Chapter 183 - Black Hole

The sun shined brightly inside as the sun rays came in through the windows indicating it was dawn.

Riley fast asleep tussle and turn on the bed, a smile graced her lips as she felt the side of the bed, but frowned when she found it empty, she opened her eyes seeing the empty space, she sighed realizing she fell asleep alone last night.

"He didn't come in last night," she said faintly observing the room, sensing his presence wasn't here throughout the night, then where did he sleep?

Searching for her husband in the mansion, she couldn't find him anywhere, she was getting frustrated by this, she found her way to the kitchen seeing him there making himself breakfast, wearing just loose pants only.

"Where did you sleep?!" Riley demands letting her anger get the best of her, she folded her arms.

He flipped the pancake on the frying pan, before facing her.

"Not even a good morning," he said sternly.

She gulps hard.

"Good morning," she said through gritted teeth.

Liam just huffed.

"And I asked a question... how come you didn't come to bed" she demands once more.

"The guest room seemed comfortable," he said pressing a button, the fire went off.

"Oh really?"

"Someone said I shouldn't touch her," he said placing his pancake on a plate.

Riley's shoulders fell at his words.

"You know I didn't mean that," she said.

He dropped the plate.

"Now I don't have the appetite," He said turning to leave.

She held his arm with both her hands making him halt his steps.

"I'm... I'm sorry okay... I had it, I thought I did" she sighs.

"I thought I could kill him and save us all the trouble" she adds.

He faced her with furious eyes.

"Vincent Jones?" he demands.

She gave a slight nod.

"Why would you do something like that without telling me, you could have been killed!" he hissed.

"I know, I know, I wasn't supposed to act out like that... but I couldn't just sit still and allow you carry all the load yourself"

"Riley I thought we talked about this, there's no need to feel inferior cause you're not"

"It's not just about feeling inferior Liam... you're keeping me away from this fight and I hate it, you're not the only one whose lives were ruined by them.. you're not the only one who lost a son" she hissed as the tears threatened to fall, she sobbed.

"You can't protect me from everything Liam, you can't... you know sooner or later I'm gonna join the fight" she sobbed.

"I didn't wanna tell you about what I did because I knew you gonna be furious".

"Well too late... I'm furious" Liam said sternly, her shaky eyes met his.

"If I had lost you again... do you think I'm gonna ever recover from that?" he states with hurtful eyes.

"I guess you didn't think of that," he said with a nudge of his head as he walks away.

Riley held onto the island to steady herself, the tears fell silently as she sobbed, her body trembling.


Sean's Private Lab

"Calm down Liam, she told you didn't she," Sean said trying to reason with a frustrated Liam.

He growled.

"Why would she do something like that, what if she was taken or killed... Sean what if it was more than a bullet what if it was a bullet to her heart" he hissed both terrified and angry.

"Liam, relax for the 20th time, maybe she did what she thought was right okay" he reasons.

"What she did was a risk none of us was willing to take, she went off on her own for fucks sake!"

"Have you thought why she did that?" he asked.

Liam sighed taking his seat, he had been pacing ever since he got to Sean's Lab.

"We had this discussion when we were in Portland, she felt the need to do more, to put herself out there, she's so convinced that I'm carrying all the load," he said with a heavy sigh.

Sean made a hmm sound, nodding in understanding.

"You know way before you met Riley, back then we were in the ghoul underground, she was more like a leader there, she oversees what her dad couldn't" he explained.

"I'm aware of that" Liam said.

"Yeah but do you understand it" he states making Liam pause for a minute.

"Riley is like a natural leader on her own, she always wants to do more than she can offer... the moment you told her to back down from the fight... fuck Liam you were only stirring a flame that can never be quenched" he states.

Liam gulps hard at his words.

"But how..." his eyes shake as it lands on Sean's.

"How am I gonna protect her if I leave her in the middle of this, I'm the man, I should handle all the threats coming at us" he states

Sean gave a heavy sigh rising to his feet, he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"That's where your wrong Liam... Riley Leah or better Riley O'Brien isn't gonna sit still and let you do all the work" he says.

"Rather than push her away from this and protect her, you both should work on this and protect each other" he adds tapping on Liam's shoulder before walking out.

Leaving Liam to his thoughts.


It was mid-day but the skies were almost pitched black as the rain poured once more, along with heavy breezes and whistling winds, and striking lightning, the weather freezing cold.

Riley laid on the majestic bed, watching the well-designed wall, the lights in the room dimmed and giving a sensual atmosphere, she had no desire to watch the TV or engage in any activity, she prefer the silence and the calmness it brought, she pulled the covers more to her body feeling cold and empty, it was like her heart was plunged with a hole in it, she felt empty and lost but that feeling suddenly died down when she heard the door open, his wonderful scent filled her nose and the warmth it brought to her body straight to her core, she never stopped feeling this way any time he was close, she wondered if it would ever end not that she wanted it to, never.

She felt the bed deepen from his weight, she quickly shut her eyes closed pretending she was asleep, she didn't have anything to say, her heart felt heavy, she didn't know how to face him.

"Babe," he said.

He called her babe, at least he wasn't pissed at her right now.. that was a good start, she hoped, but she didn't have any intention of speaking to him, she would just have to play the safer mode.

"Babe?" he said once more.

She gulps hard not daring to open her eyes and making sure her breath was steady like she sleeping... hell her heart was beating like she ran a thousand miles, but she had to calm it down, she had to.

There was a moment of silence, she wondered if he left having not gotten an answer from her, maybe he did, at least a little space can help ease their tiff right?

"I know you aren't sleeping" his deep voice sounds but this time close to her ears.

And crap... she almost moved but kept herself in check not daring to, or her little pretend will be over too soon.

She heard him make a Hmm sound, she felt a glint of amusement to the tone.

"So that's how you wanna play it," he said huskily, more close to her ear this time, she could feel his warm breath on her neck making her shiver.... oops... she prayed and hoped he would believe it was from the cold or he has already caught her and was playing along.... yes playing along... she would see how this goes, it was childish but still she wanted to see the end of it, she stayed still.

"Let's see how long you will last," he said faintly, almost too faintly that she couldn't hear but thanks to the enhanced hearing she did.

She almost gasps when she felt his hand on her bare legs, oh the feeling, she missed it, it was warm against her skin and pleasant. Lucky her, she was on her silk nightie... everywhere was exposed to his touch, only for him.

In the nail-biting silence, his hand moved to caress her lap like he owned the body like he owned every inch of her... he most certainly did!

She bit her lip to hide back a moan that was threatening to roll off her lips, she had to stay still, so that this little game can go on.. yes this has most certainly turned into a game.

His hand went further, then moved between her legs.... crap, no panties... why should she. Her heart was slamming loudly in her chest almost like she couldn't breathe, was it just her or was everywhere now hot rather than the cool atmosphere it was just a moment ago, she felt his hand move once more and she then heard him chuckle deeply.

"I thought you said you were on your period," he said in beaming amusement

Oh he knew she lied then why was he bringing it up as if he believed her, he was teasing her right now... he always loved teasing her and she had a feeling more teasing was coming... how long will she last?

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