, he was lost no hope of living or moving forward, his life was already over as it is.

"Someone help him" Riley motioned to the guards in a few distances.

But they just laughed and mocked like they were watching a movie. 'How could they. Riley thought this was always the painful truth ghouls had to constantly see.

"Funny isn't it," the man said.

Riley faced him.

"We are so alike but different in so many ways" he laughed.

Riley swallowed hard.

"We are monster's" he spat never taking his bloodshot eyes off Riley.

"They don't give a damn about us" he adds.

"Then jump then," a man said walking towards them, Riley froze, it was the sergeant, a smirk plastered on his lips. His hands at his back as he stood upright.

"We don't give a damn, jump," Roman said darkly.

"No" Riley gasped facing the man back.

The man laughed like a psycho, but then it seized.

"Monsters don't deserve to live" the moment he said that he jumped.

"NO!" Riley shouts about going after him but Sid came from nowhere and held her down. They both landed on the ground hard.

Riley was frustrated at this but all that died when blood splashed everywhere, she froze as she caught a glimpse of invisible lasers like small lights, her eyes could now see them, they were at every edge in the veranda.

"You don't wanna be slaughtered to pieces do you?" Sid hissed. Riley trembled as tears formed in her eyes, the man's remains were nothing but pieces.

They heard claps, it was coming from Roman.

"Well done ghouls, that was an awesome performance," he said amused.

"You should have let her jump after him though" he shrugged. Riley saw red, she growled coming at him in speed.

"RILEY DON'T" Sid shouted. Riley punched Roman hard enough to spill blood, this causes an intense panic, Riley had no idea want she has just done.

Roman slowly cleaned the blood off his lips and face Riley furious.

"You have no idea what you just did," Roman said darkly, in a second guards came at Riley holding her down, Riley tried to fight them off but it was futile.

Roman held Riley at her throat to keep her still, she shot bullets at him with her eyes.

"You just offended a High-rank officer" the moment he said them, he hit Riley hard on the face causing her to blank out.


Riley groaned, she could see nothing but darkness, until she opened her eyes and met with a bright light. It took some time before her eyes adjust to it. She tried to move but she couldn't, her hands and legs were pinned tightly, she panicked seeing the situation she was in, She couldn't turn her head both sides caused of the metal around her head, only her eyeballs moved and saw two long needles pointing to her neck steel and two to her head on both sides.

"What's going on?" Riley said shaky, she was in a wide room with nothing but experimental equipment, no one was in the room, there was a wide glass in a few distances in front of her, she was sure they were watching her.

"Prisoner 163, prepare for your punishment".

Someone said through the speaker.

The machine started and the needles came closer.

"STOP IT PLEASE, STOP!" she screamed but there was no stopping It as it pierced her steel to her skin, and the other two at her head, she felt like her brain was tearing apart, an intense pain that lasted for hours, with only her cries and screams that echoed in all the halls.

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