Chapter 204 - Black Ambush

"Riley O'Brien was the one who turned the government against you, she made a bargain they couldn't resist, now the city with be feasted with those flesh eating beast!" He spats.

Vincent body stiffen at his words, it was Riley that pulled such a thing off, his fist clenched tightly in response.

"How did you-"

"I see many" he said as his eyes changed to that of a snake.

"Revenge shall be yours, just say yes".

"Is there a price? I'm a very cautious man" Vincent said sternly, he wasn't just gonna trust this being easily, but yet here was power before him, offering him a chance of revenge, a chance to wipe ghouls off the face of this earth.

"For there is no price but a gain... power, endless youth, influence, you shall have it all, all your fears will disappear and be replaced with nothing eternal satisfaction" he said in amusement, without question, with sincerity to it.

Vincent gulps hard at his words.

Apophis smirks knowing he got him good, for he could see it in his eyes, the lust for power, he was the perfect vessel.


Apophis smirk broaden more.

"Then we have a deal" he said with a snap of his finger.


Unknown Location

Liam could heard water dripping, he felt he was lying on a hard surface, he groaned in response as he slowly opened his eyes, seeing his surroundings was that of a cave. He blinks puzzled seating up.

The cave was wide, walls smooth black. The path in front of him filled with water.

"Where am I?" He said puzzled, the last thing he remembered was being with Riley, watching her sleep against the ground after their sessions and then carrying her to bed, the rest blank.

His puzzled eyes then drift to his body, he was on a black shirt that hung his frame perfectly and black pants, barefoot. The last thing he remembered was being naked, how did he end up with clothes?

"Take a deep breath child" Omari's deep 

voice came in.

Liam looks around searching for where the voice was coming from but then it lands on a figure in front of him but the water separated their paths.

It was Omari, he was seated just like he was, a knee raised, his arm resting on it. His eyes golden, His skin black like coal, shirtless showing his hard ton muscles, pants made of dark aura as it waved, his hair black and long like a dark aura waving like flames, a spiky crown around his head. His wings and his staff wasn't present.

Liam knew it was Omari without blinking, his looks turned stern.

"Did you hurt her?" Liam demands, knowing what he did last time.

"Of course not she's our destined" he states.

"But you did" Liam growled.

"That's was a very unstable awakening" he said taking a deep breath.

"And I apologise for that".

Liam froze at his words, was the almighty Omari apologising?

"We need to talk about Doomsday" he began in a serious tone.

"Doomsday?!" Liam said puzzled.

"A day and battle destined to shock the earth, the day we put a stop to Apophis, the god of chaos once and for all and redeem your people from fear and hatred" Omari said.

Liams eyes widen at his words.

"Ghouls can be liberated?"

"Yes... and our destined is already setting the first plan in motion in her own way, the rest is left for us, to see to the end" he said.

Liam gulps hard.

"For both of us to fufill doomsday, we have to merge bodies, which means our mind, bodies and soul will become one. There are two prices for this, first you will lose Ghost because of merging and second after that we will both seize to exist".

"Hold on" Liam said still trying to take in what he just said.

"Lose Ghost, ease to exist?" Liam said with wide eyes.

"Yes child" Omari said firmly.

"I don't understand"

"If we don't do this, Apophis will rule this world with fear, destroy it from the inside out once he gets his hands on a vessel, it will all be over, everything you love and care about will be gone, everything" he said clearly.

Liam was still like ice, taking in everything he said.

"Unless we make the ultimate sacrifice"


Outskirts Of The City 

Black Clover Hometown 

Riley stood in front of the mirror, studying her stomach while titling her head to the side, she rubbed the bare skin of her flat stomach, she felt the movement again, she smiled.

"The results are good, the baby is healthy" Sean said walking in, he was very happy for Riley, at least this way she was closer to Liam, carrying his lineage.

She turns to him.

"Are you sure you don't wanna know what you're expecting?!" Sean said raising an eyebrow.

She smiled.

"No" she said staring at her stomach at the mirror once again.

"I want it to be a surprise".

Iris walks in.

"Congratulations Riley, the government is on our side" she states still amazed at the fact, she steal a glance at Sean who did too as he wink.

"You two get a room" Riley said facing them, but deep down she was beyond happy for them.

"I'm still amazed Riley, how did you do it?" Iris asked in wonder.

"Made a bargain" Riley said in a simple tone not willing to spill the beans.

Iris rolled her eyes in response.

"Well what ever the bargain was, it worked, the agency will no longer hunt ghouls, we are all officially off the radar" Iris said.

"Rest assure Iris, that's just one side of the bargain" Riley said smirking. 

Iris froze at her words, that was just the beginning?, what exactly did Riley pulled off.

Suddenly a distress alarm went off.

They froze at the sound.

"The Hometown is under attack?!" Sean said in realization, stunned, there was no way that was possible.

"Sean there's no way that's possible" Riley said hissed.

Instantly a explosion came in, it wasn't from a distance but rather their building, everything went blank.


*Loud Siren*




*Electricity Sparks*




*Metal Cranking*




*Distant Shooting and Roar Sounds*







Riley's eyes slowly opened, her vision blurry until it cleared seeing her white Claw before her, holding a boulder in place from crushing her.

"Silver" Riley said weak as she groaned on the rough ground. Blood trailed from her head but then it healed.

"RILEY!" Sean shouts in horror as he got to her lifting her up away from the boulder.

Silver let it slide as it slammed to the ground crushing it.

Riley gulps hard knowing it would have been her, her claw retreats inside her.

"The Hometown is under attack" Iris said rushing towards them.

"It's the agency, I don't know how they got the location but they are here, the ghouls are trying to hold them back but we don't know for how long" Iris said in horror, she couldn't believe this was happening.

Sean turns to Riley.

"I have to get you to safety" Sean said sternly.

"No, No I'm not hiding, I'm fighting with you guys" she snaps.

"Riley we can't risk that" Iris reasons.

"I'm just 2 weeks pregnant!" She snaps again.

"The agency made a big mistake coming here and they are gonna pay"

"They will... but Riley you have to understand, for the sake of your unborn child don't do this, what would Liam think" Sean said with pleading eyes.

Riley gulps hard at his words, giving a slight nod, even though her body screamed at her not to do so.

"Get her out of here, will hold off any incoming agents" Sean said to Iris, she nods.

"Be careful" she said with pleading eyes.

"I will" he said stealing a kiss from her lips before retreating.

They rushed out of the destroyed buildings.


Outside was chaotic, gunshots, Roars could be heard, the ghouls holding off the agents, while the rest took the woman and children who couldn't fight to a safe place.

Riley eyes sadden when she saw the scene, houses on fire, destroyed buildings. Her heart felt heavy.

"Protect the queen" Sean said.

About 10 ghouls came forth, circling her as they walked out.

But then a piercing roar came in, stopping them in their tracks.

"What is that?!" Iris said shaking at the mere sound.

Riley turns, staring at a distance.

"The Beast" she said without a doubt, remembering when Liam told her about the Beast he fought, unlike anything they have ever seen.

"We have to get out of here" Sean said knowing that sound wasn't good news at all.

But instantly like a sharp bullet something lands in between them, making them disperse.

Riley lands on the ground hard with a groan.

The 10 ghouls covered her ready to fight the monster before them.

Iris and Sean stares at the being with wide eyes.

It stood high and tall the same 10 feet as he was, the body covered in something like a coil, dark brown in colour, a horn at the center. It looked more like a beast than a ghoul, having no eyes but sharp deadly fangs for a mouth.

It roared an insanely loud sound.

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