Chapter 205 - Doomsday

"RILEY!" Sean shouts in horror as he got to her lifting her up away from the boulder.

Silver let it slide as it slammed to the ground crushing it.

Riley gulps hard knowing it would have been her, her claw retreats inside her.

"The Hometown is under attack" Iris said rushing towards them.

"It's the agency, I don't know how they got the location but they are here, the ghouls are trying to hold them back but we don't know for how long" Iris said in horror, she couldn't believe this was happening.

Sean turns to Riley.

"I have to get you to safety" Sean said sternly.

"No, No I'm not hiding, I'm fighting with you guys" she snaps.

"Riley we can't risk that" Iris reasons.

"I'm just 2 weeks pregnant!" She snaps again.

"The agency made a big mistake coming here and they are gonna pay"

"They will... but Riley you have to understand, for the sake of your unborn child don't do this, what would Liam think" Sean said with pleading eyes.

Riley gulps hard at his words, giving a slight nod, even though her body screamed at her not to do so.

"Get her out of here, will hold off any incoming agents" Sean said to Iris, she nods.

"Be careful" she said with pleading eyes.

"I will" he said stealing a kiss from her lips before retreating.

They rushed out of the destroyed buildings.


Outside was chaotic, gunshots, Roars could be heard, the ghouls holding off the agents, while the rest took the woman and children who couldn't fight to a safe place.

Riley eyes sadden when she saw the scene, houses on fire, destroyed buildings. Her heart felt heavy.

"Protect the queen" Sean said.

About 10 ghouls came forth, circling her as they walked out.

But then a piercing roar came in, stopping them in their tracks.

"What is that?!" Iris said shaking at the mere sound.

Riley turns, staring at a distance.

"The Beast" she said without a doubt, remembering when Liam told her about the Beast he fought, unlike anything they have ever seen.

"We have to get out of here" Sean said knowing that sound wasn't good news at all.

But instantly like a sharp bullet something lands in between them, making them disperse.

Riley lands on the ground hard with a groan.

The 10 ghouls covered her ready to fight the monster before them.

Iris and Sean stares at the being with wide eyes.

It stood high and tall the same 10 feet as he was, the body covered in something like a coil, dark brown in colour, a horn at the center. It looked more like a beast than a ghoul, having no eyes but sharp deadly fangs for a mouth.

It roared an insanely loud sound, charging at them in speed, the 10 ghouls came in front but in a blink of an eye he fought them off, pushing, and clawing at their Claws.

Sean came in between but with one plunge of the beast hand Sean was sent flying on the air smashing into a building on fire a distance away.

"SEAN!" Iris shouts in horror.

"IRIS LOOK OUT" Riley shouts as the Beast almost smashed her but then a rod wraps around the Beast hand, stopping it.

It snaps facing Riley and then roaring with one fling of its hand Riley was sent flying on the air, still holding onto the rod, as did the Beast.

"RILEY" Iris shouts in horror about attacking the Beast but it held her by the throat lifting her off her feet.

It then turns to Riley pulling the rod down as well as Riley, she plunged forward to the Beast as he grabs her by throat.

He flings Iris off with its other hard as  she stumbled backwards against the ground.

The Beast growled facing Riley, tighten his claws her neck eagerly wanting to crush her throat, Riley struggled for breath as her legs wagged from the lost of gravity.

The Beast then points, it's extended nails on her chest before drawing it back ready to plunge her heart. Riley eyes widen in horror, knowing the fate that awaits her.

Roaring the fist came for her chest but instantly like a sharp bullet, the Beast was pushed off Riley.

She gasp almost getting to the ground but strong arms caught her.

"Liam" she said in shock staring at him with wide eyes.

Liam's looks were emotionless, the killing intent he had shock the whole area.

"Liam?" She said once again, she wasn't even sure of the name she was calling anymore.

The Beast rose to its feet roaring.

Liam drops Riley down walking forward covering her with his frame.

Riley stares at his back with sad eyes.

"Don't move" he said sternly.

The Beast roars once more. In a zap of speed Liam came at him, they collided in a fury battle.

Riley stood stunned watching, she couldn't believe her eyes, Liam was fighting the beast head on with using his power, it was almost like he was the power himself.

Liam grabs the Beast on the throat slamming it hard against ground causing a huge crack to it.

