Chapter 201 - Black Plan

Riley dressed in Liam's black shirt walks the hall, it was big against her body but still fit her perfectly, she wore black shorts along with it and knee length boots.

Others passing all seemed like ghosts to her, even as they bowed, everything seemed in a daze to her, her looks lost and deep in emotion.


"Promise me something" Liam began in a serious tone.

"Anything" Riley said softly.

"Promise me that no matter what happens to me you will bring down the agency and free the ghouls" he said.

"Liam nothing is gonna happen to you"

"Just promise me... please" he said with pleading eyes.

"I promise".

Liam nods as their lips collided.


Riley remembered his words clearly, her eyes harden, it was a promise she was gonna keep.

She walks straight to the operating room, the door sliding open as she walks in, all attention drifts to her, as she walks to the center.

Rory, Kayla, Race and Gray stared at her with puzzled eyes, they felt this certain strong aura around her they couldn't quite place, it gave off like that of Liam whenever they were in his presence.

Riley took a seat on Liam's black office chair, with a swift spin, she turns to face the wide wall computer. She crosses her leg on top the other.

"Let's get started!" she began ternly.


Black Clover Hospital 

Iris sighs as she strolled along the hall carrying a change of sheets to Sean's room, the door slide open as she walks in, it shut close behind her.

But then she drops the sheets seeing an empty bed, she gasps as her eyes travelled to the window where Sean stood, he turns to her with with a smile against his lips.

"How-" She began loss for words, the doctor didn't say anything about him waking up, it was almost impossible due to his critical condition but yet here he was standing before her all healed up like nothing happened, like he wasn't in a life or death situation a moment ago.

Ha fuck it! She rushed to him in a swift motion wrapping her arms around his neck, going on her tip toes and smashing her lips against his with longing.

She could feel Sean smile at her action but she didn't care neither did he as he kissed her back with all he had, he moved her backwards while they kissed, to bed.


Operating Room 

"We will start with the most important factor," Riley said.

"The press... and the government".

She rose to her feet, turning to them, arms folded.

"We are gonna use those two things to our advantage" she states.

"You mean we come at the agency publicly?" Rory asked puzzled, could it work?

"No... we bargain with the government" Riley said.

"Is the government gonna wanna bargain with ghouls?" Kayla said puzzled, wondering if what they were about to pull off will work.

"Oh he will" she said smirking.

"I have learnt a few things about bargain" she adds.


Anubis stood on top of a tree watching Black Clover Hometown, hands behind his back, wearing his usual tux and glove. He raised his head staring into the bright blue skies.

"It's getting close" he said.



"Get everything ready, we need to find a way so that we can gain assess" Riley said walking along the halls with Kayla and Race.

"So suddenly requesting to meet the government isn't exactly gonna be easy" Race states.

"We aren't doing it public so it's gonna be easy, just say a strong influential person wanna meet up, they will buy that... and" she halts facing them.

They did too.

"Say we are requesting to donate some money, a huge amount of money, they will agree without question" she adds before turning to walk.

"Does boss know about this?" Kayla asked making Riley halt instantly in her steps.

"Where's boss, we haven't seen him for quite some time, is he gonna draft out the plan also?" Race asked, they never worked on a plan without him.

Riley took a heavy breath as her eyes sadden, she didn't know how to tell them, how could she bring herself to, she was lost for words.

Her mouth almost moved.

"Liam won't be around for a couple of day" Sean said stepping in.

They all stared at him wide eyes that he was standing before them.

"Sean" Riley said with wide eyes, she couldn't believe it.

"Work on the plans as ordered" he adds.

They nod still shock.

He smiled as his eyes lands on Riley.

"Come on let's go" Kayla said dragging Race with her.

Instantly Riley hug him, he chuckled slightly at her actions, she broke the hug.


"It was Liam... Omari to be exact" he said still puzzled by who visited him last night.

"I don't know how he did it, he made me better... so here I'm" he adds.

"I don't understand" Riley said puzzled.

"He said something about fulfilling your second request"

Riley froze at his words, Omari knew about her second request during their bargain, it was for Sean to get better.

"Riley what the fuck is going on?" He asked worried, he was so confused right now, how was his best friend suddenly possess by the first ghoul.

"Doomsday" she said.

"He's awake because of Doomsday"

"I saw something like that in the book but the rest are still untranslated, it said something about-"

"Apophis" she cut him off.

"Sean it has been the god of Chaos all these time, he has been the one manipulating our enemies and installing fear in the heart of humans, it what he does and for some reason he's getting stronger"

"The more he feeds on fear, the more he gets stronger" Sean said as his eyes widen in realization.

"But what does all this has to do with Liam?"

"Liam can't defeat it alone, that's why Omari had to come forth... Apophis is Omari's enemy since ancient times, he's bent on destroying the last of the black ghoul lineage" she said.

She sighs deeply.

"But there's a prize if Omari should be of help"

"What? What is it?" Sean demands.

"They will merge bodies and become one to defeat Apophis but it comes with a price... " she said sternly as her lips pressed in a thing line.

"Liam will ease to exist, both of them".

Sean froze as his eyes widen with shock, his mouth hung not knowing any words to say.

"Liam will die".


Riley stood watching the skies, arms folded, saying the news to Sean was a shock to him, she knew how he felt, this was a truth they will have to live with. Doomsday was coming, a crisis they were unaware of until the very last minute, she will do what she can to assist Liam, which is why their plan has to work.

"You bargained with Omari... didn't you?" Anubis appeared beside her from nowhere.

Riley turns to him, facing the unusual tall man.

"How did you know?" She asked puzzled.

"I don't feel Lord O'Brien's shared Claw in you, which means the consummation didn't happen" he states facing her.

"Well it did happen but not the Claw sharing one" Riley said facing the view back.

"You knew didn't you" she said for certain as she faced him back.

"You knew about Doomsday"

"I only just figured it out, I never knew the battle Omari himself prophesied will come to pass and the price it will take" Anubis said.

"You have to be strong lady O'Brien" he adds.

"You have to be strong for your people, you're their queen".

Riley gulps hard at his words.

"Where is he? Can you tell where Liam is?" She asked.

Anubis sighs.

"I'm afraid I can't, his aura is faint, I'm sure Omari is masking it up pretty well... he's awaiting, awaiting for the destined day"

"Doomsday" Riley said for certain.

"But how will we know when it's the day? How will we be prepared for it"

"When Apophis choose his vessel" Anubis said sternly.

Riley gulps hard, she could still remember the snake image she saw in Omari's eyes, how great was this foe? That Omari couldn't even defeat him during his time but rather sealed himself away, only for Apophis to break free... wait the seal.

"How was the seal broken... yes you said Omari prophesied doomsday but like you said you were certain it would actually happen" she demands.

"Ths seal was broken the day both of your awoken your powers as Silver Clover and Ghost Clover... it was also a beacon that called the uncalled" he states.

"Then why did Liam's father went through so much to awaken us if it will put us in such mess" Riley said pissed, she hated this... she hated everything.

"Lord O'Brien father only did what he was destined to do... the rest fell into place according, I have no say in this matter... but your awakening also gave a spark of hope to ghouls and many good things".

Riley sighs holding her head, it was a hard truth she will have to embrace sooner or later.

Suddenly a feeling overwhelmed Anubis body, the aura that came with it shock his body, it was familiar and somewhat strange. The realization struck him.

"Lady O'Brien" he said startled.

Riley faced him puzzled.

"May I?" 

"May I what?" She said getting more confused.

To her surprise he placed a hand on her stomach, she froze at his actions.

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