Chapter 40 - Black Sorrow

"Liam," Riley said softly, the pain in her chest becoming unbearable, she felt gravity leave her body.

"NO!" Liam shouts rushing to her side, quickly holding her in his arms.

"No please," Liam said as the tears forms at the corner of his eyes threatening to fall, it drifts to her bleeding chest, realization struck him that the bone got to her chest.

"You told me you were fine," he said the tears falling out of control.

Riley's hands tighten on his jacket as she struggled to push the pain aside.

"Please don't leave me…please…you promised we would do this together please, please I can't lose you too" Liam cried like he was losing it.

"Am sorry Liam" Riley said as her hand slowly reach for his cheek, she placed her bloody hand on it.

"Riley" he cried.

"Everything will be okay," she said as a tear trailed from the corner of her eye. 

"No it won't, without you it won't," he said sobbing, Liam took her hand on his cheek and held it tightly not wanting to let go.

"Why do they keep hurting us like this, why, why. There's no way ghouls and humans can coexist as one".

"At least we tried it was worth trying, at least we did something," Riley said weakly. Trying to assure him wasn't working, Liam was breaking and that broke her heart seeing him this way. 'Why does fate have to be so cruel'

"All those times I spent with you, those past few months meant everything to me," she said sincerely, Liam meant the world to her in every way.

"I love you, Liam". 

"Riley" he cried. He couldn't bring himself to say the words back to her, knowing she meant goodbye, he held on crying endlessly like a child.

"I want to hear you say it," she said weakly with pleading eyes. Liam shakes his head negatively as he cried and sobs having no control over the way he was feeling.

"Please", her voice fading.

"You know I love you so damn much Riley, so…" he broke more.


Riley watches him with sad eyes, she closed her eyes and cried silently, the tears trailing at the corner of her eyes. 'It's best you know you're only losing me, I can't bear to make you feel hurt more, am sorry Liam' she thought. Her hand slip from his and dropped to the ground onto the puddle of the snow stained by her blood, her lips went apart slightly as she gave out-breath.

"No!" Liam broke holding her body closer to his in a tight grip. 

That moment the snow started again, the flakes dropping on her crimson blood.

"Babe, babe please don't go please, please" he cried. But no answer. This can't be happening to him, it was all too much to handle, she was the only person that mattered and now she was gone, forever.

"RILEY!" he shouts in pain and despair, his voice echoing.

The patrolling chopper came forth shining a surveillance light at them, more came. The loud blades of the choppers sounding in the area. 

"The black ghoul have been located, I repeat the black ghoul have been located" a mic sounds as more choppers came along with SUV that drove in, surrounding them, agents came out pointing their guns at Liam.

They clicked their gun. 

"FIRE" an agent shouts, they release to fire the bullets, as they came.

Liam flashed his beaming ghoul eyes, he raised his head roaring out loudly as his whole body vibrated, and something dashes out of his back that stops the bullets instantly.

The agents froze in pure shock. Ghost was out, the thorns at his back were no longer there but rather two dangerous black wings that spread out largely. Ghost roars out in pain, it sounded loudly like a speaker in the whole city. The agents closed their ears to the intense sound, some managed to fire at Ghost, the raging bullets coming nonstop. Ghost quickly grabs Liam and jumps out, flying, his wings flapping as he did.


*Loud Wailing Sirens*

Ghost flew to the top of a building far away from the scene, making sure they were out of sight from the pursuing agents, he lands on a rooftop dropping Liam in front of him, Liam stood like a lifeless being as the tears kept falling.

"Don't…cry…Liam". A deep dark rough voice sounds Liam raised his head in shock, his bloodshot eyes widen. He raised his head to face Ghost stun.

"Ghost…is…sorry…for…Riley's…death, Ghost…couldn't…protect her…Ghost…is…sorry" Ghost said his words carefully his smile fading.

Liam was bewildered by this. Ghost could speak, Ghost could form words but Liam wasn't bothering about that, right now he was broken.

"It's my fault Ghost," Liam said placing his head on Ghost's stomach that's was sink inside because Ghost was hunching.

"I have no one, only you," Liam said.

"Ghost here," Ghost said as his wings wrap around Liam in a tight embrace.



Three Days Later 

It was a dull day in New York City, with gloomy faces everywhere. That day tons of agents were buried, families of their lost one's crying and sobbing.

Guns shot for the dead. The agency was broken, many losses that could take years to recover from. 

In the falling snow, Chase stood in front of the graves of his colleagues. A bandage around his hand, his one hand hanging with it. He stood there watching the grave until everyone left, his eyes never leaving it until someone came behind him.


Section Two


"It's a dull day at New York City, after the attack on the agency we have been left with nothing but undeniable silence knowing that the ghouls have attempted an attack on us humans. Will we be safe? Will the agency be able to get rid of the ghouls? How long we will be facing such death and sorrow throughout the whole nation. Will there be peace?"

Sid's eyes were glued at the TV, her hands tighten on the cup of coffee, and she turned to face it with sad eyes.

"Here's the latest news feed we got of the black ghoul last seen three nights ago".

She turns hearing it, the footage wasn't clear but she was sure she saw wings as something flew out, she was about to see more when someone took a seat in front of her. She turned and saw Trent. She blinks puzzled.

"Hey!" he said.


Section Thirteen

The Black Lotus 

The back of the mansion was a separate land now filled with graves, their cemetery.

Inside the building was dead silent, few ghouls were around, all had sad faces.

"It's a dull day at New York City, after the attack on the agency we have been left with nothing but undeniable silence knowing that the ghouls have attempted an attack on us humans. Will we be safe? Will the agency be able to get rid of the ghouls? How long we will be facing such death and sorrow throughout the whole nation. Will there be peace?"

"Any news from Liam," Jarvis asked watching the news. 

"No," Iris said sadly.

"Nothing at all" she adds.

"I see," he said, knowing the gravity of everything.

"I don't think he's coming back" he adds. 

"Why do you think so uncle," Iris asked with wide eyes.

"Because after what happened, no ghouls will want to achieve peace," Jarvis said turning his wheelchair to face her.

"But we can still fight right?" Iris said with hope.

"Only time will tell, for now, we grief for our love ones, the people we lost, we lost a lot of good people," Jarvis said with sad eyes remembering Evan.

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