Chapter 219 - Black Ghoul Pit (Part 3)

"You have to trust me Ethan, we're gonna save Eden together"

Her hands tightly against his.


His mom's words ranged in his head, his lips pressed in a thin line, trust, he had to trust his mom if this was gonna work, he has to believe that she would set this right in her own way.

Ethan took a deep breath opening his eyes.

"No" he said sternly.

Hunters smile fades.

Seeing he was distracted, Riley came at him, but before she could blink, Fred was behind her as he wraps a gold rope around her neck, it locks around as the rope tightens.

Gasping she went on her knees taking panic breaths.

"MOM!" Eden shouts as he was about rushing to her, but Fred held him behind.

Riley growled in pain as the rope tightens more around her neck, the gold substances creeping into her throat, the pain was unbearable, it was hindering her powers from manifesting.

She spilled blood form her mouth.

"MOM!" Ethan screamed with tears in his eyes, he just watch, he couldn't do anything, he couldn't act.

Hunter ticks his tongue.

"It's a pity my Queen, but you're the obstacles in my way" Hunter began.

"And I'm gonna remove it" he said wielding the rope to lift her off her feet, it did.

Riley's legs waggle back and forth holding onto the rope on her neck trying to pull it off but it was no use.

He moved her all the way to the edge of the space they were in.

Eden's eyes widen.

"Watch young Ethan, the death of your mother shall be the birth of your reign" he said in amusement.

"No" Ethan panics as his eyes drift to hers.

Their eyes locked, a tear slide down her cheek staring at her son.

A red aura like fire surrounds around Hunter wildly, it then turned to spikes as about three of them penetrate her chest, blood splashing, the force pushed her to fall from the very high position.

"MOOOOOOOMMMMM!" He shouts in horror as he watch her fall.

Eden pushed Fred off him as he ran to the edge, but Fred still held him down as he kept shouting.

Riley fell a long distance all the way to the ghoul pit but the force slammed her right through the platform of the floor, breaking right through it falling into the dark abyss that laid beneath.


Ethan eyes flashed open like he was back to reality, he turned in panic but his mom was still seated beside him unscathed. What was going on? Was that a dream? He then turned back to Hunter who had a smirk plastered on his lips, his glasses still on the bridge of his nose, his abyss eyes on him. It was Hunter! He must have done something to him, he must have played a trick in his head, right?

"He possess Omari's essence, none of the previous black ghouls throughout generations have ever posses that vital part of him, just his abilities which segmented into Claw forms throughout the centuries, known as the black ghoul... but your boy here isn't a black ghoul, he's something more" Hunter said smirking showing his golden teeth.

His exact words... these moment was exactly in the mind trick he played in his head just now, it was all repeating but this time for real?

"You seem to know about what he is, you aren't just around your 80s are you" Riley said sternly.

Exactly what his mom said in the mind trick, Ethan gulps hard, everything was repeating itself and only him knew about it... he was sure Hunter did too because he was the one pulling the strings, that has to be the only explanation.

And that smirk on his lips didn't seem to wave, it could only mean he knew about what was happening, it was obvious.

Ethan's fist clenched hard, he was playing everything right under his fingertips.

Hunter pushed the glasses back to cover his eyes.

"No my Queen, I'm as old as I can be, and besides, I live perfectly well, running my own business here, the perfect underground fight club known as The Ghoul Pit" he said in amusement.

"And your son right here will be the perfect fighter... the star of my reign" he said facing Ethan.

He gulps knowing what he would say right now.

"You want me to be a fighter in your pit club" Ethan said sternly, not stunned this time.

Hunters smirk broadens knowing the kid knew everything was repeating itself and he knew his choice won't be the same as the last because of the consequences he had to live through, everything was playing exactly how he wanted it to.

"Yes my dear boy, be my fighter, my star and then I give you the cure" he said with a flick of his fingers, a man on wine red came behind him, giving he a piece of red paper.

This was another choice for Ethan to make, he was counting on it or else he will replay it over and over again when his mother will have to die before his eyes, as long as he has caught him in that time loop, there was no escape, young Ethan was smart enough to know that, he surely wouldn't wanna relive such a thing again.

"All you have to do is sign the contract and then we are good" he adds with a shrug.

"Why are you doing this?" Riley said sternly.

"Because my Queen, your son is perfect... tell me dear Ethan don't you wanna save your precious sister?" He said in amusement.

Ethan gulps hard at his words, his gaze drifting to the paper, his heart slamming loudly in his chest, this was just like the mind trick, the choice was given to him to make again and he knew what will happen if he goes with his last answer, the death of his mother before his eyes.

His eyes shakes in horror at the mere thought of it, it was nightmare.

This time instead of reaching for it, he stared at his mom, her gaze was on Hunter staring daggers in his face.

She had no idea the kind of situation they were in, she had no idea what awaits once he declines the contract.

He turned back to face the paper, his eyes shaking as well as his body.

Hunter's smirk just broaden more.

"Trust me Ethan, I got this" she said.

"I got everything under control"

But she didn't, he knew Hunters next action.

"Oh you mean your bodyguards you left at the airport" Hunter cut in.

Riley turns to him, her eyes went wide in realization.

"Ha yes I figured you would resort to that, a mother's love is after all the most wonderful thing" he said in amusement.

"What did you do?!" She demands pissed.

His smirks broaden.

Riley's eyes beamed dangerously as she rise to her feet.

"Be careful my Queen, you can't singlehandedly take down this mansion no matter how powerful you are, you're not the black ghoul" he said clearly.

Riley's fist clenched in a tight hold as her body boiled in rage.

"Young Ethan, your sweet sister time is ticking".

Ethans eyes lands on the contract, just waiting in his grasp for him to reach for it, he signs it then Eden will be saved, he would just have to agree to Hunters deal and then everything will be okay, Eden would be save, she would make it to her next birthday without any harm as well as avoiding the repeated death of his mother, who knew for real this time she might actually die and it will be his fault, he would never forgive himself for that.

Ethan took a deep breath opening his eyes.

"I'm sorry mom" he said rising to his feet abruptly as he snatch the paper off Hunter's hand, bitting down on his thumb drawing blood and then thumb printing the down.

Riley was stunned at her son's actions, she told him to trust her, but he didn't, he acted out on his own and agreed to Hunters deal.

Ethan turned to his mom with teary eyes.

"I'm sorry mom, this is the only way I can save both of you" he said.

Riley was puzzled by his words.

'Riley something doesn't feel right' Silver said in her head.

Riley felt it too, the strong overwhelmed feeling that something sinister was at play here.

"It's good you made the right decision... time for the initiation fight" Hunter announced.

Ethan turned to him puzzled.

"The what-"

Before he could finish his words Fred came and throw him off the edge.

"ETHAN!" Riley shouts in horror watching as her son fell, she tried to move but her hands were pinned to the chair by a gold rope that dug her skin drawing blood, it came out of nowhere.

She felt weakened instantly like the rope was drawing her strength and locking her powers.

"Sit and watch my Queen" Hunter said in amusement as he faced her.

"Let's watch together.... the initiation of my newest fighter".

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