Chapter 34 - Black Plan

Riley took deep slow breaths, eyes shut tightly her hands against the sink as the pump spill water, She took slow hard breaths, and then she opens her ghoul eyes staring at her reflection. Her eyes changed to her normal green ones, she rinses her face, taking a deep breath walking out.


Little bits of snow fell on all parts of New York City, everywhere cold and the wind cool.

Liam stood close to the window watching the snow, a smile on his lips, in his vision he saw him and Jenna throwing snowballs at each other while laughing, it was an old memory nothing to do besides playing around in the snow, it was a good memory.

"Come on Liam, I will show whose boss" Jenna said as her laugher rang, throwing the snowballs at Liam.

'Jenna'. Liam thought as his eyes grew wistful of memories with Jenna if only, he yearns as tears threaten to fall from his eyes.

Riley walks in about saying his name but it hangs seeing his sad features and his weak stance. She gulps worried, thinking, sacred.

"Liam," she said standing beside him.

"We have come a long way," Liam said his eyes still at the window.

"Loved ones are gone, we are New York most wanted" he scoffs but the amusement didn't reach his eyes. He faces her.

That moment seeing his eyes, Riley saw how much weight he was carrying, Every ghoul in the black lotus depended on him, Their dreams and hope lies on him. Then Riley knew, this wasn't easy for Liam, he was carrying all that weight by himself.

"This plan has to work," he said softly.

"Or we lose everything".

"And now we have a plan," Evan said walking in.

They turn to him.

"I finally cracked it".


They all gathered in a room, Evan stood at the front holding a transparent iPad, he drags the screen to display it in the air. Picture of the agency Skyscraper and another one close to it came up.

"This is the plan?" Rory asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, Liam you are up, you are the key to getting inside that building, and then we unleash hell, the humans need to know we attack the agency to get one of our own, that will raise their suspicion," Evan said.

"So no sneaking? We are going direct?" Liam asked like Evan had two heads. Well, he kind of did, Evan was like a walking computer and everyone admired him for his brains and humor.

"Exactly and you Liam are gonna jump from that building to the agency skyscraper, you will be our way in from the inside," Evan said.

Everyone nod.

"We have a plan," Iris said amused.

"Good work Evan, am proud of you," Liam said.

Evan smiled nervously.

"It's what I do" he blushes.

"We attack tomorrow," Liam said to all of them.

"We get all the ghouls ready, tomorrow we will fight against the agency, we may have to lose our lives in the process, but this is the one chance we got against them".

They nodded in agreement.

"We fight to get our freedom back, we fight to bring justice and strive towards peace".


A few Hours Later

Ghost walked to and fro in the lab, Liam checking his vital points.

"You're up for tomorrow big guy?" Liam asked.

Ghost smirk in agreement.

"You piece of shit, you are only worried about getting something in your stomach," Liam said without a doubt. Ghost chuckled deeply.

"You two at it again?" Riley said walking in.

"Nope, not at all. I just keep asking myself this question. Can our Claws choose not to eat humans?" Liam said puzzled.

"I don't know, we are ghouls Liam, it's our nature" Riley shrug.

"I think when the time comes we will have to work on that, If we want to live in peace with the humans" Liam closing the space between them.

"I know we will figure it together," Riley said taking his hands in a tight hold.

Liam smiled.

"Oh shit! I Forgot, I need to see Jarvis, I will be right back just give me a minute" Liam said.

"Okay," she shrugs as Liam rushes out.

She sighed rubbing her arms in deep thought. 'After the mission'. She thought.

Ghost's dark chuckle broke her out of her trance, she turned to him.

Ghost tilts his head to the side in amusement.


Section Three

Ghoul Investigators Headquarters (GIH)

'Are there any greater bond than siblings, is blood stronger to fight against all odds bestowed upon us or is there a greater threat that we can't fight. Does our bond weaken us in dark situations'

Liam's dark brown eyes scanned the wide city of New York, the lights around brighten the city of sin and crime, he watches closely from the rooftop, gazing upon the agency skyscraper.

'Could there be a world where ghouls and humans could coexist or a world where one species will rule the world'

He squad placing his fingers on the roof, the wind blew harshly around him, flapping his clothes.

'What would become of the world that is driven by pain and revenge, a twisted fate that is unleashed on both sides like a raging fire that can never be quench'.

He closed his eyes and flash open his ghoul ones, the white part pitch black, the center bright gold beaming in darkness. His body vibrated with black shadow.

He rises to his feet, putting on the thick material that covered his mouth and nose, he flaps on his black hood.

Ghost beside him wearing a dark smirk, waiting.

'I will neither be a man consumed by hatred or filled with a resolution. I shall become a plague that drives out darkness. A hero does not exist, only the strong ones able to fight for a possible reason'.

"Ghost!" he said, the being's head snap turning to him.

"In this black world, I shall become a plague driving out the darkness where ghouls and humans can coexist as one.

"Liam it's the time!" his comm sound.

Ghost reversed back inside him.

"On my signal," Liam said as he jumps downwards.

The wind carrying his body weightlessly, Liam closed his eyes taking a deep breath as he fell 100 feet, his whole body vibrated in dark shadow.

He flashes open his eyes gaining his stance, in position as he rotates on air, like a black shadow of speed he crashes into the agency.

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