Chapter 200 - Black Destiny's

"Apophis will not stop until he ends my reign, my descendant... which is why I cannot go back to sleep, I must merge with this child and become one, with our powers collide I shall be able to erase Apophis once and for all".

Tears filled Rileys eyes, this was bigger than them combined, this was a long destined battle between two deities.

She faced Omari as the tears fell, this was the reason all this was happening, it all made sense now.

"What happens..." she sobs.

"What happens when you merge with Liam and fufill doomsday?!"

She saw a flick of emotion in his eyes but as soon as it came, it was gone.

"This child will die"

"No... no" she cried forcing her grip off his hold, hitting his chest as her chest tighten in pain.

"He won't survive it, his body shall merge with mine, we shall both cease to exist" 

"No please... just stop" she cried.

Omari growled.

"Listen to me little one!" he hissed pining her hands back to either side of her, close to her head, but not as hurtful. Her teary eyes met his.

"This cannot be undone" he said softly, he releases one of her hand slowly wipping her tears from her cheeks.

Riley close her eyes as she sobs, the pain unbearable.

Omari leans close.

"Which is why I have a second request" he said close to her ear that sent shivers to her spine.

"Bear my heir... give birth to my next descendants" 

Riley flushed her eyes open upon his request.

"Secure the next line of the black ghoul" he said burying his face in her neck.

In response to that, the black skin retreated back within, the black shadow retreated revealing Liam.

He groaned in her neck, his eyes blinked puzzled of the hard floor, weren't they on bed?

He raised his head.

"Babe what happened?!" He asked looking around seeing they were in the hall.

"What are we doing here?" He asked.

But Riley only just stare at him with sad eyes.


But then his eyes widen in realization.


"Did omari did something? Did he hurt you?" He demands.

"Riley talk to-"

She smashes her lips on his, all questions went out the window as Liam got drown in, Riley ravished his lips like it was the last thing she would ever do, Liam tried to pull away but his body wouldn't respond.

He felt her hands trailed his back hotly... all he could only do was moan deeply, her hand got to his waist as she pushed him downwards to her core.

She moaned in ecstacy as she felt whole again.

Liam broke the kiss, his features covered in lust, he couldn't think, he couldn't say anything as he moved in a hard fast rhythm.

Riley's lips went apart as her moans echoed in the hall, it was intense and mind blowing.

She wraps her arms around his neck as she turned in a swift move, flipping him and straddling on top of him, her head shock backwards in pleasure as the movement went on.

Liam growled as his nails dug in her waist almost drawing blood.

But all that was pleasure, enthralling pleasure that got his body burning for more.

He could only growl and grip as Riley took the lead like the wild fire she was.

In the midst of passionate movement, she leans down stealing a hot kiss from his lips.

"I love you Liam O'Brien" she said before moaning deeply as the ecstasy shock her body.

Liam flips her, him now on top as he gave hard thrust, she grabs her waist, his nails digging on her skin at the intense pleasure.

Riley could only moan and call his name like it was the only thing she ever knew in her entire life.

"I love you Riley O'Brien" he said in a daze unable to take his eyes off her, seeing her helpless by what he was doing to her always gave he edge, she was the most beautiful thing when she was drench in pleasure, the pleasure only he could give her.

"I own all of you... never forget that!" he growled.

"Your heart, your soul, your body!".

"Yes... yes! I'm yours... only yours forever!" she moaned as her eyes met his.

"No matter what" she adds in a harsh breath.

Liam was puzzled by her words because he felt a certain meaning to it, but he couldn't understand.

"Forever yours!" She moaned loudly.

Liam smashed his lips on hers, as he drove her body to the point of breaking pleasure... showing her exactly how much he owned her body.


The sun rose high, illuminating everywhere with its brightness.

Riley slowly opened her eyes, she laid on the center in the midst of messed up sheets, her naked body barely covered.

She slowly sat up, the sheets falling but she didn't care, she sat immobile before looking around briefly. The empty feeling and then it dawn on her, she draw deeply on breath feeling a sharp pain to her chest.

The tears threaten to fall but she held back the tears, she shut her eyes tightly 

"Be strong Riley O'Brien" she said faintly to herself taking a deep breath, she had to be strong for Liam's sake, she flashed open her determined eyes, it was time to get to work.

Few minutes later she was done taking her bath, she steps out of the majestic bathroom naked as she walks to their wide wardrobe.

She opened, her eyes travelled to Liams clothing, with sad eyes her hand felt it, the scent, oh the scent that always got her body on fire.

She took a black long sleeve shirt bringing to her nose inhaling deeply, she sighs, opening her eyes.


Riley dressed in Liam's black shirt walks the hall, it was big against her body but still fit her perfectly, she wore black shorts along with it and knee length boots.

Others passing all seemed like ghosts to her, even as they bowed, everything seemed in a daze to her, her looks lost and deep in emotion.


"Promise me something" Liam began in a serious tone.

"Anything" Riley said softly.

"Promise me that no matter what happens to me you will bring down the agency and free the ghouls" he said.

"Liam nothing is gonna happen to you"

"Just promise me... please" he said with pleading eyes.

"I promise".

Liam nods as their lips collided.


Riley remembered his words clearly, her eyes harden, it was a promise she was gonna keep.

She walks straight to the operating room, the door sliding open as she walks in, all attention drifts to her, as she walks to the center.

Rory, Kayla, Race and Gray stared at her with puzzled eyes, they felt this certain strong aura around her they couldn't quite place, it gave off like that of Liam whenever they were in his presence.

Riley took a seat on Liam's black office chair, with a swift spin, she turns to face the wide wall computer. She crosses her leg on top the other.

"Let's get started!" she began ternly.


Black Clover Hospital 

Iris sighs as she strolled along the hall carrying a change of sheets to Sean's room, the door slide open as she walks in, it shut close behind her.

But then she drops the sheets seeing an empty bed, she gasps as her eyes travelled to the window where Sean stood, he turns to her with with a smile against his lips.

"How-" She began loss for words, the doctor didn't say anything about him waking up, it was almost impossible due to his critical condition but yet here he was standing before her all healed up like nothing happened, like he wasn't in a life or death situation a moment ago.

Ha fuck it! She rushed to him in a swift motion wrapping her arms around his neck, going on her tip toes and smashing her lips against his with longing.

She could feel Sean smile at her action but she didn't care neither did he as he kissed her back with all he had, he moved her backwards while they kissed, to bed.


Operating Room 

"We will start with the most important factor," Riley said.

"The press... and the government".

She rose to her feet, turning to them, arms folded.

"We are gonna use those two things to our advantage" she states.

"You mean we come at the agency publicly?" Rory asked puzzled, could it work?

"No... we bargain with the government" Riley said.

"Is the government gonna wanna bargain with ghouls?" Kayla said puzzled, wondering if what they were about to pull off will work.

"Oh he will" she said smirking.

"I have learnt a few things about bargain" she adds.


Anubis stood on top of a tree watching Black Clover Hometown, hands behind his back, wearing his usual tux and glove. He raised his head staring into the bright blue skies.

"It's getting close" he said.


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