Chapter 193 - Black Sins

"We are still recovering from the shocking incident that transpire last night... suddenly a monster unlike anything we have ever seen emerge, destroying almost half of section 11, about 20 lives lost from this monster attack, agents sent to take down this monster were devoured on sight... this new incident have sent fear to every citizens in New York of this new threat that emerge from nowhere... what could be this monster that caused such amount of destruction" the newscaster said as they showed the view of the destroyed area.


Outskirts Of The City

Black Clover Hometown 

*Beeping Sounds*

Iris watch Sean with sad eyes, she was seated on the bed he laid on, he was currently in a coma.

Riley steps in.

"How is he?" She asked with sad eyes.

"The doctor said..." she sighed, sobbing as she faced her.

"He was too hurt in his chest, his heart..." she sobbed.

"They don't know when he will wake up" she cried.

"Iris" Riley said placing a hand on her shoulder to console her.

"He's gonna be okay" she assured her, Sean was a fighter and she knew he was gonna overcome this.

"I love him, Riley" she said in tears.

"I don't wanna lose him" she cried more wrapping her arm around Riley's waist burying her face in her stomach, Riley embrace her head as she cried.

"It's okay" she chants.

"He's gonna be okay".


The O'Brien Mansion 

The skies darken as it rain heavily, along with the harsh wind blowing around, carrying the rain into all corners.

Liam was seated on a chair facing the window, at the lobby, the rain pouring on the glass but couldn't get in, Liam head was bent, his arms rested on his knees, his head lost in deep thought... trying to remember what happened after he blanked out but he couldn't, it was a lost memory to him, a memory that wasn't his.

Riley approached him seeing his down expression, her eyes sadden.

"Hey" she began softly, taking her seat next to him but Liam didn't acknowledge her presence, he has been like this since the past few days, avoiding her, not sparing her a glance not coming to bed, it broke her heart to see him this way.

"Liam" she began once more but still no answer.

She sighs.

"Sooner or later you are gonna have to talk to me... you can't avoid me forever" she said but then she wince in pain rubbing her throat, it still burned and hurt almost like Omari's claws were still there, the mark still present and it didn't seem to heal, not anytime soon.

She moaned slightly in pain as she opened her eyes, meeting with Liam's gaze now on hers, his chocolate eyes were darker than ever, his eyes had bags from lack of sleep.

"When was the last time you slept?" she asked worried as she reach for him, but Liam held her hand back, making Riley hurt at the action.

"Don't" he drawled with pleading eyes.

"So what I can't touch you now?" She snaps both in pain and anger.

She tried touching him again.

"Riley don't" he growled.

She jumped slightly, imagining the voice as Omari, she took a harsh uneven breath before gulping hard.

Liam studied her all the way, no matter how she tried to hide it, she was afraid of him and that torn Liam apart from the inside out.

With sad eyes Liam moved away turning to leave.

"Liam" she called standing up abruptly.

"I hurt you!" He snaps facing her, his eyes on the verge of tears.

"I hurt you..." he drawled.

Riley stared at him with sad eyes.

"I can never forgive myself for that... I killed innocent people Riley, killed..." he broke.

"I killed children..."

"It's wasn't your fault" she said taking a step closer.

"I saw the fucking news" he hissed.

"Liam that wasn't you... that was Omari, he took over your body Liam... there was nothing you could do about it" she said.

He shakes his head negatively as the tears fell.

"It still doesn't change anything" he said turning to leave before she could even reach him.

Tears filled Riley's eyes as she watches him walk away.


Operating Room

"We are still recovering from the shocking incident that transpire last night... suddenly a monster unlike anything we have ever seen emerge, destroying almost half of section 11, about 20 lives lost from this monster attack, agents sent to take down this monster were devoured on sight... this new incident have sent fear to every citizens in New York of this new threat that emerge from nowhere... what could be this monster that caused such amount of destruction" the newscaster said as they showed the view of the destroyed area.

Kayla and Race shaky eyes fixed on the news.

"Boss did this?" Race said with widen eyes.

"We can't exactly say that for sure... you heard, a demon took over his body" Kayla snaps.

Race huffed.

"It's wasn't a demon Kayla it was his ancestor... Omari the first ghoul, he literally took over Boss body" Race states.

"Hey guys turn that off will ya" Rory said with a frown, they did.

"Hearing that just makes things worst than it already is" he states.

"I suppose" a voice came in from Roy's back.

In response he jumped with a squeaking as he turned.

A tall weird man almost the same height as a Claw, wearing a tux was present and worst he had an Anubis mask for a face.

"You" Rory said taking a deep breath of relief.

"Hey Kayla check this out... it's Anubis the one who brought Boss back" Race said.

"Quit it Race... I know... we all saw" Kayla said with a eye roll.

"Oh right... but don't you think it's weird, his head is made out of a mask" Race said.

"So it that what the mortals are saying about Lord O'Brien?" He said with a nudge of his head referring to news.

"The press will say anything" Riley said walking in.

"Liam didn't kill up to that number of people... the rest was fabricated to cover the attack at the ball, the agencies doing" she adds.

"Ha mortals... they never seem to change" Anubis said staring into space.

"Race have you gotten any Intel on the Seth?" Riley asked.

"Yes ma'am... the ghoul killer was no where to be seen along with the Beast that attacked Boss" Race states as his fingers went fast against the keyboard.

"Hence the ghoul killer and the Beast might still be alive... the Beast is a whole ghoul in a whole new level" Race said as footage of the Beast crashing down from the ceiling showed.

"Such excellent device for discovering things" Anubis said rubbing the chin of his dog mask mask.

"I should get out more" he adds with a thought.

"You said your name was Anubis" Riley began facing him, her head tilting backwards to meet his face, due to his insane height.

"You knew of Liam... more you know about the black ghoul... you know Omari"

He faced her.

"Most certainly yes" he states.

"Who are you? You don't smell like a ghoul then what are you? I need answers, answers to why my husband is able to tap into the first ghoul power that has been dead for centuries" she demands.

"First of Lady O'Brien... I shall tell you of me" he states in amusement.

Riley folded her arms listening, others present were eager for an explanation too.

"I'm neither ghoul nor human" he said making them more confused.

"Aren't you like Anubis? The jackal-headed deity who presided over the embalming process and accompanied dead kings in the afterword?" Rory said making Race and Kayla turn to him in awe.

"What?" He shrugs.

"I pay attention to history"

"Certainly not that Anubis... I'm called many names in centuries of living... but I'm known mostly as Anubis by Omari... there is this saying that what you are called... you appear as the name" he states.

"So you look like this because Omari the first ghoul named you Anubis?" Kayla said getting more confused.

"It appears so" Anubis said with a shrug.

"Cut the chase,  what are you?"  Riley demands.

"I'm a druid... a ghoul druid to be precise" he said with a shrug.

"A druid?" Riley said.

"Yes I have been with the ghouls since the very beginning... Omari to be precise, I acted as his judge, teacher, container as you might add" he states.

"How come you weren't there for Liam until the very last minute, there were no mention of you even during Lucas Carter" Riley said puzzled.

"Ha Lucas Carter a fine man he was" he said staring into space before facing her.

"I only appear when there's a balance to be kept" he adds.

"A balance? So when my son was made into a killer and killed... there wasn't a balance to be made... or when Liam father did unspeakable things just to awaken the beings inside us... there wasn't a balance to be made" Riley said pissed.

"Where were you when all this happened?!".

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