Chapter 214 - Black Option

Beeping monitor machine could be heard, in a room Eden was present on the bed, still unconscious, a drip connected to her hand, a mouth breath against her nose and mouth as she took feeble breath, her skin paled, black veins still present on her body.

Ethan was seated next to her holding her hand, watching with sad eyes.

Outside the room Sean and Riley watched through the transparent window that only them could see through from the outside.

Iris walks towards Riley from behind, she gave Sean a loving glance which he did too. She looks away.

"Any news on the fucking bastard who did this to my babies?" Riley asked faintly, she was still as the wind but they knew she could give out any moment, the killing intent made it harder to breath, luckily they were ghouls.

"Nothing, he's like a ghost" Iris said sad she couldn't find anything , she hated herself for that, she wanted to find the bastard more than anything.

"He wants to play this game then" Riley said rotating the red card around her fingers.

"Ethan said his name was Hunter, the other ghoul, Fen. I looked through everywhere but not a single info could be found, it's like they don't exist" Iris said, anyone who could pull that off was sure as hell powerful and very dangerous.

"Ethan didn't call out his Claw" Riley began facing them with folded arms.

"What?" Sean said puzzled.

"But the bracelet was broken, its only natural that something comes out of him, I mean shouldn't Ghost be reincarnated in him, I know it happens every 55 years but after the upgrade Steve did, its suppose to change the cause of action" he reasons.

"That's the point Sean, nothing came out, it was like he was the Claw himself, merged with it" Riley said still remembering what her son looked like.

"You mean he devoured that ghoul as himself?" Iris asked, paled at the thought.

Riley just gave a slight nod.

"Oh my God"

"Does this really mean the sacrifice Liam made to destroy Apophis affected his Claw transfer too, i mean Ghost must have died during the merging with Omari essence but in the right sense he's suppose to be reborn in Ethan, as the black ghoul" Sean said.

"You're right Sean" Riley said with a heavy sigh a she faced the view again.

"If Ethan isn't the black ghoul then what is he?" 


"Please Eden, wake up" Ethan said with sad eyes as a tear slide down his cheek.

"I can't do anything without you" he sobs burying his face against the sheets as he cried.

The door slide open as Riley walks in, she watch the scene with sad eyes, her heart tearing apart at the sight.

"Uncle Sean, can he do anything to wake her up?" He said between sobs.

"We can't identify what poisoned her" Riley said sternly as she slowly walks to Ethan placing a hand on his shoulder, her heart was breaking, it hurt as hell seeing her daughter like this and not knowing what to do.

"Hunter said he can save her... if i go to him then" he faced Riley.

"You. Will. Do. No. Such. Thing!" She said sternly, there was no way she was gonna hand her son over to some old sadistic man that put them in this state.

"But mom!"

"No buts Ethan, Anubis will be here soon, he will help" she said firmly.

"What? The clown face?" Ethan hissed.


"And the clown face is here as summoned" Anubis voice sounds as he appeared. Wearing a black tux, his hands behind his back covered in white gloves, his face could not be seen, it was hidden behind an Anubis mask for a head.

"Although I do not agree with the name, clown face" he adds in amusement.

"Anubis" Riley said.

He turns to her.

"We need help"

"I'm aware" he states as his head moved to a an unconscious Eden on the bed, he walks towards the bed, assisting her condition.

"She is poisoned by the Claw of a very special type of ghoul, if I may have a small talk with ghoul who did this then I might know the the type of poison" he said.

"The ghoul is dead... I ate her" Ethan said.

"Oh... I did not expect that" he said.

"I need help with the twins, both of them need your help... but first do you know a man by the name Hunter?" She asked.

Instantly Anubis mask cracks at the eye.

They froze at the action.

"What did you say?" He said in a slow deadly tone that signify he was pissed with rage within that even cause the mask to crack in response.

"I said Hunter, a fucking geezer with teeth for gold who hurt my babies" Riley said measuring up with his own rage.

Ethan gulps hard, seeing his mum pissed was freaking scary, he knew she had been keeping it in ever since, if she explode it wasn't gonna be good.

"If you know this man then you better tell me!" she demands, she knew by his action she did and by her guess he was definitely someone dangerous and someone Anubis despise.

Anubis used his palm to cover the eye that cracked.

"I never thought i would hear that name again" he began removing the palm, the crack was gone.

"I'm sure you're aware by now that ghouls aren't the only supernatural creatures that inhabit this earth... Hunter is one of them, same as the ghoul responsible for Eden's condition. This creatures may even be ghouls but they are more than that, they are not genetically made like the foes you faced in the past, these were born that way, almost as special as the black ghoul himself, marching up to his strength in the most terrifying way unimaginable" he said sternly.

Ethan gulps hard as his eyes went wide.

"If your boy faced those things... then he's lucky to be alive or more exceptionally stunning he was able to kill one" he adds in curiousity.

"Ethan didn't kill one of them with his Claw, his appearance" Riley began, gulping.

"Was exactly as Omari's form" she adds.

"Omari? Isn't he like the first ghoul or something?" Eden said puzzled.

"Exactly young one, the bedtime stories I told you were real" Anubis said.

"I always hated when you told us stories like that, we were practically 5" Ethan said with clenched times.

"Alas young one, do not blame me, I was simply keeping my promises of assisting your mother" Anubis said.

Ethan just rolled his eyes, at that time his mom, Sean and Iris were out on a business trip, so it was just them, it was unfortunate Anubis had to look after them in that period of time, Anubis wasn't exactly the babysitter you would want to have, it was creepy, being an ancient druid do not come with babysitting training... HE WAS BAD AT IT.

"Anubis!" Riley snaps gaining both their attention.

"If Ethan doesn't posses the next black ghoul lineage then what is he?" She demands.

"Something more, a mystery... like you said his appearance was that of Omari then I'm afraid I have to tell you that young Ethan O'Brien did not inherit the black ghoul like his previous ancestors but rather Omari's essence itself" he explained.

"I need not remind you that the last time you were intimate with your husband, he was already deep in the essence of Omari, it might have affected this one" he adds.

"You mean when my parents were having sex?" Ethan said grimacing at the thought.

Riley pulled his ear, hard.

"Ouch!" He cried.

"You are only 12 years old and yet you have a mouth of an adult" she scolds.

"13 in two months time, mom" he corrected in pain as Riley still drew his ear.

"I suppose that why Hunter wants you, he has seen what you are capable of and more, more he might have originally came for Lord O'Brien but news spread of his condition so he came for his offspring instead" Anubis said in realization.

"That sick bastard got some nerves" Riley said letting go of Ethan's ear.

He rubs it in response, it were bright red already.

"Hunter is known for gathering strong and unique ghouls around him, if he has set his eyes on young Ethan here, then there's no escape... he's already began his plan in motion" he said referring to Eden's state.

"So you're saying I hand my son to that geezer, inorder to save one I lost the other?" Riley said pissed.

"I'm saying it's the only way to save young Eden's life or I'm afraid she won't make it for her birthday in two months time" he clarified.

Ethan's sad eyes lands on Eden.

Riley's fist clenched hard, she turns staring at the twins, she took a deep shaky sigh closing her eyes.

"You have to make a choice, Lady O'Brien" he states.

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