Chapter 192 - Black Dark

"You both share the same essence.. he probably just tapped into the wrong power" Anubis said sternly.

"You know better than to answer that call... rather than treat your descendant as a vessel, treat him with the respect he deserves after all he's the one who's gonna continue your lineage, if he dies now with you then it's all over" Anubis reasoned.

Omari growled deeply rising to his feet, standing high and tall. His eyes drift to his staff behind Aunbis for a brief second.

He growled deeply.


His head snaps to the direction of her voice, Riley came forth.

"Please Liam" she began in a shaky breath.

Omari growled.

"Come back" she said walking towards him.

"Lady O'Brien that will be a mistake, his mind is in a blur, he doesn't know who you are" Anubis said.

"Maybe he will remember her then" Riley states as she shifts to her claw form. She grew in height, in a Claw form but not as tall as Omari, white in color wrapped in bandages, bald head holding a rod crown around with thorns, but then her bald head grew in a long white aura signifying hair, she stood high and tall in a feminine structure, white aura around her.

Omari eyes widen.

"Akila?!" He called a name in a daze.

She slowly walks towards him, her body trembled in fear but she had to keep it in for this to work.

She stood right in front to him, she hesitantly reach for him.

Omari growled, but still she placed her hand against his cheek, she gasps as instantly a memory that wasn't hers flashed in head.

It was blurry but she could make some of it, she saw a view of a forest, no... more like an island and in that island there were people... no ghouls, Claws to be exact inhabited the area, different colours, consisting of both feminine and male structures, they stood watching something at the top.

At the top, a white and black Claw was present just as they were... Silver Clover and Ghost Clover.

And then like a zap of memory flash she saw a man, he looked Egyptian, he stood before Ghost as their fingers touched.

She was brought back to reality as Omari roared, Anubis was now inbetween them, his white claws digging in his chest.

"Done excellently lady O'Brien" Anubis said, this was just the perfect distraction he needed, he turned his hand digging in his chest clockwise.

Omari snarled as a white symbol came around his chest, he roared more as he went on his knees.

"Liam!" Riley panics as she shifts back to human form, staring at the scene with wide eyes.

The aura and Omari's form retreated back within, revealing Liam, his white shirt torn along with his black pants.

Liam shouts in extreme pain as the being retreats inside him.

Anubis growled as he retreats his claws, blood splashing.

"Liam" Riley said going on her knees as she embraced him tightly, he leaned on her body weak.

"Riley" he murmured in a daze.

Anubis gave a heavy sigh.

"Well the hard part is out" he said. 'For now' he add in his head, when he sealed back Omari... he felt it, what he feared for worst was mostly about to happen.

"Liam" Riley said in tears pulling away to face him, he cupped his cheeks with her hands.

She was finally able to stare into those chocolate brown eyes of his, a smile found her lips, he was back, he was finally back.

Liam's eyes lands on her neck, seeing the claw mark, his body tensed as rage boiled inside him.

"Who did this?!" He demands assessing her neck.

Riley gulps hard, not knowing what to tell him.

He then looks around, seeing the wide range of destruction, he wondered what kind of explosion happened.

"What happened?!" He demands facing her back, he needed some kind of explanation.

Riley silence wasn't helping, the last thing he remembered was fighting Seth and then everything went blank.

"Riley talk to me" he asked with pleading eyes.

She didn't meet his eyes, her gaze to the ground.

"You did this" Anubis said.

Liam's gaze finally travelled to Anubis, he was puzzled by the Anubis mask he wore that seem like his head. But he was more puzzled by the words he said.

"What do you mean?" He said with a shaky voice.

He faced his wife back eager for some kind of explanation.

Her sad eyes finally met his, and then without her saying anything, he could tell from her eyes, what the strange man said was true, he paled.


"We are still recovering from the shocking incident that transpire last night... suddenly a monster unlike anything we have ever seen emerge, destroying almost half of section 11, about 20 lives lost from this monster attack, agents sent to take down this monster were devoured on sight... this new incident have sent fear to every citizens in New York of this new threat that emerge from nowhere... what could be this monster that caused such amount of destruction" the newscaster said as they showed the view of the destroyed area.


Outskirts Of The City

Black Clover Hometown 

*Beeping Sounds*

Iris watch Sean with sad eyes, she was seated on the bed he laid on, he was currently in a coma.

Riley steps in.

"How is he?" She asked with sad eyes.

"The doctor said..." she sighed, sobbing as she faced her.

"He was too hurt in his chest, his heart..." she sobbed.

"They don't know when he will wake up" she cried.

"Iris" Riley said placing a hand on her shoulder to console her.

"He's gonna be okay" she assured her, Sean was a fighter and she knew he was gonna overcome this.

"I love him, Riley" she said in tears.

"I don't wanna lose him" she cried more wrapping her arm around Riley's waist burying her face in her stomach, Riley embrace her head as she cried.

"It's okay" she chants.

"He's gonna be okay".

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