Chapter 181 - Black Rogue (Part 2)

"Then a sneak infiltrate then?" Kayla suggested.

"Those won't work, he may be different from Barbra but probably still thinks like her" Liam said.

"He will be one step ahead from us" Rory said in realization remembering their previous encounter with Barbra Jones.

"Which is why the best way is to know his plan, know how he's planning on coming after us, we need someone on the inside" Liam said.

"But that isn't exactly gonna work because all of our faces have been exposed literary" Race said motioning with his hand.

"But there is someone who's good at implanting moles in big organizations just to get what she wants" Gray said.

"Who?!" Liam asked rising an eyebrow.

Gray sighs..

"Linda Sanford" he states.

The room fell silent.

"Obviously not that woman" Kayla said.

"Liam killed her only son, I'm not so such she's gonna help us with open arms" Rory reasoned.

"Well he tried to kill me first and Riley" Liam clarified.

"Yeah i know... bad idea, but she's the only one that can pull this off" Gray said.

"The fancy old lady who like holding fancy parties, it just had to be her" Kayla said rolling her eyes.

"I think Gray maybe be right... after all she did worked with Barbra on selling G-st just to make money, she would definitely have someone on the inside" Race states.

Liam gave a heavy sigh knowing Race was right.

That moment the door slides open as Riley and Iris walks in.

"Nice of you to join us sis" Rory said smirking,

Iris just rolled her eyes not ready to deal with her overbearing brother right now.

"Hey" Liam said turning to his wife.

Riley forced a smile.


"So have you guys thought of anything yet?" Riley asked facing the wide screen.

"Yeah we-" he paused for a minute as his nose caught a scent.

He turned to Riley once more, observing her, she was on a black over seized sweater, along with black shorts.

Riley caught his stare,


"I smell blood, are you okay?!" Liam asked worried.

Shit... she forgot that Liam had a high sense of smell.

"Yeah!" she answered more haste than she intended on, making her seem suspicious.

Liam raised an eyebrow at her reply, facing her fully, gaining the attention of the others.

"Are you sure you're okay?!" he asked once more in a more serious tone.

"Of course".

"Then the blood" he urged.

"My period" she snaps at him.

"Okay this is getting awkward" Race said grimacing.

Kayla elbowed him.

'Crap' Iris thought in her head panicking.

A smile that didn't reach Liam eyes found his lips, he took a step forward leaning close.

"I know when you're on your period" he whispers close to her ear.

Riley shivers, she didn't know if it was from how close he was or the fear of getting caught... she gulps hard at her husband's words.

She quickly pulled away, clearing her throat.

"Well I'm so.. that's the end of it... now tell me what you guys have come up with in destroying Vincent Jones" she said in a serious tone not taking her eyes off his, as did Liam.

"We thought Linda Sanford would help in gaining info inside the agency" Rory spoke up trying to break the tight air around due to Riley and Liam discussion.

"Wait what? Linda?" Riley said blinking, breaking gaze with Liam.

"That fancy woman?!" she adds.

"Exactly what i said" Kayla said.

"She's the only one that can get us in" Liam said facing others.

Riley could feel he was tensed, he wondered if he knew, she couldn't tell, he was keeping that damn unreadable expression again.

"Well to get to her, we will have to attend this ball, its the only way we can gain contact, she's a ghost just like us" Kayla said as her finger's went fast against the keyboard.

An invite came up.

"This invitation was sent in the ghouls website, a royal ball as she puts it, a week from now... inviting all ghoul... millionaires... those cheesy ass people who loves staying in the dark and can't even fight for their own kind, all they care about is their wealth," she adds rolling her eyes.

"Wait, Ghouls have a website?" Rory asked stunned.

Everyone nods like wasn't it obvious?

"I had no idea!"

"We attend the ball, Iris, Rory, Kayla, you're coming with me" Liam states.

Riley blinks like she heard wrong facing him.

"And what about me?"

"You aren't attending" he said not sparing her a glance.

"Excuse me?" Riley said as her looks turned pissed.

"Uh oh" Race made a sound in a sing tone voice.

"I think we better leave" Gray said.

The others nods in agreement as they scatter, the door sliding shut.

Riley heated gaze still fixed on Liam's face.

"Why won't you let me attend the ball" Riley demands.

He finally faced her.

"I need you here, to care for the affairs within" he states.

"That's bullshit Liam, we always go on missions together, you can't keep me out on this" she hissed.

"Really now" he hissed back.

She looks away.

"Babe are you keeping something from me because i will like to know" He demands as calmly as he could.

"I don't get why you're keeping this from me, when we should be working together Liam, since the moment we came back to New York, you're keeping me away from this fight... its unfair"

"I'm trying to protect you" he said through clenched teeth.

"Why, because its my uncle coming after us?!" she hissed.

He looks away.

"I don't need your protecting, i can take care of myself" she said turning to leave.

"Babe wait!" he said grabbing arm, she winced in pain holding her shoulder.

"What's wrong, are you okay?" he demands in a serious tone, he smelt more blood.

"Let go of me" Riley said trying to break free from his hold.

"Riley" he growled.

She yanked her arm off his grip, holding her shoulder in pain, staring at him with furious eyes

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