Chapter 215 - Black Decision

"Anubis" Riley said.

He turns to her.

"We need help"

"I'm aware" he states as his head moved to a an unconscious Eden on the bed, he walks towards the bed, assisting her condition.

"She is poisoned by the Claw of a very special type of ghoul, if I may have a small talk with ghoul who did this then I might know the the type of poison" he said.

"The ghoul is dead... I ate her" Ethan said.

"Oh... I did not expect that" he said.

"I need help with the twins, both of them need your help... but first do you know a man by the name Hunter?" She asked.

Instantly Anubis mask cracks at the eye.

They froze at the action.

"What did you say?" He said in a slow deadly tone that signify he was pissed with rage within that even cause the mask to crack in response.

"I said Hunter, a fucking geezer with teeth for gold who hurt my babies" Riley said measuring up with his own rage.

Ethan gulps hard, seeing his mum pissed was freaking scary, he knew she had been keeping it in ever since, if she explode it wasn't gonna be good.

"If you know this man then you better tell me!" she demands, she knew by his action she did and by her guess he was definitely someone dangerous and someone Anubis despise.

Anubis used his palm to cover the eye that cracked.

"I never thought i would hear that name again" he began removing the palm, the crack was gone.

"I'm sure you're aware by now that ghouls aren't the only supernatural creatures that inhabit this earth... Hunter is one of them, same as the ghoul responsible for Eden's condition. This creatures may even be ghouls but they are more than that, they are not genetically made like the foes you faced in the past, these were born that way, almost as special as the black ghoul himself, marching up to his strength in the most terrifying way unimaginable" he said sternly.

Ethan gulps hard as his eyes went wide.

"If your boy faced those things... then he's lucky to be alive or more exceptionally stunning he was able to kill one" he adds in curiousity.

"Ethan didn't kill one of them with his Claw, his appearance" Riley began, gulping.

"Was exactly as Omari's form" she adds.

"Omari? Isn't he like the first ghoul or something?" Eden said puzzled.

"Exactly young one, the bedtime stories I told you were real" Anubis said.

"I always hated when you told us stories like that, we were practically 5" Ethan said with clenched times.

"Alas young one, do not blame me, I was simply keeping my promises of assisting your mother" Anubis said.

Ethan just rolled his eyes, at that time his mom, Sean and Iris were out on a business trip, so it was just them, it was unfortunate Anubis had to look after them in that period of time, Anubis wasn't exactly the babysitter you would want to have, it was creepy, being an ancient druid do not come with babysitting training... HE WAS BAD AT IT.

"Anubis!" Riley snaps gaining both their attention.

"If Ethan doesn't posses the next black ghoul lineage then what is he?" She demands.

"Something more, a mystery... like you said his appearance was that of Omari then I'm afraid I have to tell you that young Ethan O'Brien did not inherit the black ghoul like his previous ancestors but rather Omari's essence itself" he explained.

"I need not remind you that the last time you were intimate with your husband, he was already deep in the essence of Omari, it might have affected this one" he adds.

"You mean when my parents were having sex?" Ethan said grimacing at the thought.

Riley pulled his ear, hard.

"Ouch!" He cried.

"You are only 12 years old and yet you have a mouth of an adult" she scolds.

"13 in two months time, mom" he corrected in pain as Riley still drew his ear.

"I suppose that why Hunter wants you, he has seen what you are capable of and more, more he might have originally came for Lord O'Brien but news spread of his condition so he came for his offspring instead" Anubis said in realization.

"That sick bastard got some nerves" Riley said letting go of Ethan's ear.

He rubs it in response, it were bright red already.

"Hunter is known for gathering strong and unique ghouls around him, if he has set his eyes on young Ethan here, then there's no escape... he's already began his plan in motion" he said referring to Eden's state.

"So you're saying I hand my son to that geezer, inorder to save one I lost the other?" Riley said pissed.

"I'm saying it's the only way to save young Eden's life or I'm afraid she won't make it for her birthday in two months time" he clarified.

Ethan's sad eyes lands on Eden.

Riley's fist clenched hard, she turns staring at the twins, she took a deep shaky sigh closing her eyes.