"I know where your heart It" Liam hissed before digging his now claw hands in the beast stomach pulled out something that looked like a heart, before moving away.

The Beast growled in extreme pain going on it knees.

"You were mechanically made not genetically" Liam said as the Beast kept roaring.

In turmoil it rips the face off with its claws revealing Chase, he took harsh breath, his face was embodied with red veins, his head bald.

"You" Liam said puzzled, he remembered the agent, the first agent he ever met.

"Please" Chase said in tears his head bent as tears fell.

"Make it stop, I can't... I can't live like this" he cried.

"Renee" he sobbed.

"I can't face Renee and Rex like this... please make it stop" he cried more, the skin of the beast also consuming his head again.

"Chase" Riley said with sad eyes.

At the sound of her voice he turns to her, their eyes met.

"I'm sorry for everything" he said.

Liam's hand changed to that of a Claw,  black in colour.

He turns to Liam.

"I'm sorry too" he closed his eyes.

"For everything".

Suddenly Liams claw hand went deep into his chest aiming at his own heart hiding deep inside.

Chase smiled as his body cracked.

"Thank you" he murmured as blood spilled also.

His body broke to pieces, his heart turning to dust.

Liam watches with sad eyes as everything about Chase Wyatt fades away.

Riley walks up behind him.

"It's today" Liam said not turning to her.

"This is doomsday" he adds.

Her eyes shakes at his words as the tears fell.

She walks up behind him, grabbing on his black shirt from behind. She knew what she had to go, what this moment meant, she has to let go.

Liam's body slowly consumed in darkness.

"I'm pregnant Liam, you're gonna be a father " Riley said in tears.

A tear fell from one of Liam eyes as he close his eyes. He turned slightly before the darkness consumed his face.

"Thank you Riley" he said with a smile against his lips.

On hearing his voice Riley slowly raised her head as the wind blew around  slowly.

Her teary eyes meant his, the tears flowing down his cheeks but yet he smiled.

"Liam" she said in tears.

The darkness consumed him, going up in height and then black wings spreading, as he flew out.

"LIAM!!!" she screamed as she broke in tears, holding her chest as she cried and shouts in pain.


The shadow flew into the woods, where the agents were storming from, he halts right in front of them, his void golden eyes lands on Vincent.

"Sir permission to fire" an agent said.

Vincent steps forward.


"Let's end this" Liam said in a demonic voice as he transforms into Omari, standing tall and high with his staff at hand.

Vincent shifts to a giant snake shocking the agents but before they could react he consumed they all as they shout and screamed, only blood remained of them.

"We meet again Omari" Apophis said hissing.

"Yes... and this is the end, for both of us" Omari said sternly.

Apophis chuckles.

"I'M COUNTING ON IT!" he roars coming at him as they clashed in a heated battle that shook the earth, the cloud turned black as the lightning strikes and the rain poured heavily.


The agents retreats as the news spread of their monstrous captain, all losing the ability to fight as they retreats, the ghouls let them, seeing it was no use fighting them anymore.

Riley stood in the rain her clothes drenched her cheeks still wet with tears.

Anubis walks up behind standing beside her.

"I shall remain with you Lady O'Brien, rest assure, even thought I'm not permitted to touch the affairs I shall at least be by your side" he states.

The thunder strikes deeply at a particular area, signifying the battle between deities.

With clenched teeth Riley ran towards the direction.

"LADY O'BRIEN" Anubis shouts.


"Liam" Riley said with tears in her eyes as she ran and ran, in the woods, the rain pouring nonstop and heavy, the thunder striking.

"Please Liam" she cried.

"Please Liam I can't loose you" she broke.


Liam fell to the ground, back to his human form, his body covered in blood. 

Apophis snake form against the ground, torn in two as it decayed.

Vincent on the ground dead, his skin dried out in a mummy form, his mouth wide open like a hollow.

Liam weak eyes stares at the dark cloud, he was dying, he felt it and knew it was only a matter of time, his body slowly cracks.

That moment the skies clears as the bright blue skies came forth and the sun, he watches the scene with shaky eyes as tears slide at the corner of his eyes.

'Is this what it feels like to die' he thought.

'You have done well child' Omari weak voice sounds in his head.

'It's time to rest', it fades.

Liam eyes slowly close, 'Riley' That was his last thought as darkness consumed him.

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