Chapter 207 - Black Twins (Part 1)

The Year 2026

The O'Brien's Mansion

A loud menacing scream shook the entire household.

Sean was outside the door of the room pacing as he ran his fingers in his head.

"Why is it taking so much time" he hissed.

"You need be relaxed, childbirth takes a lot of time," Anubis said as calmly as he could, but he wasn't so sure anymore, her sound wasn't just of the pain, but of something deep and he feared for the worst, for her sake and the future.


"Riley, Riley, look at me, you have to keep pushing no matter what," Iris said holding her hand tightly.

Sid was on the other side, her eyes lands on the bed, she was bleeding, real bad.

"Riley, you have to stay strong," Sid said.

"Lady O'Brien, you have to push," The doctor said with pleading eyes.

"I can't" Riley cried in pain, her hair and body drenched with sweat, her cheek wet with tears.

"I can't" she sobbed.

"I can't, not without him" she broke more into tears.

"Riley, listen to me," Iris said squatting next to her, with their hands locked tightly together.

"You have to be strong Riley" she adds.

"Not without him... I can't... I can't" she broke in more tears.

"I can't, not without him"

Iris hushes her.

"Riley you're not alone in this okay, we're here for you no matter what, which is why you can't give up no matter what, you have to be strong, you have to be strong for Liam's sake and for the baby," Iris said on the verge of tears herself.

Riley sobs deeply with a shaky breath.

"You have to push, you have to keep moving no matter what because that's what Liam would have wanted you to do, to push no matter what!"

Riley gave a loud menacing scream, fortified by Iris's words as she pushed with all her might, her eyes turned to her ghoul ones as white aura swirled around her in waves.

She gave an earth-piercing scream.

*Baby Cries*


Present Day

Riley smiled at the memory.

"I wasn't exactly alone" she began.

"I had friends... friends turned family... and I also became a mother, I never thought I would get to this point but I did with the help of my family" she add.

The Prime Minister nods with a smile against his lips.

"You're a strong woman Mrs. O'Brien" he began.

But Iris came from behind leaning down to whisper in her ear. Riley's expression changed in less than a second.

The Prime minister frowned seeing her change of mood.

"Is everything okay, Mrs. O'Brien?" he asked worried.

Riley faced him smiling but she was pissed on the inside.

"Everything is perfectly fine, Prime Minister," Riley said rising to her feet in swift move adjusting her gown.

"I'm afraid our meeting will be shorter than expected, there's a matter that calls my attention immediately," she said politely.

"Of course I understand, you're a busy woman," The prime minister said with a smile against his lips as they shook hands.

"Thank you so much, will make it up," Riley said as in a swift move she walks out of the office, Iris behind her.

The door slide shut.

"What did the twins do again?!" Riley demands practically growling.

"Well, it's Ethan again," Iris said with a sigh

"Ugh that kid will be the death of me" Riley groaned as they walked along the hall, this was the sixth time this month, that's kid was walking trouble.


May-field Junior/ High School

About 10 boys groaned on the ground all beaten up, other kids watching as they whisper and took pictures with their transparent, all mostly amazed at the scene.

"You ever try to steal my sis homework again... I'm gonna do more than just beat you up," A boy said, squatting in front of the beaten group said.

He had dark brown hair in a messy style that fit his boyish charms, the back well barbed leaving the front thick and full, he also had bright green eyes, he wore all black clothing, a black sweater reaching his fingers, and a black jacket on top, black pants, and shoes

"Dude we literary just copied some" one on the ground said, holding his leg.

"It's not our fault she's a nerd," another said.

He snaps.

"Now you better watch it or I will snap each of your bones and trust me it's not gonna heal that fast given the fact you're ghouls" he hissed.

"I'm human... leave me outta it," He said practically with tears.

Making the small crowd around giggle.

"Hmmm, yours? it will take years to heal, trust me" he hissed, growling like an animal making them shake in fear.

"Stop it Ethan it's not worth it," A girl the same age as the boy said stepping in, she had long curly light brown hair, and chocolate brown eyes, she adjusts her geeky glasses, she wore a pink long sleeve sweater and a jean blue jacket on top, along with a short jean jacket and black knee-length boots.

At the sound of her voice, Ethan turned, rising to his feet.

"It's damn well worth it, it's what they do with other homework, but when it comes to yours they are dead," Ethan said sternly.

"Ethan" she pouts grabbing his jacket.

He growled.

"At least let me break one or two bones, it will teach them a lesson," he said.

Her mouth dropped at his words, he was dead serious.

The 10 boys shiver in fear.

"I'm never stealing her notes again"

"I'm never stealing any notes again"

Ethan faced them, giving them a look that almost made them pee their pants... oops seems like one already did.

"Ethan Liam O'Brien" an angry voice came in.

They turned as Riley walks towards them in fury. The rest of the kids quickly disperse.

"Mom" Eden muttered.

"Mo.... ouch, ouch, ouch," he said in pain as Riley grabbed his ear pulling on it.

"We are so sorry Lady O'Brien, we won't copy Eden's note again, or any at all" one said as they all went on their knees.

Riley sighs, knowing Ethan has really roughed them up.

"Serves you right," Ethan said smirking deviously.

Riley pulled on his ear more.

"Mom, please take it easy" Eden pleaded.

"All of you, off you go," Riley said with a nudge of her head.

"You have a lot of questions to answer in the principal's office," she said as they nod quickly dispersing in spite of their aching bodies.

Riley turns to Ethan letting go of his ear, he rubs the now red ear.

"You're grounded and you're gonna answer for this" Riley said without question.

"Then it's worth it because those guys picked on Eden," he said sternly.

"Ethan honey you can't use brutal force to solve a problem, next time you think before you act," she said sighing.

"I had to end a very important meeting because of your wild behavior, this is not the first, not the second, and most certainly not the third" she hissed.

"Well you're always on those meetings, good thing we caught your attention" Ethan hissed grabbing his sister by the hand as they walked out back inside the school building.

Riley took a deep breath.

"Now both of you are grounded" she hissed.

Ethan just gave a thumbs up, signifying he wouldn't have it any other way.

Riley scoffs.


School Bells

Everyone gathered back in class.

"Did you really have to say that to mom... you hurt her feelings" Eden said seating on the same roll with him.

Ethan leaning on his chair sighed.

"Now we're both grounded" she pouts, placing her cheeks on her palms, her glasses shifting upwards at the action.

"I know... I'm sorry" he murmured.

She mimics his words making a face.

"Will you stop that you look like Pikachu," he said chuckling at her cuteness as he pinched her cheeks with his thumb and index finger on either side of her cheeks.

"Pika who?" Eden asked as he kept rubbing her cheeks.

"The anime with the cute yellow pokemon, I heard it was one of the best in the past, there's a site for it," he said stopping his action.

"You watch an old movie without me?" she said with a frown.

"I own you one," he said without a doubt knowing she gonna throw a tantrum very soon unless he made it up to her.

She smirks.

"Then you make it up by apologizing to mom," she said in a serious tone.

"Ugh," he growled.

"You know this is not the first time you have pulled her out of the meetings" she urged.

"Are the meetings so suddenly important," he said sarcastically with an eye roll.

Eden placed her hand on his, causing his green eyes to land on her chocolate ones.

"We both know why she goes to all those meetings," she said as her eyes grew wistful with memories of the past.

"Yeah," Ethan said sternly.

"How could I forget".

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