Chapter 199 - Black Bargain

Riley's heart slammed loudly in her chest, her eyes fixed on the small board space in her front of where she hid.

"This is ridiculous" she said faintly, this was the worst night of her life ever since their wedding night, she thought that night was the worst day of her intimate section with Liam due to the ghoul killer attack but she was wrong, this was the worst ever.

"Silver are you sure he can't trace our scent?" Rikey asked the being withing her.

'Trust Silver, he won't, Silver remembers a memory of this game' Silver said in her head, with her deep angelic voice.

"He played this with Akila?"

'Yes... a game they loved to play... Silver don't fully remember but Silver helps her mask her scent so that her destined wouldn't find her'

"Well what happens if he finds her?" Riley asked.

'That was the fun part of game... Akila would want to be found, because after that they both mate under the moonlight, the most intimate part of their relationship and also the way of the ghoul king and queen to enjoy their time together'.

"You have got to be kidding me... there's no way I'm sleeping with that beast!" Riley said pissed.

'You both bargain didn't you? Then rest assure nothing like that will happen'

"Screw this" Riley said still pissed about the game meaning.

Suddenly she heard thud steps, her whole body froze, as her breath caught.

She knew it was Omari and he was coming.

Riley's heart slammed loudly in her chest the thud sound got louder and louder... but she had to calm herself down because there's no way he would find her, she got her scent covered and her hiding space was undetectable.

"Where are you little one, come out come out, wherever you are" Omari's loud voice boomed in the hallway, in a sing tone, his voice in amusement.

Riley almost snorted at his undeniable amusement of playing this sick game but she retrain herself from doing so.

'Sick bastard!' She cursed in her head.

The thud sound fades into a distance.

'He will be back, we should change the hiding spot' Silver said in her head.

"When does the game even end?!" Riley asked faintly, she needed to know how long this was going to go on.


"Great" Riley said opening the box space sliding it open as she crawled out from inside the wall, out fully, she quickly close the space, turning to leave but a nail caught her sheet.

"Fuck" she cursed pulling it but then it rips all the way to her body as she gasps.

"Found you" Omari's voice came in with beaming amusement.

With widen eyes of horror she turned to him.

"I win" he said in a simple tone as his void golden eyes beamed.

In fear Riley quickly pulled back but in result her sheet rips entirely, she trips falling to the ground but instead of her back head slamming to the floor it lands on a hand instantly.

Omari's was so suddenly on top of her, pining her body to the ground.

"What are you gonna do to me?" Riley asked shaky as her mind played Silver's words.

"Whatever do you mean little one" he said smirking.

"You know what I mean" Riley growled moving.

But he instantly grabs her hand and pinned it above her head, slamming it to the floor, Riley groaned in response.

Omari growled.

"Now for what we bargained" he said as his chest vibrates in a growl.

Riley shifts uncomfortably beneath him, there was no space between them at all, and she could feel all him.

"Be still woman!" He snaps, snarling as if refraining himself.

Riley was still as water instantly as her heart slammed in her chest, her body trembling.

"Heed my words" he began in a much softer tone.

"There will be no sharing of Claws... I shall remain until I have fulfilled doomsday".

"Doomsday?" Riley couldn't stop herself from asking, this was the second time he said something like this.

Omari growled at her disrespectfulness for interrupting him, but as if he knew the mystery was killing her, he respond.

"My greatest foe small rise again, the battle between two deities shall shook the earth, this child cannot defeat it alone so I shall accompany him"

Riley's eyes widen at his words.

"This child didn't just tap into my rage by mere chance but I chose to be awaken so i may fulfill doomsday... a battle I predicted doing my time"

"Then who is this foe? Who is the other deity?" She demands, she needed to know if Liam was in danger.

"Apophis... god of Chaos, my enemy since the very beginning, he has no form or shape but still finds a way to crawl into the hearts of people, I sealed him once but yet again he manages to come back, this time I must kill him and end his reign" Omari said with a growl.

Doomsday, Apophis, god of chaos, this was all too much for her to take in.

"Listen to me little one" Omari began in a more serious tone not tearing gaze with hers.

"Every foe this child has ever fought since the moment he awaken his Claw"

Riley gasps as series of images played in his void eyes.

'Xavier Jose, Seth Judson, Wayne Sanford, 

Barbra Jones, even their own son Ryan O'Brien' she saw all their faces, she couldn't believe it, they were all the twisted manipulation of Apophis, the poison in their thoughts, the dark desire for blood they were driven by, everything. And then she saw a snake snarled.

She gasps looking away, taking harsh breath of what she just uncovered.

"Apophis will not stop until he ends my reign, my descendant... which is why I cannot go back to sleep, I must merge with this child and become one, with our powers collide I shall be able to erase Apophis once and for all".

Tears filled Rileys eyes, this was bigger than them combined, this was a long destined battle between two deities.

She faced Omari as the tears fell, this was the reason all this was happening, it all made sense now.

"What happens..." she sobs.

"What happens when you merge with Liam and fufill doomsday?!"

She saw a flick of emotion in his eyes but as soon as it came, it was gone.

"This child will die"

"No... no" she cried forcing her grip off his hold, hitting his chest as her chest tighten in pain.

"He won't survive it, his body shall merge with mine, we shall both cease to exist" 

"No please... just stop" she cried.

Omari growled.

"Listen to me little one!" he hissed pining her hands back to either side of her, close to her head, but not as hurtful. Her teary eyes met his.

"This cannot be undone" he said softly, he releases one of her hand slowly wipping her tears from her cheeks.

Riley close her eyes as she sobs, the pain unbearable.

Omari leans close.

"Which is why I have a second request" he said close to her ear that sent shivers to her spine.

"Bear my heir... give birth to my next descendants" 

Riley flushed her eyes open upon his request.

"Secure the next line of the black ghoul" he said burying his face in her neck.

In response to that, the black skin retreated back within, the black shadow retreated revealing Liam.

He groaned in her neck, his eyes blinked puzzled of the hard floor, weren't they on bed?

He raised his head.

"Babe what happened?!" He asked looking around seeing they were in the hall.

"What are we doing here?" He asked.

But Riley only just stared at him with sad eyes.


But then his eyes widen in realization.


"Did omari did something? Did he hurt you?" He demands.

"Riley talk to-"

She smashes her lips on his, all questions went out the window as Liam got drown in, Riley ravished his lips like it was the last thing she would ever do, Liam tried to pull away but his body wouldn't respond.

He felt her hands trailed his back hotly... all he could only do was moan deeply, her hand got to his waist as she pushed him downwards to her core.

She moaned in ecstacy as she felt whole again.

Liam broke the kiss, his feature covered in lust, he could'nt think, he couldn't say anything as he moved in a hard fast rhythm.

Riley's lips went apart as her moans echoed in the hall, it was intense and mind blowing.

She wraps her arms around his neck as she turned in a swift move, flipping him and straddling on top of him, her head shock backwards in pleasure as the movement went on.

Liam growled as his nails dug in her waist almost drawing blood.

But all that was pleasure, enthralling pleasure that got his body burning for more.

He could only growl and grip as Riley took the lead.

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