Chapter 220 - Black Ghoul Pit (Part 4)

Hunter's smirk just broaden more.

"Trust me Ethan, I got this" she said.

"I got everything under control"

But she didn't, he knew Hunters next action.

"Oh you mean your bodyguards you left at the airport" Hunter cut in.

Riley turns to him, her eyes went wide in realization.

"Ha yes I figured you would resort to that, a mother's love is after all the most wonderful thing" he said in amusement.

"What did you do?!" She demands pissed.

His smirks broaden.

Riley's eyes beamed dangerously as she rise to her feet.

"Be careful my Queen, you can't singlehandly take down this mansion no matter how powerful you are, you're not the black ghoul" he said clearly.

Riley's fist clenched in a tight hold as her body boiled in rage.

"Young Ethan, your sweet sister time is ticking".

Ethans eyes lands on the contract, just waiting in his grasp for him to reach for it, he signs it then Eden will be saved, he would just have to agree to Hunters deal and then everything will be okay, Eden would be save, she would make it to her next birthday without any harm as well as avoiding the repeated death of his mother, who knew for real this time she might actually die and it will be his fault, he would never forgive himself for that.

Ethan took a deep breath opening his eyes.

"I'm sorry mom" he said rising to his feet abruptly as he snatch the paper off Hunter's hand, bitting down on his thumb drawing blood and then thumb printing the down.

Riley was stunned at her son's actions, she told him to trust her, but he didn't, he acted out on his own and agreed to Hunters deal.

Ethan turned to his mom with teary eyes.

"I'm sorry mom, this is the only way I can save both of you" he said.

Riley was puzzled by his words.

'Riley something doesn't feel right' Silver said in her head.

Riley felt it too, the strong overwhelmed feeling that something sinister was at play here.

"It's good you made the right decision... time for the initiation fight" Hunter announced.

Ethan turned to him puzzled.

"The what-"

Before he could finish his words Fred came and throw him off the edge.

"ETHAN!" Riley shouts in horror watching as her son fell, she tried to move but her hands were pinned to the chair by a gold rope that dug her skin drawing blood, it came out of nowhere.

She felt weakened instantly like the rope was drawing her strength and locking her powers.

"Sit and watch my Queen" Hunter said in amusement as he faced her.

"Let's watch together... the initiation of my newest fighter" Hunter said chuckling.

Riley growled as she tried to break free but it was futile, the restraints were locking her powers, now she would have to watch her son battle some monster, it was cruel and she felt helpless in these situation. Hunter saw right through them like it was nothing.

"Young Ethan here, shall fight my strongest," Hunter announced, the crowd went in an uproar.


Ethan laid flat against the sand on the arena. He groaned as he forced his body up, holding his head as he looked up.

"Did I really fall all the way from there" he said stunned, seeing the height, he was amazed he survived that fall.

"DAMN YOU HUNTER!" Ethan shouts pissed.


He heard his mom's voice.

"MOM!" he shouts back.

"Young Ethan, this is your initiation, you have one job only, you fight the opponent before you" Hunter's voice came in through the speakers.

That moment a door barge open, Ethan turned to it as he gulps hard.

Loud thud sound could be heard as as monster unlike any thing he had never seen before, came forth.

It was back in color, body embioded with green lines, a horn at its foreheard, his eyes void green.

Ethan gulps once again but this time loudly, this monster before him was insanely tall and huge, he was but a small ant in his midst.

"Young Ethan vs Soulcrusher!!!" The computer sounds showing their picture in the wide screen in center.


Riley's eyes went wide when she saw the monster her son was about to fight.

"That my Queen is a rare type of V-ghoul, one of my best fighters" Hunter said in amusement.

"I'm gonna kill you for this" Riley growled trying to break free but in return, she just got weak instead.

"Careful my Queen, the more you fight it, the faster it will kill you and Young Ethan here will be sad, yours and Eden's safety for his life" he states.

"Just stay patient until the initiation fight and then I will send you back to New York along with the cure, rest assure" he adds smirking. 



The crowd gave an uproar of cheer once again.

Eden gulps hard.

"I'm gonna grind you into nothing kid" Soulcrusher growled.

Ethan grimaced when at his words.

The bell went on for them to fight, Ethan's bracelet instantly came off.

That moment Soulcrusher charged after Ethan in speed sending his foot to crush him but Ethan got away.

And then his punch came fast, he dodges it, pissed... Soulcrusher used his back of his hand to slam Ethan against the wall.

He lands on it but on all fours glued to it, black aura in form of dust surrounds around him wildly, his skin went pitch coal black, his ears grew pointy, his canines as well as his finger nails grew.

The cloud went in an uproar knowing the fight was about to get more interesting.


"Ethan" Riley said worried for her son's sake, she didn't know how long he would hold on, she have to think of something, but she was helpless in this situation and she hated it in every fiber of her bone.


Ethan roared a loud ear piercing sound as he charged at Soulcrusher in a firece battle.

The crowd cheering.

Ethan gave hard punches and kicks but his body was like metal against his hand.

Ethan drew back, growling.

Soulcrusher chuckled deeply.

"Is that all you got?" He said in a mocking tone.

Soulcruhser roared as he dashes right after Ethan in speed.

With one foot to the ground he was up on the air, his two hands in a 1crushing fist.


"ETHAN!!" he heard his mom shouts his name in horror.

The fist came, Ethan raised his hand up as to block it but he didn't know how to.

Suddenly a long black staff forged on his hand extending on either side of the arena.

The fist slammed into it as it caused a wave that pushed both of them backwards.

Soulcrusher slammed into the wall hard causing a loud crash sound.

Ethan uses the staff he had at hand as support, as he slides backwards and then he stops.

He took harsh deep breath, his void golden eyes lands on the staff he held, it was black in color embodied with ancient markings.

He gasp amazed that he wilded such a weapon.


"This is fascinating, your son wields Omari's greatest weapon, none of his descendents has ever inherited it... your son is truly special" Hunter said smirking.

Riley stared daggers at him.

"But he still have a long way to go, he's still a child... which is why I will groom him into the perfect fighter... even if I have to break every inch of his bone and then let it heal" he said grinning sadistic.

Rage boiled within Riley.


Soulcrusher rise to his feet with a pissed look, he bared his fangs dangerously.

Ethan clenched the staff with both hands not knowing how to use it.

"You're gonna pay for that, kid" he said pissed.

Before Ethan could blink he was right in his front as he slammed his fist against his chest, the force pushed Ethan to the ground as he spilled blood from his mouth.


Soulcrusher grabs him by the throat raising him off his feet, the staff fell off his hand to the ground.

His legs waggle back and forth, his fist arpumd his neck almost crushing his windpipe.

"You're dead" Soulcrusher said chuckling.

Ethan growled as he tried to break free.


Riley kept trying to pull the rope off her hands, she didn't mind as blood drip, she had to save her son, she didn't mind losing her hand in the process.

Suddenly the hall vibrates, the cheering noise died instantly puzzled by the sudden shake.

Hunter rose to his feet showing up at the tall ceiling, he felt something, a very powerful aura unlike anything he has ever felt ever since Omari... could it be...

Riley felt a deep shiver ran through her body as her eyes went wide in realization, she slowly raised her head to look up at where the sound came from.

Her chest felt warm and her body was reacting in all sought of way she couldn't understand.


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