Chapter 208 - Black Twins (Part 2)

"We are so sorry Lady O'Brien, we won't copy Eden's note again, or any at all" one said as they all went on their knees.

Riley sighs, knowing Ethan has really roughed them up.

"Serves you right," Ethan said smirking deviously.

Riley pulled on his ear more.

"Mom, please take it easy" Eden pleaded.

"All of you, off you go," Riley said with a nudge of her head.

"You have a lot of questions to answer in the principal's office," she said as they nod quickly dispersing in spite of their aching bodies.

Riley turns to Ethan letting go of his ear, he rubs the now red ear.

"You're grounded and you're gonna answer for this" Riley said without question.

"Then it's worth it because those guys picked on Eden," he said sternly.

"Ethan honey you can't use brutal force to solve a problem, next time you think before you act," she said sighing.

"I had to end a very important meeting because of your wild behavior, this is not the first, not the second, and most certainly not the third" she hissed.

"Well you're always on those meetings, good thing we caught your attention" Ethan hissed grabbing his sister by the hand as they walked out back inside the school building.

Riley took a deep breath.

"Now both of you are grounded" she hissed.

Ethan just gave a thumbs up, signifying he wouldn't have it any other way.

Riley scoffs.


School Bells

Everyone gathered back in class.

"Did you really have to say that to mom... you hurt her feelings" Eden said seating on the same roll with him.

Ethan leaning on his chair sighed.

"Now we're both grounded" she pouts, placing her cheeks on her palms, her glasses shifting upwards at the action.

"I know... I'm sorry" he murmured.

She mimics his words making a face.

"Will you stop that you look like Pikachu," he said chuckling at her cuteness as he pinched her cheeks with his thumb and index finger on either side of her cheeks.

"Pika who?" Eden asked as he kept rubbing her cheeks.

"The anime with the cute yellow pokemon, I heard it was one of the best in the past, there's a site for it," he said stopping his action.

"You watch an old movie without me?" she said with a frown.

"I own you one," he said without a doubt knowing she gonna throw a tantrum very soon unless he made it up to her.

She smirks.

"Then you make it up by apologizing to mom," she said in a serious tone.

"Ugh," he growled.

"You know this is not the first time you have pulled her out of the meetings" she urged.

"Are the meetings so suddenly important," he said sarcastically with an eye roll.

Eden placed her hand on his, causing his green eyes to land on her chocolate ones.

"We both know why she goes to all those meetings," she said as her eyes grew wistful with memories of the past.

"Yeah," Ethan said sternly.

"How could I forget" he adds knowing it was necessary, their mom was ghoul queen after all.

"Then let's not make it difficult for her okay?" Eden said.

Ethan sighed.

Their teacher walks in, the rest of the students settled down.

"Ethan O'Brien" the teacher said.

Ethan raised his gaze to meet her.

"The principals office".

And his mom was right, he was gonna answer for this.


Hours Later

Eden was seated outside the classroom, her eyes drifts to the clock, she sighs.

"Miss Eden" a man said walking towards her, Eden turns to the tall man on black suit and shoes, he had shoulder length dark grey hair, and brown eyes.

"Hey Earl" Eden said.

"School was over Hours ago, what are you guys still doing in?" He asked puzzled.

"Oh Ethan... detention" she explained.

He raised an eyebrow in response.

"Yes again" she grumbles.

"I will be at the car then" he said with a slight bow as he walks away.

Eden sighs staring at the clock once again.


"I'm sorry Eden, you should have just gone home" Ethan said as they step out of the school building.

"It's no problem" she shrugs.

"As long as you apologise to mom" she adds.

"Oh Eden" Ethan said rubbing his forehead.

They got to the black SUV, Earl inside waiting for them.

They got in as the car drove out of the school grounds.

Eden rested her head on Ethan shoulder.

"Should we go see dad?" Ethan asked knowing it will cheer her up.

Eden quickly sat up.

"Let's go! But with flowers this time" she said as her face lit up.

Ethan smiled.

"Earl" he said.

"As you wish" Earl said making a turn away from the direction of home.


The car pulled up at a building, it was wide and white in color, looking like a hospital.

They twins got down as they walked towards the building with locked hands, Earl behind him.

Inside was white in color, several people on white lab coats walking to and fro in the hallway. 

"Get the equipment really, we still have a lot of things to do" Sean said, he was on white lab coat also, he talked with his assistants.

His eyes then lands on the twins, Eden carrying a bunch of flower.

He dismissed the rest as they nod, walking away.

"And what are you two mischievous twins doing here" Sean said in amusement stopping in front of them.

"Hi uncle Sean, looking handsome as always" Eden said with a smile against her lips.

"Thank you little flower that's why you're my favourite" he compliments.

Ethan just rolled his eyes.

"You heard didn't you" he said without a doubt.

"Yes you little devil... how long will you continue with your tantrums" he said drawing Ethan nose.

"Ouch" he exclaimed.

"I'm not throwing a tantrum okay? Those sucker stole Eden's note".

"Language young man, language" Sean warned.

He rolled his eyes again.

"Geez you are so dark like your dad" adds.

"So I have been told"

"Who am I alike then" Eden asked.

"Well you young lady definitely do not take after your mom" he said without a doubt, knowing that Riley has a dark nature too that was almost terrifying like Liam, Ethan was the one who took both their attitudes all at once, the kid was a small devil in disguise.

"You are more like your grandmom, from your granddad, she was sweet and beautiful like a flower" Sean said with a smile against his lips.

His eyes lands on their wirsts, the silver band around, with a blue beeping light.

"How's it going with the braclet?" he asked squatting as it he asked.

"Don't feel fuzzy anymore?" he asked once again.

"No we're good, that last one was surely outta juice" Ethan said with a shrug.

"I see" Sean said with a puzzled look, then to his own bracelet, a device invented by the government to keep their Claws within, it was part of the treaty, ghouls no longer had to call out their Claws out again, the new generation was a free Claw one, no more bloodshed.

But for Ethan and Eden was a different case, ever since they were born they had it on along with other ghoul babies, but the rest of the ghoul babies as they grew didn't have trouble with theirs, but for Ethan at the age of 5 which was the Claw manifestation period, they woke up to find Ethan's hand wearing the bracelet, was coal black in color while Eden fell seriously ill, they were convinced it was just the bracelet malfunction but Sean believed it to be something more.

"That's good to hear" Sean said rising to his feet.

"We wanna see dad" Eden said.

"Sure, I do too, shall we?"Sean said with a nudge of his head, they nod as they followed behind him.


Through the elevator they got to the highest floor of the building, the elevator door slides open as they walked into the extra large room. It was comfy and well organised, at the center was a majestic bed.

Liam O'Brien laid on it, his head resting on the pillow, he was unconscious as he gave feeble breath, his nose and mouth covered with oxygen, several wires connected to his chest and head, all the way to the equipements keeping him alive, as it showed his heart rate and BP.

He was on a black long sleeve shirt, the rest of his body was covered by the white covers of the bed, his dark brown hair was shoulder length packed neatly behind, his skin was extra pale and thin.

Eden quickly rushed to the stance beside the bed as she changed the flowers.

Ethan slowly strolled to the bed. Eden walks to the bed as she took off her boots, before lying beside her dad on the bed, smuggling herself to the side feeling his warmth.

Sean smiled at the action, he watched as Ethan sat on the other side of the bed, placing the covers more on his body.

Sean almost went teary at the sight. 'Your kids are here to see you.... Liam' he thought sadly.

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