Chapter 37 - Black Mission (Part 3)

Above The Agency 

Riley was amidst the chaos, they were fighting and gaining the upper hand until from nowhere another set of agents attacked. 

Riley took harsh breaths hiding behind a wall, loud gunshots raging behind her.

"Riley we don't know what happened, the agency knows we are here" Riley's comm sounds. It was Rory 

"We have to think of something, Liam needs more time to get his dad out," Riley said but the comm went off due to poor connection.

"Shit" she curses, she looks behind the wall, the agents covered most of the areas heading in another direction.

She had to contact Liam, she was worried, she tries reaching him but the stupid comm won't work, their connection was jamming, she knew it had to be the work of the agents. She had no choice but to go beneath the agency, it was the only way.

She steps out but caught the attention of five agents, they halt pointing their guns at her.

"You should just walk away," Riley said sternly as her eyes changes to her ghoul ones.

They stood their grounds ready to open fire.

"I guess not," she said.

The bullets came as Riley charges towards them in a bloody battle.


Rory hid behind a wall as the agent's fires at them.

"Shit! What the fuck is happening?" Rory hissed.

"I don't know," Iris said.

"I can't get through to Riley or Liam," he said pissed.

"Evan, can you hear me? Evan!" Iris said to her comm.

But no answer.

"I can't get through to Evan, he should be able to restore connections," Iris said in a high pitch voice because of the intense gunfire.

"I will go" Rory offered.

Iris nods.

"Be careful okay"

"I will, others are here, and besides" she raised her gun.

Rory rolled his eyes.

"Now go" she hissed. 

Rory rushes out.


Rory got to the control room about opening the door but he froze as he steps on something wet. Puzzled his eyes trail down, his heart slamming a loud beat when he saw blood flowing out.

"EVAN!" he shouts rushing in, his whole body paralyzed when he saw Evan seating on the floor, his back against the wall as he struggles for breath, blood gushing out his lips, a hole in his chest, he shivers in pain. His bloody eyes drifted to Rory, tears streamed down his cheeks.

"NO!" Rory rushed to him.

"Come on buddy," Rory said holding him steady as he laid him on the ground gently. Rory put both his hands on his open chest to stop the bleeding, but it kept coming out.

"Come on kid" Rory in tears. Evan grabs his hand while struggling for breath, his words came out in chocks and blood.

"The..the..the gho..ul..killer. Th..ey k..know we are, am sorry my didn't work" 

"No no kid it's not your fault you did your best, you did well okay, I just need you to stay alive, stay with me Evan please," Rory said sobbing 

Evan forced a smile staring into Rory's teary eyes. He held his hand tightly.

"I ne...nev.. never ha..d...a bro...ther be..fore but am proud..d call," Evan said weakly a smile against his lips, his tears stain in blood.

Rory broke in tears more, he held Evan tightly.

"I promise I won't scold you any more, we could do fun things together anything you want...and...and you can cheat as much as you want I will look" Rory cries. 

"I would lo..ove" Evan smiles more, he was about to say something but then the words didn't come out, his vision fading, his eyes sadden, he still wanted to stay he still wants to hear Rory's voice, he wanted to know if Liam finally got to his dad, he didn't want to die now but death was impartial.

Rory said something but it was inaudible.

Rory paused as in slow motion Evan eyes closed, his hand releasing from his, he gave out-breath.


More tears filled Rory's eyes. He cried as he held Evan's lifeless body. Iris rushed in and saw the scene. She was paralyzed.


Riley was about to reach the last floor when a group of agents came at her. Chase was the one leading them. Riley's eyes widen when they fired at her, her Claw dashed out of her, taking the bullet as she ran to the other hall away from them. There was no way she could get to the last floor now. 

"Liam," she said worried, now the agents knew they were here, they will surely be after him. 

"Come in come in" her comm sounded, she halts, she thought their comms were down.

She heard sobbing sounds.

"Rory?" she said to it worried.

"Evan he's---".

"Evan is dead, it was the Ghoul killer, I repeat it was the Ghoul killer, he's here". Riley's eyes widen at the news. 


Beneath The Agency (Project Z)

Liam's comm sounded, distracting him. Static sounds could be heard.

"Come in come in".

"Rory," Liam said to it.

"Evan's dead, it was the Ghoul killer, the agency has stormed the place, they knew we were coming". Liam froze hearing the news.

"Evan," Liam said as his eyes shake in horror. This was a shock to him. 

"I told you. You shouldn't have come here, it's too late now" Steve said.

Liam's furious eyes land on Steve.

"How could you do this dad".

Steve was silent, no words said between the two. 

Instantly Ghost sense something so did Liam as their brain waved correspondingly but it was too late, in a flash of speed Ghost was sent flying at the wall as he crashes into it with force, the broken blocks buried him. Liam turned but it was too late also.

Something like a long extended bone looking like a spider leg but it was flesh-less. It came at Liam, ducking in his shoulder, Liam shouts in pure pain, another came ducking at his other shoulder, pushing him high up in the wall, pinning him to it.

Liam struggled to break free but it was futile. He growled in pain, his blood dripping.

"It's nice to see you black ghoul or should I call you Liam," Seth said amused.

Liam's eyes widen when he saw Seth, the bones were coming out of his back. Liam watched in horror as Rath came out, it now carrying the bones, four others came out of Rath's back.

Liam's eyes widen in realization.

"You upgraded him," Liam said as blood trailed from his lips. Steve just kept his laptop in his bag and zip it.

"Thank you, Dr. O'Brien, the chopper is waiting for you at the top" Seth said amused.

Steve ignored him with a dark expression as he walked past him.

"DAD!" Liam shouts.

Steve halts instantly.

"Why are you doing this?" he adds with shaky eyes.

He didn't understand, why would his dad do this to him, betray him, betray his kind for what possible reason.

"For a better future Liam".

For a better future? It didn't make any sense, how would betraying him be for a Better Future, this kept stabbing at the back of his head like a drum. There was only one true explanation for this, Steve was working for the agency now.

Steve began walking away nit turning his back. 

"DAD!" Liam shouts again but he didn't turn. Liam kept shouting, kept calling him but he didn't respond.

A tear fell from Steve's eyes as his teeth clench. 'Forgive me, Liam'.. He walked away until he was nowhere to be seen.

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