Chapter 35 - Black Mission (Part 1)

Section Three

Ghoul Investigators Headquarters (GIH)

"On my signal," Liam said jumping downwards.

The wind carrying his body weightlessly, Liam closed his eyes taking a deep breath as he fell 100 feet, his whole body vibrated in dark shadow.

He flashes open his eyes gaining his stance, in position as he rotates on air, like a black shadow of speed he crashes into the agency.


He dashes in through the window landing perfectly.

The agents alarmed at the sudden entry, their features frighten to the core.

Liam rises to his feet, the glass dusting off as he did. Liam beaming ghoul eyes land on them.

Panicking the agents brought out their guns firing at him, Ghost dash out of Liam attacking the agents in a bloody battle, the sounds loud and haunting.


"Switch" Liam was on the last floor, he rotated the asses card he held.

He walks straight to the entrance glass door and opens it, sliding open Claws and ghouls walk in.

"Okay, to get beneath there's an elevator on the highest floor. It's the only assess" Evan said walking to the control room, along with Liam and Riley, other ghouls fought the agents that came after them.

"I will be here, to direct you," Evan said setting his things. He turns to Liam.

"The up floor is up to you Liam" he adds.

Liam nods turning to Riley.

"You stay here and handle the first and second floor," Liam said cupping her cheek with one hand.

She stares into his eyes.

"If you need me, you call," Riley said.

Their gaze on each other like seconds.

Liam brought down the material covering his nose and mouth, kissing her passionately.

Riley shut her eyes tightly, kissing him back, their mouths roaming with longing. He didn't want to leave her side but he had to, with every strength he had he pulled away, covering his face coming backward slowly.

"Be safe" Riley said softly.

"I will," he said finally turning to walk away.

Riley stares for a moment before tearing her eyes away, she covered her face.

Loud gunshots, roaring sounds could be heard throughout the agency, this caught the attention of the whole city.


"This is New York news giving you the latest trend, as of now the ghouls have stormed the agency for a reason we are yet to know. What's the reason behind this hostile and wild sudden behavior of the ghouls, could there be more?" the newscaster said.

The news playing everywhere in the whole city, questions arising.


Section Four

Cody's Resident

Renee carried Rex in her arms when she saw the news, her eyes widen when she quickly increases the volume.

"This is New York news giving you the latest trend, as of now the ghouls have stormed the agency for a reason we are yet to know.

What's the reason behind this hostile and wild sudden behavior of the ghouls, could there be more?".

Renee sat down as she listens, she then quickly dialed Chase's line with her phone, it rang.

"Come on Chase pick up," she said worried, she needed to know he was okay.


Hilton College

Study Hall

"This is New York news giving you the latest trend, as of now the ghouls have stormed the agency for a reason we are yet to know. What's the reason behind this hostile and wild sudden behavior of the ghouls, could there be more?".

Whispers and murmurs filled the study hall as they all gathered a student who watches the news on her smartphone, Edward and Cindy looked at each other in surprise before staring back at the screen.

"The ghouls are attacking the agency?".

"I thought they are always in hiding".

"This is crazy"

"What's their reason behind this?".

The murmurs flood the halls like a plague.

"Do you think Riley is among them?" Cindy asks softly.

Edward gulp.

"She could be," he said certainly.

"Why attacking the agency, ghouls have never done that before," she said.

"Maybe" Edward's eyes shake.

"There's something the agency isn't telling us" he adds gulping hard.

"The agency keeping secrets?" Cindy said with wide eyes facing the screen.


Section Two

Streets Of New York

Trent Mckell heads home when he halts seeing a group of people gathered watching the big screen up the building, he stops.

"This is New York news giving you the latest trend, as of now the ghouls have stormed the agency for a reason we are yet to know. What's the reason behind this hostile and wild sudden behavior of the ghouls, could there be more?".

He froze in shock.

"What the hell is happening?" he said shakily.

In a distance Sid watches the crowd, she curiously walks toward them making sure her face was covered with her cap. She stood beside Trent unknowingly as she watches the news with shaky eyes.


Section Three

Ghoul Investigators Headquarters (GIH)

Ghost was on all fours climbing on the wall charging toward the agents releasing fire. He attacks them in a bloody battle as he devours them whole leaving only bloody remains everywhere.


"Liam as of now there's no sign of the Ghoul killer or the Captain, our plan is working before they get alerted we would have already got Dr. Steve out," Evan said through his comm.

"Roger that," Liam said walking along the bloody halls, he was on the top floor. He stood in front of the elevator, it made a ding sound, and then it opened.

The ghost inside smirking.


Beneath The Agency (Project Z)

The red emergency lights beep In the white long hall, the elevator doors slide open.

Liam gazes upon the long lobby.

Liam and Ghost studied it.

"Let's see where this ends shall we," Liam said.

Ghost growl in agreement as they strolled along the halls, the more they got further and deeper inside, something wasn't right.

"This doesn't look like a prison Ghost," Liam said sternly.

They walked further, studying the place. They got to a place with glass at the other end showing a lab.

"This looks like a research facility" Liam blink puzzled, something was odd, wasn't this supposed to be a prison, but rather it looked like a research facility.

They walk into the wide hall filled with several experimenting types of equipment.

Liam's eyes found his dad, his back facing him.

"Dad" Liam said removing his hood, unveiling his face.

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