Chapter 216 - Black Consciousness

"You have always had a mind of an adult and act like one, I always wondered where you got it from, I suppose it's from your dad" Riley said with a smile against her lips.

"Yeah Uncle Sean said so, he said I took both your wildness combined making me the exact worse and opposite of you two" he said with a smile.

"How were you even gonna get there, you don't have the card" Riley said puzzled.

He then brough out the red card, rotating it effortlessly between his fingers.

"I took the card without you noticing it and besides we have tons of private jet, I would just take one".

Damn this boy was all of a kind.

Riley's smile broaden, she placed her forehead on his closing her eyes with a sigh, he did too.

"I'm gonna save Eden okay, trust me" she said.

He nods.


Sean's Medical Facility 

Eden laid still on the bed, you could hear the beeping monitor machine, her slow feeble breath.

Her eyelashes battered swiftly, and then her finger moved a bit, her head twitch a bit and then she went still as she was before.


Eden's Consciousness 

*Sounds Of Water Dripping*

*Whiltsling Wind*

At the strange sound, Eden slowly opened her eyes, finding herself in a place she has never seen before.

In a dark endless void, the ground like glass water, in space, an ash big tree lies there, containing four-leaf clovers, some witters dropping to the ground in ash and as it did, another grew in replacement, emerging out of the branch.

She gasp at the sight, looking around at the strange place, the rest of the view was just pitch black.

"Where am I?" She said puzzled, the last thing she remembered was Ethan being in pain after the bracelet got removed and the Chinese lady grabs her and then stung her with the scorpion legs and then everything went blank.

In response to that, she felt the back of her neck but there was nothing.

"This place isn't real" she said in realization, this must be her consciousness, she must be lying in a coma right now and then her mind travelled to this place, but how and why.

Suddenly a strong familiar feeling overwhelmed her, the warmth she felt to it was so familiar, her shaky eyes then lands on a figure that wasn't there before, standing in front of the tree, her eyes slowly went wide recognising the familiar feeling instantly, he had his back facing her.

On a black shirt, that showed his muscles and firm body, black pants, bare foot. His dark brown hair, shoulder length, packed in a messy bun behind.

Her eyes went teary the tear flowing down her cheek, her heart ached because after 13 years she finally met him in this strange place but it was worth it.


He turned. 

Liam O'Brien's eyes avert on the girl that called him dad, he turned fully to the strange presence, his chocolate brown eyes lands on hers, same as his, the curiosity and confusion overwhelmed him.

"Jenna?" He said faintly with puzzled eyes, why was Jenna here? After all these years.

He turns fully, tilting his head to the side, she looked just like Jenna, must be her buy there was this different nature to her that got him curious, maybe it was Omari in disguise or worse.

His expression changed in less than a second.

"Who are you?" He asked in a slow deadly tone.

The response he got wasn't exactly what he expected, before he could blink she dashes after him, embracing him in a tight hug, stunning him as her hands locked around his waist not wanting to let go.

Liam's eyes shake at her action, he felt this tight feeling in his chest, he didn't know why.

"I missed you so much dad," she said between cries and sob.

What the fuck? Dad?! Liam's eyes went wide.

He placed a hand on her shoulder to get a better view of her.

Her cheeks wet with tears, he then assess her features more, those looks, those features were like Jenna's but surprising enough he could see Riley, even though she didn't have her green eyes, those features were there, the same pale skin, the pump lips.

Still stun he went on one knee in front of her, not taking his eyes off her for a second.

"You're my daughter?" He asked with shaky eyes, still finding it hard to believe.

She nods profusely as her eyes went teary again.

"Eden Jenna O'Brien"

Liam scoffs, he couldn't believe it, she was so perfect, a precious gem he never thought he had, he thought Riley would be the only woman that would ever capture his heart, but right here right now all that went out the window.

"You're gorgeous" he said softly as a tear fell from one of his eye only.

A loving smile pressed against her lips as her heart flutter at his words, she thought Ethan was the one who always made her feel she was on top of the world, but she was wrong.

She embraced her dad once again, wrapping her arms around his neck as she cried but not too tightly.

And this time he embraced her back too, sending a long kiss on the side of her head, loving the feel of her curly soft hair, nature of hair she surely took from his demise sister, Jenna.

He couldn't express how he felt right now, he knew Riley was pregnant the last time they saw but he never thought 13 years has passed ever since, she looked 13 just by the look. He couldn't believe it, so long has passed, he's been died for 13 years, that thought overwhelmed him.

But hold on... yes he knew he was no longer among the living, what was his daughter doing her.

He pulled away.

"Eden, what are you doing here?" He demands in a serious tone, he didn't to know why his daughter was here.

"I'm in a coma, I was hurt by some ghoul, everything was blank right after and then I saw myself here" she said still puzzled.

"A coma?" Liam said pissed, he was practically growling.

Eden froze at the sound, not that she was scared, she just only thought Ethan could make such sound, not knowing her dad's own was way more animalistic than Ethan's.

"Sweetheart you can't be here, I'm dead and now you're here too, which could only mean you're too"

She blinks at his words.

"No dad, you aren't dead, you're in a coma just like me too" she explained.

Liam froze at her words.

"Dad, you're alive you survived doomsday but you're in a very critical condition, uncle Sean has been trying to revive you for the past 13 years, your body is heavily damaged".

He gulps at her words slowly rising to his feet, he couldn't couldn't his ears.

He turned to the Clover tree lost in thought.

"Dad?" Eden said worried.

Liam was in deep thought, then his eyes went wide in realization, how foolish of him, how could he have forgotten such an important fact, the day he died or was dying rather, Omari's words to him.


13 years Ago


Liam fell to the ground, back to his human form, his body covered in blood. 

Apophis snake form against the ground, torn in two as it decayed.

Vincent on the ground dead, his skin dried out in a mummy form, his mouth wide open like a hollow.

Liam weak eyes stares at the dark cloud, he was dying, he felt it and knew it was only a matter of time, his body slowly cracks.

That moment the skies clears as the bright blue skies came forth and the sun, he watches the scene with shaky eyes as tears slide at the corner of his eyes.

'Is this what it feels like to die' he thought.

'You have done well child' Omari weak voice sounds in his head.

'It's time to rest', it fades.

Liam eyes slowly close, 'Riley' That was his last thought as darkness almost consumed him.

'Liam' Omari said.

Liam was far too gone into the darkness.

In Liam's consciousness Omari had a sad expression.

'I will not let you die in vain'.


Present Day 

Liam's eyes shakes at the memory.

"Omari" he said turning back to his puzzled daughter.

"He..." he couldn't explain it, he didnt understand it completely.

"He did something but I don't know what" he said in confusion, all these years he thought he was dead not knowing he was in a coma recovering from severe damage in his body. Ghost, his backbone was gone, then how, how did he survive such a thing.


His attention finally drift to her, all that went out the window.

"Who did this to you Eden, tell me" Liam said in a deadly tone really to rain wrath on whoever laid a finger on her.

"Two strange ghouls, they attacked both of us, I don't know I have this feeling that Ethan might be in danger, those ghouls it's like they wanted him or-"

"Who?" Liam said puzzled.

Oh she forgot. Eden smiled as she raised two fingers clipping them together in action.

Liam froze.

"Yes daddy... I'm a twin" she said sweetly.

A smile curled up the corner of his lips, he scoffs in amazement.

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