Chapter 182 - Black Tiff

"Wait what? Linda?" Riley said blinking, breaking gaze with Liam.

"That fancy woman?!" she adds.

"Exactly what i said" Kayla said.

"She's the only one that can get us in" Liam said facing others.

Riley could feel he was tensed, he wondered if he knew, she couldn't tell, he was keeping that damn unreadable expression again.

"Well to get to her, we will have to attend this ball, its the only way we can gain contact, she's a ghost just like us" Kayla said as her finger's went fast against the keyboard.

An invite came up.

"This invitation was sent in the ghouls website, a royal ball as she puts it, a week from now... inviting all ghoul... millionaires... those cheesy ass people who loves staying in the dark and can't even fight for their own kind, all they care about is their wealth," she adds rolling her eyes.

"Wait, Ghouls have a website?" Rory asked stunned.

Everyone nods like wasn't it obvious?

"I had no idea!"

"We attend the ball, Iris, Rory, Kayla, you're coming with me" Liam states.

Riley blinks like she heard wrong, facing him.

"And what about me?"

"You aren't attending," he said not sparing her a glance.

"Excuse me?" Riley said as her looks turned pissed.

"Uh oh" Race made a sound in a sing-tone voice.

"I think we better leave," Gray said.

The others nod in agreement as they scatter, the door sliding shut.

Riley's heated gaze was still fixed on Liam's face.

"Why won't you let me attend the ball!" Riley demands.

He finally faced her.

"I need you here, to care for the affairs within" he states.

"That's bullshit Liam, we always go on missions together, you can't keep me out on this" she hissed.

"Really now" he hissed back.

She looks away.

"Babe are you keeping something from me because i will like to know" He demands as calmly as he could.

"I don't get why you're keeping this from me, when we should be working together Liam, since the moment we came back to New York, you're keeping me away from this fight... it's unfair"

"I'm trying to protect you," he said through clenched teeth.

"Why, because it's my uncle coming after us?!" she hissed.

He looks away.

"I don't need your protecting, i can take care of myself" she said turning to leave.

"Babe wait!" he said grabbing her arm, she winced in pain holding her shoulder.

"What's wrong, are you okay?" he demands in a serious tone, he smelt more blood.

"Let go of me," Riley said trying to break free from his hold.

"Riley" he growled.

She yanked her arm off his grip, holding her shoulder in pain, staring at him with furious eyes.

"Riley!" he urged coming a step closer once more to touch her.

She took a step backward.

"I said don't touch me" she hissed on top of her lungs making Liam halts his steps abruptly.

Riley sighs realizing what she has done.

"I'm sorry I just..." she gave a heavy sigh.

With one stroll Liam was in front of her with an unreadable expression.

"Liam?" She said puzzled.

He removed her hand from her shoulder, her black sweater was already drenched in blood.

"What happened to your shoulder?!" He asked as calmly as she could.

"I..." she began, she raised her gaze to meet his.

"I don't wanna talk about it," she said sternly.

Liam just made a hmm sound.

"Then get your arm treated" he said sternly as he pulled away from, walking out.

Riley body trembled, as she took a heavy breath, the back of her head met the wall as she nudge it backward, seriously hating herself right now, but it was better this way, if he knew what really happened, she knew Liam he won't be happy she went off on her own to kill her uncle, he wouldn't understand like she chose that path, he will think that she did it out of negligence when she was only doing it to lessen the burden on him.


The O'Brien Mansion

The thunder strikes loudly, the skies pitch black as the rain poured heavily. Riley was alone in their master bedroom as she watch the rain pour at the glass windows, she just on the bed watching.

She pulled the covers more to her body as she sighs, she was only on a lavender silk nightie, stopping at the knees, her hand found the small bandage on her shoulder, it was replaced by a new one with the help of Sean, she could still remember their encounter.


Hours Ago

Riley gave a slight groan as Sean removed the gold bullet from her shoulder.

"Well this bullet is surely different" Sean said studying it.

"It was very deep in your shoulder, but now it's out you will heal but slowly" he said.

"I guess it won't be the same for the one in my hand," Riley said as her nails extended.

"Wait what?" Sean said dumbfounded but then he froze when Riley dug her nails in her palm bringing out a gold bullet.

"That will make it two," she said dropping the bullet on the pan. Her palm wound healed.

"Guess it wasn't too deep then" she said.

"Wow... okay how the fuck did you get 2 bullets inside you" Sean demands.

"It's a long story," she said.

"No it wasn't because Iris told me, she was worried for you".


"Riley why would you do something like that, Liam is gonna be furious when he finds out".

"He won't, okay" Riley snaps.

"You won't tell him?"

"I don't have to" she looks away.

Sean sighs.

"What's going on with you two Hmm?" Sean demands.

"Nothing that will lead to divorce" she said shrugging.

"Riley" he scolds.

She sighs.

"You have to tell him so that both of you can have an understanding, that's very important," he clarified.

"It doesn't seem like we have an understanding now, since he's not talking to me," she said with a sigh.


Present Day.

The sun shined brightly inside as the sun rays came in through the windows indicating it was dawn.

Riley fast asleep tussle and turn on the bed, a smile graced her lips as she felt the side of the bed, but frowned when she found it empty, she opened her eyes seeing the empty space, she sighed realizing she fell asleep alone last night.

"He didn't come in last night," she said faintly observing the room, sensing his present wasn't here throughout the night, then where did he sleep?

Searching for her husband in the mansion, she couldn't find him anywhere, she was getting frustrated by this, she found her way to the kitchen seeing him there making himself breakfast, wearing just loose pants only.

"Where did you sleep?!" Riley demands letting her anger get the best of her, she folded her arms.

He flipped the pancake on the frying pan, before facing her.

"Not even a good morning," he said sternly.

She gulps hard.

"Good morning," she said through gritted teeth.

Liam just huffed.

"And I asked a question... how come you didn't come to bed" she demands once more.

"The guest room seemed comfortable," he said pressing a button, the fire went off.

"Oh really?"

"Someone said I shouldn't touch her," he said placing his pancake on a plate.

Riley's shoulders fell at his words.

"You know I didn't mean that," she said.

He dropped the plate.

"Now i don't have the appetite" He said turning to leave.

She held his arm with both her hands making him halt his steps.

"I'm... I'm sorry okay... i had it, i thought i did" she sighs.

"I thought i could kill him and save us all the trouble" she adds.

He faced her with furious eyes.

"Vincent Jones?" he demands.

She gave a slight nod.

"Why would you do something like that without telling me, you could have been killed!" he hissed.

"I know, I know, i wasn't suppose to act out like that... but i couldn't just sit till and allow you carry all the load yourself"

"Riley i thought we talked about this, there's no need feeling inferior cause you're not"

"Its not just about feeling inferior Liam... you're keeping me away from this fight and i hate it, you're not the only one whose lives were ruin by them.. you're not the only one who lost a son" she hissed as the tears threatened to fall, she sobbed.

"You can't protect me from everything Liam, you can't... you know sooner or later I'm gonna join the fight" she sobbed.

"I didn't wanna tell you about what i did because i knew you gonna be furious".

"Well too late... I'm furious" Liam said sternly, her shaky eyes met his.

"If i had lost you again... do you think I'm gonna ever recover from that?" he states with hurtful eyes.

"I guess you didn't think of that" he said with a nudge of his head as he walks away.

Riley held unto the island to steady herself, the tears fell silently as she sobbed.

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