Chapter 203 - Black Vessel

Skyscraper Building

Heels clicking could be heard along the halls. Riley walks dressed on a black short gown that hung her body perfectly, her long red hair packed up neatly. Sean behind her dressed formally, along with five other ghouls behind them.

They got to a door as it was opened by a guard, Riley steps into the wide office, smirking.

"Hello Mr. President" she said in amusement staring at the men before her.

The president and the officials present were stunned, they came solely for the meeting because a business woman happened to donate a huge sum of money to their long holding project... not knowing it was the ghoul Queen herself.

"We have have lot of catching up to do" Riley said stepping in fully along with the others behind her as the door shut behind.


Section 25

New Agency Location 

Vincent roared as he scattered the papers on the

his table to the ground.

"What do you mean the government are no longer supporting us!" Vincent hissed pissed, his body boiling with anger.

"I don't know sir, the supplies stopped, the new recruits stopped coming" his secretary explained.

What the fuck was going on.

"LEAVE!" he barked.

Quivering in fear she dash out.

Vincent picks up his phone dialing the president line, it rang and rang but he didn't pick.

In rage, he slammed the phone on the ground as it smashed to pieces.

"Liam O'Brien" he said darkly, this must be his doing, he must have pulled some kind of strings to get the government on his side but how was he able to pull such an impossible thing off.


He froze when he heard a voice, he looks around in his wide office but he was alone.


The faint voice came again, he looks around once more but still nothing.


It came again but this time he was able to detect where it was coming from and it was coming from his mirror?

In confusion and alert he walks towards the majestic mirror at a corner, he only saw his reflection but a voice came from it.


He stood right in front of his reflection, nothing was unusual but the voice that came from it.

He raised his hand to reach for it but then his eyes widen in shock, his reflection didn't do the same action but rather it stood still with a smirk against his lips.

"Vincent Jones" he said in a dark deep demonic voice that sent a shiver than his spine.

"Who are you?" Vincent demands shaky, but he still stood strong.

"Wonderful, extremely wonderful... others would have cower away after sensing my presence" he said in amusement.

"Which makes you the perfect vessel" he adds as his tongue ticks out like that of a snake.

Vincent stared at him puzzled.

"Who are you?" Vincent demands sternly.

"I'm the power that lies within you" he began in a strong voice plunging forwards like a surreal.

Vincent watch with wide eyes as his reflection came out of the mirror.

"I'm the very glimsp of hope you need" he states now standing fully in front of him.

"I'm Chaos, the very plague that can destroy everything that comes your way, I'm Apophis".

"Impossible" Vincent said stunned.

"I shall bring your enemies to ruins, I shall destroy the black ghoul once and for all".

"Why should I trust you?" Vincent said sternly.

"Riley O'Brien was the one who turned the government against you, she made a bargain they couldn't resist, now the city with be feasted with those flesh eating beast!" He spats.

Vincent body stiffen at his words, it was Riley that pulled such a thing off, his fist clenched tightly in response.

"How did you-"

"I see many" he said as his eyes changed to that of a snake.

"Revenge shall be yours, just say yes".

"Is there a price? I'm a very cautious man" Vincent said sternly, he wasn't just gonna trust this being easily, but yet here was power before him, offering him a chance of revenge, a chance to wipe ghouls off the face of this earth.

"For there is no price but a gain... power, endless youth, influence, you shall have it all, all your fears will disappear and be replaced with nothing eternal satisfaction" he said in amusement, without question, with sincerity to it.

Vincent gulps hard at his words.

Apophis smirks knowing he got him good, for he could see it in his eyes, the lust for power, he was the perfect vessel.


Apophis smirk broaden more.

"Then we have a deal" he said with a snap of his finger.


Outskirts Of The City 

Black Clover Hometown 

Riley stood in front of the mirror, studying her stomach while titling her head to the side, she rubbed the bare skin of her flat stomach, she felt the movement again, she smiled.

"The results are good, the baby is healthy" Sean said walking in, he was very happy for Riley, at least this way she was closer to Liam, carrying his lineage.

She turns to him.

"Are you sure you don't wanna know what you're expecting?!" Sean said raising an eyebrow.

She smiled.

"No" she said staring at her stomach at the mirror once again.

"I want it to be a surprise".

Iris walks in.

"Congratulations Riley, the government is on our side" she states still amazed at the fact, she steal a glance at Sean who did too as he wink.

"You two get a room" Riley said facing them, but deep down she was beyond happy for them.

"I'm still amazed Riley, how did you do it?" Iris asked in wonder.

"Made a bargain" Riley said in a simple tone not willing to spill the beans.

Iris rolled her eyes in response.

"Well what ever the bargain was, it worked, the agency will no longer hunt ghouls, we are all officially off the radar" Iris said.

"Rest assure Iris, that's just one side of the bargain" Riley said smirking.

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