Chapter 41 - Epilogue

Iris walks along the hall lost in thought, after everything that has happened hope was a limit to them.

Sean walks towards her, but he didn't stop.

"Sean" she called, he halts not turning to face her.

"I lost more of my family, Evan and Riley are dead, more innocent ghouls are dead just because of this so-called peace you wanna achieve," he said turning to face her with bloodshot eyes from crying.

Tears fill Iris's eyes as she sobs.

"I can't take it anymore," he said cleaning the tears that fell. 

"Which is why am leaving," he said.

"Am leaving this city for good, even though ghouls are haunted in every country, I don't care, and I will take my chances. It's better than staying in this city that is a reminder of a lot of painful memories" he said with clenched teeth, showing his anger as he walks away for good.

"Sean" Iris said but he didn't turn.


Rory was seated in the garden as he drank from a bottle, he cried silently as he kept drinking. The memory of Evans's death kept playing in his head that will forever haunt him. Iris slowly walked up to him, she took a seat beside her brother.

"Rory," Iris said worriedly.

"He was a very bright kid, so innocent, so smart and funny, and just like that he-" he broke drinking more.

"He died in my arms...I wish I was there for him" he cried and sobbed. Iris held him steady as he cried.

"It's okay," she said softly to him. Rory buried his face in her shoulder.

"It's okay"

Saying it was okay wasn't the case, she knew in her heart that it wasn't, they were lost and broken, picking the broken pieces was a long journey, nothing broken can be placed back to its original state, it was a hard realization they had to face, the black lotus was indeed in a state of beyond recovery, only time would tell.

Back Of the Mansion


The graves were arranged in rows of five. Showing to where Riley's grave was, they built it for her, her name crested on it, Evan's own close to hers. 

A shadow covered it, showing someone was there. It was Liam as he stood hands in his pocket, his dull lifeless eyes glued to the two graves, but then focused on just Riley.

Her laughter, a picture of her smile rang in his head. Her words, the breaths she took, her worried looks, her tears, the first time they met, her enticing green eyes he was always lost in.

"I love you, Liam O'Brien"

It rang in his head, he would do anything to hear her voice again, and her feel her body and share her happiness and sadness but that is all gone now.

The cold wind blew around him and Ghost as they stood watching the graves. Ghost turned to Liam who stood silent.

Liam had an unreadable expression, his brown eyes cold, his stare icy, his features plain. He turns and walks away slowly, Ghost didn't move as he watches Liam's back.

Liam halts, the wind flapping his clothes.

'Could there be a world where ghouls and humans could coexist or a world where one species will rule the world?'

He raised his head watching the skies, Jenna and Riley's dead face reflected in his head, a forever imprinted memory.

'What would become of a world that is driven by pain and revenge, a twisted fate that is unleashed on both sides like a raging fire that can never be quenched?'

He remembered when his own father turned away from him and betrayed him.

'When your Achilles' heel is taken away from you what is left of a man, a man consumed by hatred or a man with a new resolution'

Ghost walks towards Liam and stood beside him. Liam looked down and closed his eyes.

'I will neither be a man consumed by hatred or filled with a resolution. I shall become a plague that drives out darkness. A hero does not exist, only the strong ones are able to fight for a possible reason, only the strong survive'

"I will destroy all of them" his voice was dark and cold.

Ghost turns to him.

"I will bring the agency down, piece by piece until there's nothing left" he adds, he opens his beaming ghoul eyes.

'In this black world, I shall become a plague driving out the darkness where ghouls will have the right to live'

"Ghost will follow," Ghost said reversing back inside Liam. 

Liam walks away leaving the black lotus.


Two Weeks Later 

Section Six

Secret Agency Base 

Chase's car pulled up in front of the base, he got down staring at the place.

Barbra stood at the entrance. He walks towards her.

"Why did you call me here at this time of the night," Chase said puzzled.

Barbra didn't give him an answer, she just turned and walked in. Chase sighs, she hasn't been herself since Seth. Chase just followed her behind, into the base.

Inside looked like a military base but Chase knew there was more to it. They both took the stairs to get downstairs like they were going underground.

"I want you to join me Chase" Barbra finally said.

"I am working on something big, this will surely get rid of the Black ghoul once and for all" she adds the last part with a dark tone.

"What exactly is this big thing," Chase said puzzled.

"The future Chase, the future," She said as they got to a long hall, they stopped.

The wall slowly opened as it made a noise. Chase turned to Barbra, sadness and rage flushing on her features.

"Am sorry about Seth" Chase said, Barbra's looks darken.

The place came in view, it was a medium lab. Chase gazed upon the place as the glass slide open, they walked in.

"This is the Doctor and scientist involved," Barbra said introducing Steve. He turned to them holding a file.

"Dr. Steve," he said as they shake hands.

"Just Steve?" Chase said puzzled.

"Yes, just Steve" Steve said as they turned to face an iron oval tube connected with several wires. It opened showing inside in a transparent form. Chase's eyes widen when he saw what's inside.

"This is the future Chase" Barbra began.

Chase gulps his eyes never leaving the oval tube.

"May the best player win"

To Be Continued....

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