"You have to make a choice, Lady O'Brien" he states.


The O'Brien's Mansion

"What are you gonna do? You're not gonna do what Anubis said will you?" Iris reasons.

Riley was seated on the couch, her leg crossed on top the other, she was in deep thought.

"The only way to save Eden's life" she said facing Iris.

"Lose one child to save another" she adds sarcastically.

"Riley" Iris said staring at her with worried eyes.

She rose to her feet walking towards the table resting her palm on it, she took a deep breath closing her eyes and then opening it.

"I'm not about to lose another child again" she states sternly, turning to Iris.

"I'm not gonna give Hunter what he wants"

"What do you have in mind?"


Ethan at the door listened to everything they said, his back against the wall, his fist clenched in a tight hold. He walks out straight to his and Eden's room upstairs.

He walked into their large bedroom, with two separate majestic bed, and wardrobes, the room well furnished. 

He drops a black bag on the bed, packing some clothes in it.

"Ethan Honey, what are you doing?" Riley asked walking in, seeing his action she raised an eyebrow.

"I'm going to find Hunter and save Eden, you don't seem to wanna do it" he said ziping his bag.

"That's not true Ethan" she said walking up the bed.

"I overheard you and Aunt Iris talking about it, you said you're not gonna give Hunter what he wants that's as good as not saving Eden" he said.

"What do you expect me to do? Give you up?"

"If it saves Eden yes"

Riley sighs.

"Look Ethan" she began seating on his bed.

"You will go to Hunter, and we are gonna do it together, but I'm not giving you up" she states.

Ethan blinks puzzled.

"What are you gonna do?"

She sighs.

Placing a hard on his shoulder pulling him close to her.

"I want you to trust me" she began.

"Fine then, as long as it saves Eden and beside do you really think i would just give up myself to that stinky old man, not a chance, I had a plan, to steal cure and threathen the bastard, I mean I can wield my powers now," he said with a shrug.

Riley scoffs.

"You have always had a mind of an adult and act like one, I always wondered where you got it from, I suppose it's from your dad" she said with a smile against her lips.

"Yeah Uncle Sean said so, he said I took both your wildness combined making me the exact worse and opposite of you two" he said with a smile.

"How were you even gonna get there, you don't have the card" Riley saud puzzled.

He then brough out the red card, rotating it effortlessly between his fingers.

"I took the card without you noticing it and besides we have tons of private jet, I would just take one".

Damn this boy was all of a kind.

Riley's smile broaden, she placed her forehead on his closing her eyes with a sigh, he did too.

"I'm gonna save Eden okay, trust me" she said.

He nods.


Sean's Medical Facility 

Eden laid still on the bed, you could hear the beeping monitor machine, her slow feeble breath.

Her eyelashes battered swiftly, and then her finger moved a bit, her head twitch a bit and then she went still as she was before.


Eden's Consciousness 

*Sounds Of Water Dripping*

*Whiltsling Wind*

At the strange sound, Eden slowly opened her eyes, finding herself in a place she has never seen before.

In a dark endless void, the ground like glass water, in space, an ash big tree lies there, containing four-leaf clovers, some witters dropping to the ground in ash and as it did, another grew in replacement, emerging out of the branch.

She gasp at the sight, looking around at the strange place, the rest of the view was just pitch black.

"Where am I?" She said puzzled, the last thing she remembered was Ethan being in pain after the bracelet got removed and the Chinese lady grabs her and then stung her with the scorpion legs and then everything went blank.

In response to that, she felt the back of her neck but there was nothing.

"This place isn't real" she said in realization, this must be her consciousness, she must be lying in a coma right now and then her mind travelled to this place, but how and why.

Suddenly a strong familiar feeling overwhelmed her, the warmth she felt to it was so familiar, her shaky eyes then lands on a figure that wasn't there before, standing in front of the tree, her eyes slowly went wide recognising the familiar feeling instantly, he had his back facing her.

On a black shirt, that showed his muscles and firm body, black pants, bare foot. His dark brown hair, shoulder length, packed in a messy bun behind.

Her eyes went teary the tear flowing down her cheek, her heart ached because after 13 years she finally met him in this strange place but it was worth it.


He turned.

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