Chapter 36 - Black Mission (Part 2)

Steve turns to Liam, he removed the cigar from his lips quenching the bottom on the table.

"You still haven't changed your habit" Liam said seeing the cigar.

Steve forced a smile.

"You have grown Liam" Steve comments as he rises to his feet.

"So did you Ghost" he add facing Ghost who rose an eyebrow at his comment.

Liam froze when he noticed something. 'There's no steel around his neck'. Liam thought in realization. 'What the fuck is going on?'

He needed answers, something was definitely off.

"Aren't you a prisoner here?" Liam asked puzzled. Steve smiles again.

"Why, are you here to rescue me?" amusement in his tone.

"Yes dad, I thought you were dead, I came for you the moment I heard you were in the agency" he said as his eyes shakes.

Steve smirks.

"You shouldn't have come here Liam, you made a big mistake coming here".

Liam blinks puzzled.

"Why would yo-".

"What did you think Liam, that you would come here and save me?" he cuts in.

"I don't understand, what are you talking about dad, what do you mean?" Liam demands.

Steve sighs closing his eyes for a brief second and then opened them, their eyes met, Steve's own void of emotion as his dark looks burns in Liam's confused one's.

Liam didn't expect what he said next.

"Am here on a special project Liam, am not a prisoner, am a worker here on my own free will".

Liam paled, his eyes widen in shock. His dad was working for the agency, that realization struck him hard, all their effort to get him out of here was going down the drain?.

Liam body weaken.

"I thought you were kept here against your will".

Steve was silent, that only meant it was true.

"How could you do this dad, after everything the agency did to our family, to Jenna".

"Jenna death was a result of your carelessness" Steve hissed.

Liam froze.

"She shouldn't have died, now you have to carry the burden of being black ghoul, she was created to subdue Ghost".

"Created? Subdue ghost?" Liam couldn't believe the words he heard.

"Ghost will eventually be too much for you ro handle" Steve said facing a smirking Ghost.

"Jenna was created to share that power" he faces Liam.

"Tell me Liam, you wield the most anicent Claw anyone have ever seen, can you handle it or will you let him consume you".

"I came here to rescue you dad, I did not come here to get lecture about my Claw" Liam said stern.

"I don't need rescue Liam, your purpose for coming here is futile, tell me Liam what are planing on achieving when you get me out of here? Peace? To be heard? Prove to the world that the agency keeps secrets? Do you really think saving me will accomplish that".

"You can testify dad, that will gain the attention of the humans, it was them who created the agency due to fear, once they see their own creation turns back on them they wi-".

Steve laughs, that stops Liam right in his tracks.

"Do you really think that will change the mindset of the humans after years of conflicts?".

"That's a first step to peace, who was the one who always said I shouldn't give up after falling" Liam snaps.

"I admire your courage Liam. We ghouls are mostly ruled by fear from the very beginning, our instinct was always hiding instead of fighting back, the humans are at mercy's peak at our hand, tell me Liam what happens when ghoul decides to fight back rather than fight for peace, there's a big different" Steve said sternly.

Liam gulps hard.

"The main war hasn't began you see, as long as we are being hunted, the instinct to hide away from the world and that fear will slowly begin to turn to not just hate but thirst for revenge, it will keep growing and growing until it becomes unquenchable".

"" he adds sternly.

He checks his watch.

"The agency already knows you're here your plan failed, I have done my part".

Liam froze. Don't tell me. His looks horrified. 'It's a trap'.


Above The Agency

The chaos still ongoing as the battle between ghouls and agents continued. Suddenly several choppers surrounds the agency with bright lights, some agents crashed into through the windows all geared up as they attacked the ghouls with full power gaining the upper hand, taking down the ghoul's one by one.


Evans hands went fast on the keyboard, downloading some files that might help them later.

A red beeping light shine on his laptop.

"What's that?" Evan said scanning through the structure.

"Oh shit!" he exclaimed seeing the footage of the agents storming in.

"No no no, this shouldn't be happening, the agents shouldn't have been alerted" Evan said frighten of what might happen next, this could jeopardise their own plan.

"You shouldn't be here, hacker".

Evan froze when he heard a dark voice. He gulps hard slowly turning to the direction of the voice in a dark corner, a figure present.

"Gho...ghou...ghoul killer".

Seth smirks darkly, his ghoul red eyes beaming in the dark.

"You shouldn't be here" Evan said panicking as he step backwards.

"Tell me hacker do you really think you can come in here without my knowledge" Evan said amused.

"No no tables were left unturned I was sure of it, I covered every tracks of being caught, it can't be a mistake" Evan said shaky as his eyes widen in realization.

'Someone tipped us off, but who'. He thought certain.

Seth tilts his head to the side.

"Smart guy seems like you found out" he said amused but then he frown as his eyes beams more.

"Too late for that" Seth steps into the light.

His body was embodied with series of red veins.

"GET AWAY" Evan shouts as his Claw roars out of him.

Something like a bone came out of Seth's back, it was fast unseen as it came for Evan blood splashing against the keyboard and the controls.

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